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Galpro0's Avatar Galpro0
Level 11 : Journeyman Miner
¡¡¡¡Bienvenidos a SPLATMINE!!! Un mapa que he creado basado en el conocido juego Splatoon. ¿Y que podemos hacer? Pues muy sencillo: poder jugar con nuestros amigos en épicas batallas de tinta, donde usaremos diversas armas para poder entintar. Pero para obtener estas armas deberemos de ganar experiencia y subir de nivel. Así cuantos mas niveles tengamos, mejores armas conseguiremos.

SPLATMINE ha sido creado gracias a la inspiración de diversos mapas de Splatoon. Las pistas de este juego y algunas estructuras han sido sacadas del algunos mapas de diversos desarrolladores ( Newalbacore8, HompTroll42) por lo que apoyar sus mapas para que pueda introducir nuevas pistas funcionales al juego. También, con el tiempo puede que introduzca pistas personalizadas. (Perdonarme, no tengo muy buena mano para las construcciones).

Con el tiempo iré creando nuevas cosas para el mapa (Pero me será difícil, ya que estudio). De momento solo esta disponible el modo turf war o territorial (modo el cual nadie gana, ganáis todos el mismo nivel. Pero para competir y echar unas risas está bien) y probablemente continúe con este modo, ya que crear modos de competitivo me va a costar. Como estoy probando el lanzamiento del juego, de momento solo hay un mapa.

Espero que os sirva de información y que el mapa os guste. No es gran cosa, pero creo que esta chulo :)

info ATENCIÓN/ATENTION info: para jugar este mapa, se necesita el mod de SPLATCRAFT. El uso de este mapa sin el mod puede hacer que se corrompa y no funcione, por lo que tendreis que descargarlo de nuevo.

Debido a un error de Minecraft, los jugadores deben de tener el OP. Si no, algunas funciones del mapa no les funcionarán (como interactuar con ciertos libros), aunque no es gran cosa.

You can use this map in a server to play with friends.

Ver: 2.1
Minecraft version: 1.18.2
Required mods: SPLATCRAFT 3.2.0
CreditMinecraft Version --> 1.18.2
Progress100% complete

2 Update Logs

Patch Update 2.1 : by Galpro0 11/04/2023 2:38:28 pmNov 4th, 2023

How are you? We bring you a small update to correct some errors that we have found during the map and in the process get it ready. These are the following changes:
  • MAP UPDATED TO VERSION 1.18.2 of Minecraft.
    - Fixed a bug that caused all map chunks to be active at the same time.
    - Added a system to control that lobby players active as spectators do not interfere with other systems and break them.
    - Fixed an issue where players inking a fence would change its position, allowing players to squid through it and exit the track boundaries.

I hope this fixes some of the problems. See you in future updates with more content. Good battles!!!

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09/13/2022 3:53 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Miner
Galpro0's Avatar
I remind everyone that if there is any bug or failure, leave it to me in comments.
Dronko fire blaster
09/12/2022 8:08 pm
Level 45 : Master Dragonborn
Dronko fire blaster's Avatar
but cool map!!
09/12/2022 8:23 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Miner
Galpro0's Avatar
Thanks bro!!! Is the map working well??
Dronko fire blaster
09/12/2022 10:50 pm
Level 45 : Master Dragonborn
Dronko fire blaster's Avatar
have not tied it yet
09/13/2022 3:55 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Miner
Galpro0's Avatar
Dronko fire blaster
09/12/2022 8:06 pm
Level 45 : Master Dragonborn
Dronko fire blaster's Avatar
Welcome to SPLATMINE!!! A map that I have created based on the well-known game Splatoon. And what can we do? Well, very simple: to be able to play with our friends in epic ink battles, where we will use different weapons to be able to ink. But to obtain these weapons we must gain experience and level up. So the more levels we have, the better weapons we will get.

SLATMINE has been created thanks to the inspiration of various Splatoon maps. The tracks in this game and some structures have been taken from the following map [​CLICK], created by Newalbacore8, so support his map so that he can introduce new functional tracks to the game. Also, over time you may introduce custom tracks. (Forgive me, I don't have a very good hand for constructions).

Over time I will create new things for the map (But it will be difficult for me, since I study). At the moment only the turf war or territorial mode is available and I will probably continue with this mode, since creating competitive modes is going to cost me. As I am testing the launch of the game, there is only one map at the moment.

I hope you find it useful and that you like the map. It's not a big deal, but I think it's cool :)

info ATTENTION/ATENTION info: To play this map, you need the SPLATCRAFT mod. Using this map without the mod may cause it to become corrupted and not work, so you will have to download it again.

View: 1.0
Minecraft version: 1.16.5
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