Minecraft Maps / Redstone Device

Redstone Fireplace Secret Entrance

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jester47's Avatar jester47
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer

Hey guys,jester47 here, and this is my first upload!!! So before you write me off as another "whatever you were gonna write me off as" hear me out. I am a redstoner. Now there are many redstoners who always make the same kind of stuff. I am not like that. You could use the word spontaneous to describe me. If I feel like it, I'll go for it, and usually I can make something worth a pat on the back. Now you might be thinking "dude you made a little 2 piston thingy that does the retraction thing that I've seen a million times before" or "pffhhhtttt". If one of these thoughts crossed your mind, burn them with fire. Firstly: This build was not easy. It took about an hour to get the first prototype down, and another 30 minutes or so for the compact version.It's more complicated then it looks. Second: While mildly spontaneous, this is not a super exiting build. This falls into my "useful builds" and not my " if you have way to much stuff on survival here is something completely and utterly useless but still awesome for you to build" category. So I'd say, it will get better,but I decided to post this because, hey, who doesn't like secret entrances.

About the build
So now that we are here, time to get serious. I know, I know "Why serious" but as some random guy probably thought up before me " there is a time to be crazy and a time to be a little less crazy" you know just for a little bit. Ok, so, this contraption I have built, basically takes a fireplace, which consists of two lighted nether rack, moves them out of the way and replaces them with stairs. Then does the opposite.

Just a note
At this point I would like to point out something that cheeses me off. (don't be hating my use of the word cheeses there, it's acceptable, don't judge me) Many redstoners, when posting something, will post something to the affect of "this is what it does, Diamond/subscribe". Now, there is nothing wrong with that, but to serious redstoners, who actually care about figuring stuff out, are left to scramble through the world save hoping to find something useful. So, this to say, I will not be doing this. I will not listen to your complaints, telling me " Wait what" " Make it stop" or "is this English". I am going to have a "basically" and an "very much less basically" section. So if you don't care, see the section above. If you do get ready to travel the complicated world of redstone.

About the Build 2
If you didn't get the jist of the above section, here I will go over the redstone thoroughly and about my problems and how I solved them in making this. If I were you, I would download this before reading this section. So you can follow along. So the hard part, with this build was the fact that I needed it to go both ways, with one lever. This was new grounds for me, when I was building this. My biggest tip: don't limit space. Not saying you can't go like " don't go above ground" or something like that, but if you were reading the above section, you might notice I said " the first build" then "compact it". These are, and should be, separate. So my first build was nowhere close to as compact. Going back to the whole one lever thing. First: I made the whole blocks retract, replace with stairs thing. ( I'll go into detail in a second) Second: I found out what other things,pistons or redstone connections, needed to be added in order for it to work. Third: I made sure that the right pistons got signals at the right time, practically working backwards, because I had to make it retract when it turned off. How it works: when the lever is flipped off ( remember it starts out on to be a convincing sink :D) the already on pistons holding the nether rack and the two sandstone infront of them, retract pulling the sandstone down and the nether rack to the side. The only thing not in place at that point are the top two stairs. I made redstone run through a torch negating the signal for two of the pistons. So when the lever was pulled it became the only thing that turned on instead of off. This process was delayed (with repeaters) so that right after the pistons retracted with the sandstone it double extended two stairs that replaced them. That was the easy part (If you just said "easy 0.0" don't worry this is not really very easy it just was the less complicated part of the build) So with that down I had to make a system that put the sandstone back. (Note. the nether rack would automatically go back becuase it wasn't being replaced just moved. So to make this part of the build, I added the same double extender to the opposite side. but when tested it wouldn't budge because the other extender would go at the same time blocking them from moving. Since the pistons that pulled the redstone down received power when the flip was switched back off. I just needed to change the timing so that the pistons wouldn't push back up until I made the sandstone re-replace the stairs. So after a little timing tinkering "viola!" a working fireplace entrance. If you want to see all the timing just download the world and look at it. I decided against doing " this powers and then this powers, at the same time this powers" because that's boring. One more thing, you might not have noticed, but this actually does relight the fire. it uses a trick I found out with fire charges and dispensers. Just look at the world or the pictures to see how to place them. (Note. the hoppers you see in the photos are just extra fire charges)


Wrap up
Well everyone take a deep breath..................................hold it.............................now let it all out. That was a lot to take in (speaking to the people who read the complicateder section) So try not to explode. You made it this far and we all, meaning me, applaud you. You may be wondering "Why do you care enough to spend 1 hour to write something probably only 20 people are gonna see" well I'll tell you...I hope to see more stuff on PMC that people take their time on, not just trash they hope to get a little XP from. I spent a lot of time writing this, almost as much time as actually went into the build.I mean this could be a blog. (lol) So guys I hope you enjoyed, go out there and make something.-jester47

And one more thing...
I know I know but its gotta be in here.......Please diamond and subscribe, for more redstone contraptions,and maybe some blogs, you never know. I really hope this made you laugh. If you have any suggestions at all, just leave them in the comment section. I really like feedback and ideas. (IDEAS YEESSSS!!!) and I love chatting with people so if you have any questions feel free to PM me or comment. Thanks for all your time.

Jester47 out.
Progress100% complete

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boy toy name troy
05/22/2013 10:11 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Fish
boy toy name troy's Avatar
My gosh. You write a lot.
05/22/2013 10:18 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
jester47's Avatar
yep :D
05/22/2013 7:33 pm
Level 1 : New Network
Foxgott16's Avatar
I made a video response to this post. Hope you like this.
All the best fox.
05/22/2013 7:45 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
jester47's Avatar
Thanks for your response. Your version is very cool. :D
05/22/2013 7:45 pm
Level 1 : New Network
Foxgott16's Avatar
:) thanks!
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