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Level 2 Apprentice Miner

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    03/07/2016 6:21 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    zariako's Avatar
    I'd say yes. A server with an even playing ground sounds pretty fantastic to me.
    01/09/2013 9:26 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    zariako's Avatar
    IGN: Zariako
    Position Wanted: head admin
    Experience: Owned several servers so i can help out in anything like below
    -Controlling players/Staff
    Maturity: 9/10
    Building skill: 9/10
    Building Creativity: 7/10
    Skype: Be given if accepted
    01/08/2013 4:16 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    zariako's Avatar
    01/08/2013 3:53 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    zariako's Avatar
    The only issue here is i have tried it the same way in the past and when others tried to join they were unable to... So even though i havent tried yet (I would appreciate if someone would pm me asking for ip to help me try) in the past it has been the same way
    01/07/2013 6:00 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    zariako's Avatar
    IGN : Zariako

    Name : Joshua

    Age : 15

    How long have you been playing Minecraft- Since Alpha

    Why do you want to be part of the staff team : Because of what i can do which i will list below
    -Create/Help create the spawn
    -Make a website
    -Do the perms
    -Suggest plugins to owner
    -Help insert minigames/Other things depending on server type
    -Help Set up donation system, voting system, and help post the server everywhere to get more people
    I can do these because im good at
    -Making Websites
    -Making permissions
    -Dealing with people
    -Setting up and suggesting plugins
    Also i am very experienced. i can be owner/co-owner because i know exactly how to run a server and what to do when its up.
    People really do like me and unless it is a trolling situation i NEVER abuse my powers and mistreat a player!
    You also really will like me and enjoy having me on your server

    Rank your applying for : Owner/Co-Owner
    01/07/2013 12:43 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    zariako's Avatar
    Hey i can do this if it is portforwarded..
    01/05/2013 11:37 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    zariako's Avatar
    Name: Josh
    In-Game Name: zariako
    Skype Name: zariako12
    Age: 15
    Have you bought a server from another company before? No, but i have experience on online clients
    Add me on Skype: Ryanb123123
    01/01/2013 3:46 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    zariako's Avatar
    I HAVE A MAC!!!
    01/01/2013 3:41 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    zariako's Avatar
    IGN: Zariako
    Age: 15
    Do you have Skype and a mic?: MMMHHMMM Accept me and ill tell it to u
    What permissions/plugins experience do you have?: HECK yes if ur using essentials perms, i am ur man Thats GM i suppose and im a pro!! i also can manage all ur other plugins... and help out on other aspects of the server
    01/01/2013 3:25 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    zariako's Avatar
    Operator App
    (Person people go to for commands)
    How old are you? 16 SUPA MATURE!!
    What is your in-game name? Zariako
    What is your Skype name?Zariako12
    Can you help pay? Nope im broke
    What experience do you have being an operator? I have experience with op, and running things, i have owned my own server many many times, been co-owner twice, been admin 7 times. etc.
    Any plugins you are good with? Essentials, WorldEdit, Factions, Citizens, GroupManager, All others(Honestly)
    How well do you know the basic server commands? VERY WELL
    How well do you work with others? Awesome, i am very compliant.
    Why should I pick you? Because i am skilled in every way. I can build, do redstone, work commands, run a server, keep people from breaking rules, keep staff from abusing, and keep owner happy
    How many servers have you been banned from? What for? Idk... But not many and certainly not recently
    Anything else you would like to share? I am amazingly handsome.. All i have to say
    01/01/2013 2:34 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    zariako's Avatar
    What he said
    01/01/2013 2:33 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    zariako's Avatar
    Minecraft Username: (Your in-game username)zariako
    Server Name: (The name of your server)MegaHgCraft
    Home World Name: (The default world players spawn in) Default
    Max Players: (The amount of players that can join) 200 Well idk however much you can take
    Spawn-Animals: (Yes/No) Yes
    Spawn-Mobs: (Yes/No) No
    MOTD: (Message of the Day) (What's displayed under the server name in the multiplayer list) Welcome (name) to MegaHgCraft
    Allow Nether: (Yes/No) Yes
    Default Gamemode: (Survival, Creative, Adventure) Survival
    Generate Structures: (Yes/No) No
    PvP: (Yes/No)
    Whitelist: (Only people on this list can join your server)(Yes/No)
    Allow Flight: (Yes/No)
    Level Type: (Default, Superflat, Large Biomes)
    Ops: (Usernames)
    Operating System: (64bit or 32bit)

    Basic Plugins: (Yes/No) yes
    What type of plugins do you need: (e.g. PvP, Money, etc) Well.. I was hoping for #1 i want essentials #2 VanishNoPacket #3 WorldGuard #4 WorldEdit #5 DisguiseCraft #6 GroupManager #7 Exploding Eggs #8 Something that regenerates chests after each HG match #9 SurvivalGames Plugin #10 Something that give people #'d ranks for when they kill people, if they kill it goes up, if they die it goes down. #11 NoCheatPlus #12 anything else u think a hungergame server needs...

