Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure


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seriouswarrior's Avatar seriouswarrior
Level 39 : Artisan Fox


This map is a much more chilled version of my PHLAT SLYMES map.

Now, instead of Hardcore Mode, you are in regular old Survival Mode, with a few new objectives/achievements replacing some of the ones which were exclusive to my other map. So, if you think you're the boss of MineCraft, go on over to PHLAT SLYMES and knock 'em dead! Otherwise, if you prefer something a little more comfortable, PHLAT SLYMES (N00B-IFIED VERSION) is the map for you!

"PHLAT SLYMES (N00B-IFIED V.)" is an open-world fort-defense N00B-IFIED version of the original PHLAT SLYMES survival map, taking place in the in the dangerous, hostile environment of the Flatlands. Although a nice list of 50 ACHIEVEMENTS is included in the game, your main goal is to survive. In the original version you only had one life!! But I N00B-IFIED the map to make it to where you can change the difficulty and have infinte lives! Lucky for you! Now's your chance to prove: What can you do with so little resources? Can you survive? And can you actually acquire all the achievements? Well, you'll find out, if you download "PHLAT SLYMES - N00B-IFIED VERSION." and play your way through it! Let me know in the comments how you did! Thanks! :D

You start out in a small enclosed space resembling a fort with a trench surrounding the outside of it. Within the fort lies a bed, a furnace, and two chests filled with materials you are going to need to survive, not to mention the few items you have in your inventory. USE YOUR MATERIALS WISELY - YOU MAY ONLY GET ONE SHOT AT SOMETHING!

Your 50 Achievements:
1. Set your spawn.
2. Build a second story onto your fort.
3. Reinforce your fort walls.
4. Kill a zombie with cocoa beans.
5. Create an endless water generator.
6. Collect a stack of 64 slimeballs.
7. Collect a stack of 64 rotting meat.
8. Collect a stack of 64 dirt.
9. Collect a stack of 64 cobblestone.
10. Collect a stack of 64 netherrack
11. Create a functional portal to the nether.
12. Build above the clouds.
13. Build a mob trap.
14. Make a garden.
15. Jump into the abyss.
16. Make a new set of armour.
17. Fill up an entire large chest with items.
18. Wear out all your wooden tools.
19. Make a crafting table.
20. Make an enchantment table.
21. Rename your preferred weapon.
22. Ride a pig.
23. Tame a wolf.
24. Make a compass.
25. Make a cake - and never eat it.
26. Make a hostile mob fall into the abyss.
27. Make a clock.
28. Catch a fish.
29. Teleport using an ender pearl.
30. Make a potion.
31. Kill a zombie pig man.
32. Kill a skeleton with a bow and arrow.
33. Kill a creeper with your fists (without exploding it).
34. Kill an armoured hostile mob.
35. Make a snowman.
36. Mate two animals of your choice.
37. Enchant something.
38. Create an outbuilding.
39. Survive an entire night somewhere outside your fort.
40. Dye your dog's collar.
41. Make a bookshelf.
42. Blow something up with TNT.
43. Make a cookie.
44. Kill a hostile mob with lava.
45. Use the block of bedrock you've been given.
46. Catch something on fire (TNT doesn't count).
47. Find the secret chest. (HINT: It's less than a map-view distance from your fort.)
48. Kill a bat.
49. Make a painting.
50. Kamikaze into a creeper once you complete the other 49 achievements!

Additional Notes

Comments are always welcome!!
CreditGod, because He is awesome, and me, SeriousWarrior
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by seriouswarrior 12/01/2013 12:30:23 amDec 1st, 2013

Download link NOW AVAILABLE! Hope you guys enjoy! :D Lemme know what you think!

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11/25/2013 2:02 am
Level 39 : Artisan Fox
seriouswarrior's Avatar
This is a comment :3 Pretty cool, huh?
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