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Level 1 New Miner

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    12/24/2013 8:39 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    yoshiistar's Avatar
    In Game Name: mastergames009
    Skype: YoMamaGotSwag
    Age: 14
    Time Zone: PST (Pacific Standard Time)
    Server Position: Any position
    Your Qualifications for This Position: I am very smart and thoughtful of decisions. I always think before I do any action. I also have a lot of time to be on the server to work on it and make it better.
    Why You Want This Position: I want this position because I believe the server can be a fun a nice community with my help. I'd also want it because I think it would be fun to help around with the server.
    What makes you different from the rest? What makes me different is that I am very intelligent and do not treat others unfairly. I will not drop items for others. I can also skype for long periods of time. I will always listen to my superior unless I think it is a very bad idea and I will always help. The only time when I will not help around is when there is no need for help. Also, I can help advertise the server for my friends and possibly other people to join. I can be very strict, but I am also a chill person and funny guy.
    Would You Help Guardian Realms PvP Grow By Advertising? Yes I would. I could help by telling my friends or make a post on a website. I can also advertise by going on other servers.
    Do You Agree To The Rules Of Being On Staff? Yes. I don't see it though.
    12/24/2013 1:34 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    yoshiistar's Avatar
    Age: 14
    IGN: mastergames009
    Skype: I'll tell you if I am accepted.
    How Can You Help Us Out?I can spend a lot of time on minecraft. If I have to go on a vacation then I will alert the owner how long I will be gone. I have a lot of experience in handling people that have broken the rules. I can be very strict, but at the same time I can be fun and friendly so that the server will not be boring. I may be very young, but I can try my best to support the server. I can slightly build, but it is not so well. I can help around with building and give good ideas for the server. I will try to help everyone as much as I can. I will also take time to think before I ban or kick someone. I will listen to any command my superior tells me unless I think it is not a good idea. I can talk on skype for long periods of time.Also, I can help the beginners start well and make sure I advertise the server to my friends. And most importantly, I will try to improve the fun and the fairness of the server.
    Server Expierence: Alright. I can do some worldediting. I'm not so good with plugins though.
    12/23/2013 6:15 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    yoshiistar's Avatar
    Name: Brian
    Ign: mastergames009
    Are you 15: No, almost though. 14
    Skype: I'll tell you if I am admin. Can't have stalkers.
    Why you deserve to be admin: I can spend a lot of time on minecraft. If I have to go on a vacation then I will alert the owner how long I will be gone. I have a lot of experience in handling people that have broken the rules. I can be very strict, but at the same time I can be fun and friendly so that the server will not be boring. I may be very young, but I can try my best to support the server. I can slightly build, but it is not so well. I can help around with building and give good ideas for the server. I will try to help everyone as much as I can. I will also take time to think before I ban or kick someone. I will listen to any command my superior tells me unless I think it is not a good idea. I can talk on skype for long periods of time.Also, I can help the beginners start well and make sure I advertise the server to my friends. And most importantly, I will try to improve the fun and the fairness of the server.
    Hobbies: Basketball
    Other information we should know: I hope to see growth in players and buildings and I hope to see people have fun.
    If you'd like to ask me anything add me on skype and reply to my application on this post with your skype name.
    Time Zone: PST (Pacific Standard Time)
    12/23/2013 6:09 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    yoshiistar's Avatar
    []1. Username (IGN): mastergames009
    []2. Length of time you've been playing Minecraft: About 2 years
    []3. Attributes that prove you are the best for the job: I can spend a lot of time on minecraft. If I have to go on a vacation then I will alert the owner how long I will be gone. I have a lot of experience in handling people that have broken the rules. I can be very strict, but at the same time I can be fun and friendly so that the server will not be boring. I may be very young, but I can try my best to support the server. I can slightly build, but it is not so well. I can help around with building and give good ideas for the server. I will try to help everyone as much as I can. I will also take time to think before I ban or kick someone. I will listen to any command my superior tells me unless I think it is not a good idea. I can talk on skype for long periods of time.Also, I can help the beginners start well and make sure I advertise the server to my friends. And most importantly, I will try to improve the fun and the fairness of the server.
    []4. Time Zone: PST (Pacific Standard Time)
    []5. Previous positions held on other servers: Admin on one server. Server is closed.
    []6. Do you have Skype (yes or no): Yes Message Me For It
    []7. Number of languages you speak: 2
    []8. In your time, how many hours do you play, daily: At least 1 hour
    12/23/2013 4:33 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    yoshiistar's Avatar
    What are you applying for: Mod Or Admin
    Minecraft IGN: mastergames009
    Name: Brian
    Age: 14
    Skype: (yes or no) Yes
    Skype Name(If you Have It): YoMamaGotSwag
    Plugin Experience: Little
    Experience as staff: I can spend a lot of time on minecraft. If I have to go on a vacation then I will alert the owner how long I will be gone. I have a lot of experience in handling people that have broken the rules. I can be very strict, but at the same time I can be fun and friendly so that the server will not be boring. I may be very young, but I can try my best to support the server. I can slightly build, but it is not so well. I can help around with building and give good ideas for the server. I will try to help everyone as much as I can. I will also take time to think before I ban or kick someone. I will listen to any command my superior tells me unless I think it is not a good idea. I can talk on skype for long periods of time.Also, I can help the beginners start well and make sure I advertise the server to my friends. And most importantly, I will try to improve the fun and the fairness of the server.
