Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

Antypodium : (NPCs + Little story) (+ server [now fixed I hope])

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Antypodish's Avatar Antypodish
Level 14 : Journeyman Engineer
Hi All,

Please be advised, I have attached really few pictures on main page, to not spoil nice surprise, as some my like. This show barely very few percent what is there :) However, video link and link to more pics are attached below in a spoiler.

Brief contemplating:

Spoiler - click to reveal
2 Years past, since I started this project. Somehow never could back to it. I am not saying it is finished. Well still not even close to finish, nor I think, I will ever finish it. It fills like project infinity. I always add something new, and new and again new features.

This time same happened. Something different I have added, which are NPCs and little story.

Well, briefly I just started it. So where it goes, I have no clue? Depends on your interest.

So I would like present a little story based on Custom NPCs mode.
The story briefly is about recapturing the town, which was invaded by demonic forces.
Most of population have escaped, have been killed in the struggle, or has been mind controlled be daemons.
You have been chosen, to lead a team of refuges and mercenaries, to recapture the town.
Soon you will find out that task however, will not be easy.
Will you be able to deal with a tragic situation, which hit the town Antypodium?
Time will show.
Story is not too extensive and rather linear, but it creates rather a challenge. How you going to approach, is up to you. And you can do it on many way, creating this way non-linearity.
I do really wonder, what people think. :)
Since this is very early version and rather experimental, I can not guarantee the story balance.

Never the less, I would like ask you for a feedback on this project.

I have already spent some time on it, building it by my own. But I plan to do much more yet.
No much of description for now, as I would like you to discover more and explore for your self. Now you have a chance.
There will be places, which are undeveloped yet, nor have NPCs. So I do apologize in advance.
Also expect lots of grammar and spelling errors :huh:


- Antypodium V0.19.zip Map (46 MB), or Server address based on map version V0.20 IP: (
- What you are required, is to download NPCs mod (official link below). However, without this mode, you should be able simply to explore the map. All NPCs will be deleted.

Then simple rules are:

- Adventure mode
- No swimming allowed (imagine it is a winter and is cold :) )

What briefly is there (This is spoiler, if you like surprise, do not read :) ):

Spoiler - click to reveal
On hills:

1. Castle, with chambers, prison, barracks and crown hall
2. Royal Garden
3. Palace
4. Bank
5, shops (non decorated)
6. Tunnels
7. Houses (some non decorated)
8. Oracle


1. Shops
2. Hoses
3. Pub
4. Weaving Mill
5. Lumber Mill
6 Theater
7. Crane
8. Port
9. Fire department
10. Plantasia
11. Forge


Water Gate
2 Volcanoes

And some more....

In plans to build are more buildings, one or more bridges, decorate houses and shops in hills, Need to rebuild a water gate. Additionally there will be few farms near by.

Enjoy and please comment, maybe with suggestions ;)

Additional Notes

MC version:

- 1.7.10 (but should work with anything later, as long you have matching mods)
You can play also without any mods below, but without features.

Used texture pack:

- DocuCraft Saga Light (http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/resource-packs/1232237-dokucraft-the-saga-continues)

Used Mods:

- Forge (compatible with a server) (available here http://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/net/minecraftforge/forge/index_1.7.10.html)
- OptiFine_1.7.10_HD_U_D1 (available here http://optifine.net/downloads)
- Custom-NPCs-Mod (available here Official forum thread to Custom NPC, and/or All versions of Custm NPCs)

Used Shadders:

- SEUS-v10.1-Ultra (http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/1280299-sonic-ethers-unbelievable-shaders-v10-1)

More pics and video from old part of the project are available below (avoid if you like surprise and exploring):
Spoiler - click to reveal
pics here

Spoiler - click to reveal
Full, or any part of this project can be modified, distributed and utilised freely in any way, as long it is not for profit.
In any other case, please contact me.

If you create anything that you may think is interesting, for example youtube video, please share to our community, so we can subscribe and like.
Progress45% complete

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by Antypodish 03/15/2016 6:29:28 pmMar 15th, 2016

Just small update to the server, as I noticed, people were unable to connect, even server was available.
Fixed I hope.

I had extra mode, which I had to take out from the server and I have also unspecified required version of the forge, which is
- Forge (available here http://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/net/minecraftforge/forge/index_1.7.10.html)

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03/11/2016 3:50 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Senpai
GrayRemnant's Avatar
Looks great so far! Keep it up!
03/11/2016 7:49 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Engineer
Antypodish's Avatar
I will try to keep up with a demand :)

I am preparing slightly modified server version. But still wondering of the result.
03/08/2016 6:28 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Engineer
Antypodish's Avatar
O, I see quite of interest in this project.
Surprised positively. Thank you all.

I do wonder, if I purchase the MC server, to let this project run on it, as well, as any further updates, would be people interested to play? Or rather prefer the download?

I could consider following option, but also open minded.
Lets say, restart every 4 hours, or 24 hours.
This would allow to do the story with your friends and other players,

Any thoughts?
03/07/2016 4:05 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Engineer
Antypodish's Avatar

Even myself falling into a love all the time, when looking through screenshots of my monstrous creation :)

But perhaps it is even greater, when you see on your own.
To be honest, I have no clue, how all map would look like, with different texture pack. I get so much just to docucraft.
03/07/2016 1:38 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Architect
0din34's Avatar
Planet Minecraft


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