Minecraft Mods

[1.12.2] Payable Command Signs

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FEX___96's Avatar FEX___96
Level 78 : Legendary Engineer
Payable Command Signs

This mod allows you to setup payable (although that part is also optional) signs on your world/server, there are more than one sign "type" and more may be added in the future.

Example use cases:

- setup a sign at your server spawn giving free cookies or other proviant to new players
- setup a sign at an inn/bar serving up to 2 times soup every 12 hours
- setup a sign that runs a command to give the player a region (e.g. in worldguard) for a set price and duration
and make it run another command after the duration to take the region away

WARNING! All commands added into a sign via this mod (by default) get executed by the server!
Meaning usually any command will pass, similar as if an operator executed it.

Dependencies: FCL & FSMM (Money/Currency providing mod, with configurable items!)

Bilibili Video: www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Bg411E7gb/

More informations & usage in the Wiki!
If in doubt, feel free asking on our Discord.
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.12.2

3 Update Logs

2.0 : by FEX___96 09/14/2023 3:03:40 pmSep 14th, 2023

- added UI for quicker and more comfortable sign editing
- various fixes and improvements

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