This Map is an entry in the completed Minecraft Sky Limit Project Contest.

Minecraft Maps / Air Structure

steve's sky Kingdom

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derangedimmortal's Avatar derangedimmortal
Level 44 : Master Creeper
no new danlod but i am going to be adding new pics to day

steve and herobrine story

Steve having just arrived in the New World had no idea on what to build. unaware that this new world was already populated by derangedimmoertal. Deranged on the other hand had in abundance of ideas for this world. But it did not have supplies to make such a world. Nor did he have the building skills to create a magnificent world. Deranged plan on making this world a fun place for all to come a place where people can come and fight in the arena's straight enough that bitch fighting Academy or even participate in farming the local life stock.

Steve could see the potential in the younger range excreta gleam in his eye the the urge to learn how to build and create. Steve took deranged under his wing. And taught him everything he knew. deranged learned quickly. And soon was able to complete his dream of making his world a reality. He made a gladiator ring. Any farm for farming. Each island had a dedicated top. There was the training Academy. Where those who were willing to learn can learn to fight. There was the build and Greef were people would build and then others would destroy. It was the wizard tower. where the wizards live protecting the world with their protected seals.

The world soon became populated people from all over came some famous and many more yet to be heard of. Steve lived on the main island where the kingdom was and his castle was. He refused to see anyone after all he did just lose his brother.he feared the return of the monster hero Brian. Which destroyed his previous home the kingdom of epic proportion. That he built with his brother.

Steve was paranoid he set up traps around his castle warning systems let them know of any intruders entering. Before they even know they were spotted. Giving Steve enough time to be ready for the worst.

All is well in Steve's sky Kingdom. the tournaments were always filled. And many were training to enter the next game. Farm life was good tending his sheep and feeding the pigs.the most popular event was the builder and greef.
one day a building began to rise from the building and greef. In in the day no one ever saw anyone working on the tower but it continued to rise into this. Some people would say they see somebody working on it late at night. But when they get up there no one was to be seen. Some would say it was Steve. But other would say ito ¦was his Brother.return from the grave to work on his lost project. That is said hero brine killed him when he was in the middle of working on it.

The truth was no one really knew who was building the tower but as the tower took shape a dark feel over the land. the crown jewel of the kingdom became a dangerous place to wander became the slum a dark place to go in to the narrow corners in the dangerous walk around in. Always at risk of falling off. The buildings were in poor condition always being vandalized one even fell apart and with nothing to fall onto it just felt.

this tower was changing the world.eventually the tower with complete the greefers got in their ship and flew up to the tower they practice their teensy and made sure his they were ready to gather quickly. People actually applauded this even go to the tower has they grew closer and closer the tower: look more menacing. which only made them want to destroy even more. they were almost there but they did land a beam of light shot out from the top of the tower. Causing a massive explosion within the ship. most of the people died but the rest burned. The ship plummeted towards the void someone jumped off in hopes of ending their lives faster.

The crowd was in shock this thing this power was a weapon. It wasn't long before this weapon fired again destroying the watershed sanctuary that floated above the main island... the kingdom. deranged gathered his crew got on his ship and flew up to the tower. deranged had his men armed to the teeth for battle. The weapon charged up again firing another round. With deranged's quick thinking he's just able to dodge the attack. Deranged called for one of his men to take the wheel. While he went below deck.

im adding books you can fined in the world to give you more back round on the world so if you wont to know more fined the books the names of the books and pics up above give you hints on ware to go.

deranged's story

storeys of the slumes

gladeater storys

the traning storys

wizerd storys

the fallen howes

missing people

fallen heros

framed with out a picter

more then just a farmer

the pit

trjuty at a sow mily

my jobe is Grefing

thats no moon

wair dus the water come from

all finish editing this later
Progress65% complete

11 Update Logs

Update #11 : by derangedimmortal 08/23/2012 6:18:29 pmAug 23rd, 2012

adding new pics to day

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08/24/2012 10:51 pm
Level 44 : Master Creeper
derangedimmortal's Avatar
hay every one i axedently deleted the minecraft world save file on free clube storeg so your going to have to us the MCedit scumatic its the same thing its still tyhe normal world zip with the file so its best to danloed using that file. untell the contest is over.
08/22/2012 8:02 pm
Level 49 : Master Creeper
XSS xG4RRUSx's Avatar
awesome. that is awesome.
08/22/2012 8:05 pm
Level 44 : Master Creeper
derangedimmortal's Avatar
thank you
08/23/2012 12:10 am
Level 44 : Master Creeper
derangedimmortal's Avatar
just testing
08/22/2012 7:52 pm
Level 48 : Master Pokemon
spartan_sis8's Avatar
This is really nice! I was going to make an adventure map out of it, only there arent ways to get from island to island...
08/22/2012 7:58 pm
Level 44 : Master Creeper
derangedimmortal's Avatar
I'm going to add that in another update, and I'm making it an adventure map
08/18/2012 10:39 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Creeper
xTheAceCrafter's Avatar
You spelled Kingdom* Wrong it is Kingdom not Kingdome
08/18/2012 11:54 pm
Level 44 : Master Creeper
derangedimmortal's Avatar
thanx ill fix it
08/12/2012 2:20 pm
Level 22 : Expert Princess
RedShadow's Avatar
looks great, but it would be nice/easier if you added bridges
08/18/2012 1:00 am
Level 44 : Master Creeper
derangedimmortal's Avatar
qwshten bridges over the woter or to the othere islands
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