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StickminReve3_YT's Avatar StickminReve3_YT
Level 21 : Expert Crewmate
The German nation of Aderfels!

Not finished yet so not downloadable.








Others coming soon!
Progress5% complete

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04/30/2023 8:27 pm
Level 21 : Expert Crewmate
StickminReve3_YT's Avatar
lost the map. starting over :(
02/12/2023 5:04 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Architect
misterich's Avatar
Was soll der Mist? Da Bild unscharf und es gibt noch nichts? Warum lädst du dann nicht hoch, wenn es was zum Vorzeigen gibt?!

Und was die Namen betrifft; Düsseldorf - hättest ja zumindest Köln nehmen können.
Und der Rest ist einfach eine reale Stadt mit einem deutschen Sonderzeichen reingemogelt. Kann man ja mal machen; aber immer? Und dann nicht einmal ein 'ß'? Nimm doch lieber ein paar altdeutsche/englische/skandinavischen/niederländischen Bezeichnungsstück mit rein. Aus Dorf machst du zumbeispiel Thorp,, aus hof einen hoof, der Wald für zu einem först, hain oder gehölz. Berg geht mit Bergh oder Stejn auch ganz gut. Für Burg kann man auch gut Borg, Börg, Burgh, Borgh oder Bug nutzen (wobei Bug eigentlich eher Bucht heißt - aber ohne wissen assoziert man das sofort mit Burg).
02/12/2023 8:04 pm
Level 21 : Expert Crewmate
StickminReve3_YT's Avatar
Listen i get the feeling. tjis map was for me to download so i could continue working on it as i went on holiday rn. and i used the blurry world icon cos i didnt have time to get a proper photo. and your ideas sound good too. though Dusseldorf is named after a wealthy german town in real life so i decided to take that. also the thing is not finished and this wont be made public anymore until Altenberg is finished. The thing is only fullt finished if all the towns are done sooo...

Edit: also i would like more ideas from you too
you can tell me later...
02/13/2023 8:48 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Architect
misterich's Avatar
"Dusseldorf is named after a wealthy german town in real life" - yes I know; I live closly to Düsseldorf. Because of the namings I tought you would be German; but now I am sure you're not so; the Bundesland (simliar to an US state) of Nordrhein-Westfalen, where I live in and Düsseldorf is capital of. Inside the Rheinland we have an own carinval tradition. One part of the carnival tradition is the hostility from almost all other Parts of Rheinland against Düsseldorf. As someone from the Köln (Colonge) area I have not a good oppion about Düsseldorf. That's just the background.

For the naming; on my RP-world I have a larger mostly Germaniced Region names Nordera. Unlike much other areals of the RP world the cities, castle and abbey are not named by historical or real places like in the Roman or Egyptian area.

For Nordera almost all names are combinded by two word. The first one mostly a name, an animal, a colour, something geographical, a produkt or a description of the areal. The second one is a namefore of what it is or about the areal. The names itself are german, icelandian, norge, danish, english oder dutch. Sometimes I change a few letters with historical similars.

Here a few Examples:

Dökkhain - Dökk (icelandian - dark) + hain (a german word for a forest) | Dökkhain ist the name of a forest and town inside the forest.

Föxbug - Föx (Fox but with an 'ö' - sometimes you can do it that way ;) ) + bug (norge: bukt - bay | kt is similar to g) | Föxbug is small but rich town. It holds a harbour and is a merchant centre. Beside that there are lots of foxes around the town.
Wassenstejn - Wasser (german for water) + stein (stone - but maybe here better to translate with hill. In old german and latin 'j' and 'i' were used similar)
Mörrford - Mörr is an old and rare family name. Ford is ford (in german it would be a furt like seen in real Frankfurt - frankish ford)

I hope you understand my system. It is also not so far from how real germanistic city/town names are created. Most times the real names of cities and towns are a mix of two or more words or a blurred latin name - but the latin way is much harder; best seen in Köln (Cöln, Colgone, Colognie, Colonia, Colonia Aggripina), Aachen (originated from Aquis Grannum), Neuss (Novaesium), Mainz (Mogonatium), Trier (Augsta Treverorum), London (Londonium), Colchester (Camulodunum), and much more. For this way I cannot give you a good best practice way.
02/26/2023 10:56 pm
Level 21 : Expert Crewmate
StickminReve3_YT's Avatar
Interesting. Those german town ideas could be villages outside the major towns like Altenberg and Mulenhof
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