Tundra Toaster - Entry for thebudgie's contest Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Mob Skins / Wolfs

Tundra Toaster - Entry for thebudgie's contest

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stlMitch's Avatar stlMitch
Level 56 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
To budg1e:

Yeah this is mostly a joke skin

Count it as an entry if you want to, I'd completely understand if you don't lol

(I mean, technically I haven't broken any rules soo)

This is an entry (if it's accepted) for budg1e's character contest

I went with theme number 3, which was:
- create an edgy, rude character
- powerful, independent

- hobbies: art
- favorite color: white
- favorite animal: ?

- environment where they live (changeable): tundra

Backstory - TL;DR included
Roughly 11 years ago, a professional photographer was hired to take some landscape pictures of the snowy Russian tundra.

The photographer met up with their team at an airport just outside the tundra, and while they were loading supplies onto the helicopter that they'd be using, the pilot got hungry.

So they took a break and had some toast, which happened to be the best toast the pilot had ever had in their life. It was so good that while nobody was looking, the pilot stole the toaster and hid it in the helicopter.

The next day, it was time to set out for the journey ahead. The team would be out exploring the tundra for 7 days, and they'd be on their own. They departed from the airport and flew off into the barren landscape.

After a couple hours, the photographer spotted the perfect area. It was a nice clearing, with a heard of what looked like deer nearby.
The helicopter landed gently, and the photographer rushed out to set up their camera. The pilot got out of the helicopter to help with the setup, but they left side door open. The toaster fell out, and landed with a soft thud in the snow.

Once the photographer was satisfied with their work, the team moved everything back to the helicopter, and they took off in search of their next area. The toaster was left behind, and was very angry about being abandoned in the snow. But it's a toaster, so it couldn't really do anything about it.

After a week had passed, a layer of ice had frozen on the toaster. The heard of deer returned, and one of them noticed the helpless toaster. Interested, the deer wandered over and gave the toaster a sniff. It still smelled like perfect toast, and the deer loved it. The deer grabbed the toaster by the plug and brought it over to the heard, where all the other deer had the same reaction: They loved the smell. The heard took the toaster with them, since it smelled so good, but they couldn't figure out how to eat it.

And from then on, that's how the toaster lived. Riding on the back of a deer, letting its cord drag in the snow, creating a smooth line along the deer hoofprints. The toaster still continues this peaceful life even today, and as long as that heard stays together, the toaster will keep going.

Helicopter pilot accidentally drops stolen toaster in middle of the Russian tundra.
Local deer heard says "wtf is this thing" to the toaster and decides to keep it.
Extra character information
Name: The deer named it Aaaaa, which means "aaaaa" in deer
Age: 15 (4 years in use at the airport, 11 in the wild)
Gender: Toaster
Manufacturer: Unknown
How a toaster fits the theme
- create an edgy, rude character
The toaster has sworn revenge against humanity after being abandoned in the snow, and vows that if it's ever picked up again, the toaster will burn every slice of bread it can.

- powerful, independent
The toaster survived a week in the barren Russian tundra without any help, and it would've continued this if it was never found by the deer
Also powerful because it's apparently sentient I guess

- hobbies: art
As the toaster is carried along by the heard of deer, it drags its plug on the ground, creating a perfect line among the hoofprints.
Because of this, it considers itself to be quite the artist.

- favorite color: white
The color of the snow it's adapted to live with.

- favorite animal: ?
Deer. Specifically the heard of dear that carries it around.

- environment where they live (changeable): tundra
It lives in the snowy Russian tundra.
Nope, this doesn't break any rules.
- all PMC website rules apply
Pretty sure this doesn't violate anything

- you may NOT steal another person's skin, whether or not for this contest. Bases are NOT allowed
Nope, didn't steal this.

- skins MUST be made for this contest (if its a past character that hasn't been skinned yet, it works!)
Yeah I've made this style of toaster before, but I didn't copy/paste any of them.

- HD skin are NOT allowed
Not HD

- you may NOT use offensive titles, tags, or descriptions
I sure hope nobody is offended by a toaster

- you may NOT bully, harass, etc. any other contestants.
I'd never

Also you never said anything about mob skins, and since you've already accepted one as an entry, I assume that it's fine

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03/21/2021 11:15 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Birb
budg1e's Avatar
omg this is PERFECT

I guess it could count?? and yea I love the backstory and stuff and u nailed the execution of the skin cause it definitely looks like a toaster


ngl this will probably win XD...
03/21/2021 11:26 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
stlMitch's Avatar
lmao I'm glad you like it, I fully expected you to deny it cause... well, it's a toaster
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