Minecraft Maps / Air Structure

Dapalan Station

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Homeland Server's Avatar Homeland Server
Level 22 : Expert Network
The space station Dapalan in orbit around the angel moon of the Homeland is a relay hub between the planet and any incoming starship traffic too large to land on the surface. It supports an hourglass superstrucure that houses living quarters and other accomidations. Currenlty under retrofit to support additional tech research labs, a transport bay and a drydock. When the station is complete it will act as the hub for all starship traffic in the Homeland sector. 

  **Schematic Pending Completion**   


1.) Living Cabins - under construction 50%

2. Transport Bay  - under construction 50%

3. Tech Labs - outer hull complete 50%

4. Cargo Bay - under construction 10%

5. Drydock -  under construction 0%

6. Merchant Cabins -  under construction 50% 

7. Command Deck (undergoing retrofit) 10%

Please Diamond if you like the design!

Note: Please notify me if you are going to modify or improve upon any of these builds. Additions are always welcome for anyone who wants to help but please give credit where credit is due.
Progress45% complete

1 Update Logs

Addition of transport bay shell structure & shuttle : by Homeland Server 02/23/2014 10:05:57 pmFeb 23rd, 2014

In addition to completing the exterior shell and sheilds to the primary transport bay there has been a few additions worth mentioning. Added a shuttle to transport bay along with two frigate docking tubes on the lower section of the station. Drydock concepts and fighter bay concepts have been completed and building should start early this week.

Update Progress

1. Shuttle Bay

2. Transport Shuttle

3. Frigate Docking Tubes

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10/11/2019 11:46 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Samuel_Bernthal's Avatar
will this ever be finished? this looks like a really cool design and i would like to download it :D
03/28/2014 4:40 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
s-117's Avatar
Good luck on finishing it.
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