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3GreyLeaves's Avatar 3GreyLeaves
Level 17 : Journeyman Miner
Hello Minecrafter. This is a Survival Map named Chunky Lands. You spawn on a 16 by 16 forest biome where you have to gather resources to expand and explore other chunks and biomes. There is a lot to do as it is possible to get every item, but some items are limited or very difficult to obtain. This is a great way to test your skill as it is possible to go to the Nether and also The End. Explore, prepare, and fight like you've never done before.

Works with 1.6 & 1.7



- Make a suitable house (can be underground  :D
- Destroy and loot 1 dungeon (should get a melon seed)
- Travel to 4 other islands
- Make a bed
- Obtain a good supply of food (can use animals or farm)
- Find 1 patch of diamonds (most patches are 4-5)



- Tame a cat
- Ride a horse (or a pig, close enough)
- Make a 2nd house out of different material
- Destroy 3-5 dungeons (should find carrots and potatoes)
- Make a portal to the nether (doesn’t matter where you make it)
- Make an enchanting table
- Travel to all main islands on earth (there are only 9 visible)



- Collect a blaze rod
- Travel to the 10th island (use ender pearl to find)
- Destroy all 7 dungeons and collect the goods (blaze and silver fish don’t count)
- Bring a Mooshroom back to the 9 islands


I’m so Pro:

- Enchant a bow with infinity (will find a book in a dungeon)
- Collect 11 ender eyes
- Travel to the End (bring lots of cobblestone)
- Destroy the Dragon (the dragon will not spawn right away. This should give you time to travel a bit and make a temp base)


This section are pointers that I've learned from playing.  I hope they help.

Help with finding Dungeon:

- There are a total of 7 spawners
- 1 under the forest, extreme hills, river, ocean, and desert. 2 under the mooshroom island.
- Easiest way to find a dungeon is to dig to the center of the island, make a spiral staircase down.
- It is best to keep the skeleton spawner alive so you can grind and get lots of bone meal.
- The 4 dungeons on the corners have a type of dimand armor. Find them all and you will have a full set.
- Every dungeon has an ender pearl. U can save them up if you want to go to the End, or use them for crafting.

Help with getting Ores:

- If you build 3-5 blocks away from the island, you will be able to look down and see ores on the sides.
- There are 2 diamond ores that are booby trapped. So be careful.
- When finding diamonds, best to dig around 7y-10y


- Animals are specific to different areas. It is best to breed the animals before killing them.
- If you’ve been playing for a while, Animals will spawn in naturally (but it’s random)
- When bringing animals over bridges, best to have the bridge at least 3 wide.  
- When moving animals, only move 2 of them and leave the rest behind.  That way if something bad happens, you still have the others to breed and try again.  (I actually had to do this once)


- When making a bridge to the blazes, best to cover it from all sides so the blazes don't knock you off
- Best to make your bridges using slabs.  If you can't put a torch on it, mobs can spawn on it.
- Don't kill the chickens right away.  Try to capture all 5 of them and breed them for your first food supply.
Progress100% complete

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07/14/2014 11:50 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Architect
olidude226's Avatar
you should post a blog with some goals and stuff. That would be pretty cool
07/16/2014 4:27 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Miner
3GreyLeaves's Avatar
In this world, anything is possible, so I felt like setting up goals was pointless, but sure, I'll add one  :D
07/19/2014 4:47 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Architect
olidude226's Avatar
I look forward to seeing it :D
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