Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Old School Keralis Style

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Tribso's Avatar Tribso
Level 22 : Expert Architect
Hey everyone!

So after watching Keralis do a build in the same modern style that he started building in I was inspired to make my own house in a similar fashion. I started with an elevated entrance just as Keralis did, but then I let my imagination run wild and ended up with what you see before you.

I hope you all enjoy!
Progress100% complete

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02/21/2013 11:42 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Miner
Kidnip's Avatar
Im Back on dude and I got the server we need to pleay to make a house so PLEASE talk back as soon as you can cuz i know where still BFFs!

your bro
02/22/2013 6:57 pm
Level 22 : Expert Architect
Tribso's Avatar
Hey man! Ya I would love to build with you soon! I'm just like SUPER busy with life right now, and I have barely been able to play any Minecraft at all in the past month or so. As soon as I have some free time we can set something up! It will be tons of fun!

Pancake slayer
01/04/2013 11:44 am
Level 38 : Artisan Architect
Pancake slayer's Avatar
This is a nice house good work dude
01/04/2013 2:30 pm
Level 22 : Expert Architect
Tribso's Avatar
Thanks! I just have one question for you, why would you want to slay pancakes? They taste so good! :P
Pancake slayer
01/04/2013 6:05 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Architect
Pancake slayer's Avatar
i eat them after the slaying part, that way i get to eat free
01/05/2013 6:23 pm
Level 22 : Expert Architect
Tribso's Avatar
Haha nice man :)
01/04/2013 5:09 am
Level 73 : Legendary Architect
Rolofolo's Avatar
I can see true your other project uploads you have really grown overtime! Good job.

Think you still need to work on some details. Like in the 5th screenshot you see a broken line above the staired entrance. That is not how Keralis would make his build ;)

It's all about making strong lines in your build.

Are you member of WOK allready? Hope to see you there :)
01/04/2013 2:29 pm
Level 22 : Expert Architect
Tribso's Avatar
Thank you so much!

Yes that section above the stairs gave me a lot of issues and I was never very happy with it and after trying a few different things I just settled with that design anyway. I appreciate the constructive criticism though :)

And yes I am a member of WOK, I just don't build on there too often. I usually join to look around for some inspiration then return to my own server to build :)
01/04/2013 2:47 pm
Level 73 : Legendary Architect
Rolofolo's Avatar
No thanks, I like debating people there work (and my own). You should try and build on WOK. Because there you can aspect a even higher learning curve! :)
01/05/2013 6:24 pm
Level 22 : Expert Architect
Tribso's Avatar
Haha alright :)

Maybe I'll find some time to come on and build a little bit
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