    Willing to donate: Maybe.
    Additional info you wish to include: hope to see growth in players and buildings and I hope to see people have fun.
    If you'd like to ask me anything add me on skype and reply to my application on this post with your skype name or just message me.
    12/23/2013 4:28 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    yoshiistar's Avatar
    IGN: mastergames009
    Age: 13
    Building level 1-10: 7
    Have you been staff on any other sever? if so what staff?: One, I was admin. I cannot prove because the server was closed.
    Command experience: Alright but not amazing. 5/10 probably
    World edit experience: Alright too. Can build a little. Also 5/10
    Minecraft experience: 10/10 Been playing for a while. I know pretty much everything like other people. Who wouldn't know that much.
    What country do you live in? for timezones: PST ( Pacific Standard Time)
    12/23/2013 4:17 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    yoshiistar's Avatar
    Name: Brian
    Gender: Male
    Age: 14
    IGN: mastergames009
    Skype Username: YoMamaGotSwag
    Name On Skype: Amanda Tran (Fake Name)
    Time Zone: PST (Pacific Standard Time)
    Yes I can be online everyday for at least 20 minutes. I am able to because I can finish my schoolwork very quickly.
    I been an admin on a small server, but the server has stopped. Sadly, that's all I've been on.
    Why I should be a moderator: I can spend a lot of time on minecraft. If I have to go on a vacation then I will alert the owner how long I will be gone. I have a lot of experience in handling people that have broken the rules. I can be very strict, but at the same time I can be fun and friendly so that the server will not be boring. I may be very young, but I can try my best to support the server. I can slightly build, but it is not so well. I can help around with building and give good ideas for the server. I will try to help everyone as much as I can. I will also take time to think before I ban or kick someone. I will listen to any command my superior tells me unless I think it is not a good idea. I can talk on skype for long periods of time.Also, I can help the beginners start well and make sure I advertise the server to my friends. And most importantly, I will try to improve the fun and the fairness of the server.
    What I cannot do: Unfortunately I will list all the things I cannot do for the server. I cannot do any coding , or work with plugins or anything like that. If I could, I would've made my own server. I also do not build well, so I won't be creating amazing structures. (I might if I have extra time) I also cannot be on in the mornings because of school.
    What I hope to see in the server: I hope to see growth in players and buildings and I hope to see people have fun.
    If you'd like to ask me anything add me on skype and reply to my application on this post with your skype name.
    02/16/2013 6:06 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    yoshiistar's Avatar
    IGN: yoshiistar
    Maturity: Simply Mature I guess 8/10
    Age: 13
    Why should we pick you: I'm very careful on everything I do. I love helping others, it makes me feel awesome . I'm very active and can go on pretty much everyday. I can be really crazy sometimes and act weird, but It's so much fun to play Minecraft. I've been an admin on a server , a mod on another and that's it. Most servers fail to have a good amount of people and they stop going on. I'm ok with any role as staff and I will be fair. I can build fairly decent and have some knowledge of plugins . I would apply for admin , but I feel like having a smaller role for now and you have no mods as it seems. I can be a very important person on your server , and I would love to have the chance.
    How many hours are you on (IMPORTANT): It really depends, I can be on at least 2 hours a day, and If I'm going on a trip I'll tell you early on.
    Can you moderate the chat: Yes ,of course I can
    Email (Optional): I'll Tell You Later
    Skype (Optional): I'll Tell You Later
    Any other details (Optional): I'm sexy
    01/24/2013 8:25 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    yoshiistar's Avatar
    The server Has two IPS One is and the other is Add both IPS because they switch back and forth
    01/19/2013 6:56 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    yoshiistar's Avatar
    IGN: yoshiistar
    (optional) Skype: Meh
    Experiences As Staff: Just a mod on one server
    Why I should pick you: If i get accepted I'll be very active and contribute at least 2 hours a day. If I have to go on a trip I will tell you .I'm a little familiar with commands. I'm not that familiar though. I'm a fair judge and I think carefully on bans. I hope I can apply as a mod and get the role
    Why you want to be an Admin/Mod: I Want to help the server and actually be an admin/mod of a great server
    01/19/2013 6:42 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    yoshiistar's Avatar
    Oops sorry, I just saw the post on needing more builders, don't mind my Mod application if you don't need mods that much.
    01/19/2013 6:41 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    yoshiistar's Avatar
    *What is a flame war?: When people are fighting, crude jokes, insults, etc.
    *Do you have good grammar?: Yes, and I actually noticed grammar is spelled wrong instead of some people who copy and paste. If you don't believe me google it.
    *What would you do about a new player who is spamming you with questions?: I would ask try to answer , I fit's a ridiculous question , I'll tell them to stop. If they don't I'll mute them for a minute , if they still talk back , I'll decide on a harder punishment .
    *What is Power Emoting on forum RP?: I think it has to do with killing and stealing or something.
    *Is Ban always a solution?: No, It's only a solution if they commit a crime repeatedly.
    *IGN: yoshiistar
    Skype: Rather not tell you
    Email: I'll tell you in game, Just remind me
    Anything Else?: If i get accepted I'll be very active and contribute at least 2 hours a day. If I have to go on a trip I will tell you . I've only been a mod on one server , so I'm a little familiar with commands. I'm not that familiar though. I'm a fair judge and I think carefully on bans. I hope I can apply as a mod and get the role

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