    Anything else you want: I would like access to the control panel but i dunno if u can or will give it to me but THANKS
    12/30/2012 6:41 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    zariako's Avatar
    Good luck getting full staff. I would love to join but im underage. so sorry
    12/30/2012 1:43 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    zariako's Avatar
    Age: 16+ CHECK!
    Have you been banned on a server before? if so why: Well yeah, sadly when minecraft first came out i was a troll, i dont remember it was only like 3 times, but since then like 1 or 2 years ago ive been way better
    How long will u be available a day:7 hrs aprox
    Why i should choose you over the Others?: Because i have more experience and i can do more, i play aprox 7 hrs a day and so i will be able to spend HRS on each, also i can build permissions, i can build in general, i can do redstone i can manage plugins and suggest plugins because i have owned several of my own and i have experience
    ING: Zariako
    12/29/2012 10:49 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    zariako's Avatar
    Application: Anything. but im going for admin+ And i know im qualified

    Minecraft IGN (In-Game-Name):Zariako


    Why do you want to be a staff member on this server?: Because i think its going to be a really fun project not just to make, but to play on and help others play on it when its done.

    Experience? Elaborate: Well.. I have been owner on a bunch of fail servers so i know all the permissions of a server, im a good builder/redstoner/demolitioner:D. I can tell you some good plugins for the server and help with practically anything. And i have been admin on several as well, co-owner on i think 2, and mod on alot. I have been playing since minecraft started. Since VANILLA

    Building Skills? Rate yourself on a scale from 1-10: 8

    Plugin experience, configuring or coding: Like i said i know a ton of stuff about all of this except for coding. though i am learning and i may be able to code soon.

    What will you do as a staff member? Describe: I will help build the server configure plugins and manage staff(if given high rank) and when it is announced to the world. i will help make it popular get votes and get donations, while i keep the players in check to be respectful while having fun

    Are you content to simply remain a moderator at best? Why?: Yes, i would prefer not to be but like i said, to me its about the fun of the project more than the rank but of course i would love a rank

    How often are you able to be on server?: 7 hrs a day if i enjoy it

    Timezone: Western Standard

    Put anything extra here: I am an extremely funny person. i have a real personality and everyone likes me(i think) and at the same time i know how to keep the players intimidated of me so that they dont do anything to the server. I think you would really enjoy having me around!
    12/26/2012 11:15 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    zariako's Avatar


    Name? Josh

    Experience in Apocalypse building? Lots of prior apocolypse servers and modern day buidlings being blown to heck! >:)

    Country? California U.S.A

    In a week, how many times may you go on the server? IDK.. But like 49HrS in a week
    12/26/2012 10:50 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    zariako's Avatar
    Age? (Preferably 15+)LOL i am 15...


    Skype? (Required)Zariako12

    How much time every day could you be on the server? 7hrs

    Are you actually any good at building? HEEL YEA

    Why should YOU be an admin/mod and not someone else? Because i have owned and staffd sooo many servers prior and so i think that i have the best experience of the other people.

    What experience do you have on servers? Ive been owner on 7 servers, i have been co-owner on 3, admin on 3, moderator on 8

    What areas of running servers are you best at? Plugins, building, Keeping people in check from not following the rules, redstone

    Which position are you applying for (Builder or Moderator?) Moderator

    Please Include Screenshots And Ips For Reference! Damnit... Ive played for a long time so i dunno, but if u accept me ill send u a screenshot on Skype
    12/19/2012 5:17 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    zariako's Avatar
    Can you donate?
    12/18/2012 1:27 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    zariako's Avatar
    IGN: Zariako
    Name: Joshua
    Ability to keep order: I am actually very good at this because i have played minecraft since the VERY begining and so i have been on lots of servers and even owned some of my own
    Building: 8/10
    Plugins: 8/10
    Age: 16
    Skype: Zariako12 (please tell me before you add me on skype so ur not some random person)
    Experience: I have owned my own server 6 times, just not had the proper funds to keep them running, i have been co-owner 3 times, elite-builder 2 times, headadmin 3 times, admin 5 times, mod 9 times(Almost all inactive, if u want proof i can give u one)
    Maturity: 10/10 + Lots of Humor
    Anything else? I can tell my friends about your server and try to get them on and i can also advertise on other servers or websites
    12/14/2012 5:44 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    zariako's Avatar
    Why are you worthy?:Because i know everything that u listed above, i have owned several of my own servers before and if you are willing to listen i know exectly how to make a popular server
    Will You be loyal?:Heck yes, if i wanted to be unloyal what would the point of me signing up for this be
    Will You ever backstab me and take over the server?:Never! Also if i did you would just be able to unban urself then ban me so there isnt a point
    And are you capable of running a Server or working together with people?: YEAH i am, last month i owned a server with a friend. Sadly he didnt listen to my ideas and we didnt get donators so the server went down
    Last But not least Do you have any experience in this?:YEAH BABY. I have owned 6 servers in the past so i know exactly how to use what plugin i get, i advertise alot when it is needed, i am strict when needed, but most of all i am told by almost every player that is under me that i am a great owner/admin/mod etc. The issue with the servers that i have owned is that i cant portforward or donate so they never hit off, but they have always been great ideas, also i am an amazing builder, i am awesome with groupmanager and i can do redstone, lastly i will respect you and all of your decisions, you dont need to promote who i want but u can promote whoever you want kind of thing. I hope you like my app!

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