This Map is an entry in the completed Monumental Temple - Project Contest.

Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

Temple of Rhexan

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LittleMonsterCore's Avatar LittleMonsterCore
Level 26 : Expert Blacksmith

The Files got corrupted, and there is no time for me to rebuild the broken down and final build. For this reason i have to accept my anger and the fact that i have to use the old version... in the screenshots you can somewhat see what the final version looked like...

The Lore is Very Important for this build, so if u have a moment, just read it!

I am going to be working on a remake soon, using worldedit and such to make the build the way i wanted. It will be a part of my project: The Wells. This will be a group of maps all with a well like the one in this build, or something like it at least...

We will all dive in

After nearby villages saw the smoke from the beacon of Rhexan, the capital was rapidly informed. With my experience with the old Almawt War and years of military training, I was sent to investigate the camp. What I found was nothing but withered skulls, broken buildings and opened rifts. I went to the temple as soon as I could to see what happened to the Wahasha locked inside. At first, I couldn’t see anything inside the pool, so I did what they told me not to do; dive in.
As I dove deeper and deeper I saw nothing but rocks. When I reached the bottom, there was nothing, except for some book. I picked it up and quickly swam back to the surface. I threw away the skulls and swords laying at a beach near the temple, making space for my tent. So here we are.
The book didn’t have a title or anything, it seemed to be a diary or something. If only this could offer an explanation of what happened to this god forsaken place. Let’s not waste any more time, we don’t know when the rifts will become active so I better get started reading.

-Day 1

Here we are then! The camp of Rhexan… As students of the national martial arts academy, we must visit the Temple of Rhexan once during our study. We entered through a portal, which is here so we can easily isolate the place if anything goes wrong on either sides of it. We arrived in the Camp of Rhexan. Now, I know what you’re thinking… Why is it called CAMP and not village? That is because this place was built to monitor the Temple and what’s inside, not to live a happy life. There are just four buildings here in the camp. We first went to the visitors house to drop our personal equipment. Then we were free to roam around for a while, and then it soon became evening. We ate some fish and chips, always delicious! We will be training here for a few days first, and then we’re finally going to enter the Temple!

That’s about it for today! Good night!

-Day 4

Welcome back! So far our stay has been pretty neat actually. I finally beat Carl in a 1v1 so now I can finally be called the strongest of the group! Though, I did end last with archery multiple times… But let’s focus on the positives! The day after tomorrow we’re finally going to the Temple!

Now that I think of it, I don’t think that I have even explained what is so special about this temple. The Temple of Rhexan is a big tower, with inside a pool and what they call “The Box”. Visitors come to pray, to test their spirit. The Box gains energy from our prayers, which it needs to lock the thing that’s inside the pool. When the energy of The Box runs low, the thing will gain power and lure us into the pool to consume us and to be reborn!

That’s what they tell us of course… We can look at the pool, stand right next to it, but whatever we do, we must not go in it. The captain told us to stay away from the water, probably just to scare us off. I don’t want to be sent home, so of course I will not dive in.

But it’s gonna be fun! The captain won’t scare me away!

-Day 5

The first day at the Temple! yes, the first! we just heard that the group after us does not have enough people, so we can stay longer!

Anyway, back to the Temple. Of course we first had breakfast, dry bread like usual… Then we slowly started moving towards the temple. About halfway there, we walked past a huge beacon. They said it’s used to warn the capital when the beast, which is called a Wahasha I was told, is freed. Of course just more to scare us off. Nobody would build such a big thing near a temple, why would they.

When we got there, we directly went in and we had to stand in a circle around the pool. All of the students, including myself, we’re all grinning and silently giggling. How could you take this serious; standing in a circle like we’re performing a ritual while the people are trying to make us afraid of a pool.

We were told to kneel down, so after a few minutes (George refused to kneel down to a pool) we were just sitting there quietly… We saw the captain, the worker, who is funnily enough called Bob (as in Bob the Builder), and even our teacher, who usually is pretty cool, closed their eyes. Some of them even slowly moved their mouth without speaking a word. In the meanwhile, me and my fellow students were just looking at each other cringing, trying not to laugh at the silence.

After what seemed like an eternity, we were finally done and free to roam around the camp once again. We went swimming near the temple, played hide and seek and we went out hunting in the woods.

Not much happened after that. We ate some, made some jokes about what happened at the temple, and then we just called it a day.

-Day 8

I just woke up, and I just felt like I had to go and write this now, since the plans for today were nothing special. I’m sleeping really bad these last few days. The others are also not as energetic as they usually are lately, but that’s probably because of our diet… Still a lot of dried bread and fish.

-Day 12

The day after tomorrow we’re going to the Temple again… After our last visit on day 4 or 5, don’t remember, we’re all kinda feeling down. I still can’t sleep. I’m getting nightmares and they seem to be getting worse. If I could I would just leave now, but we have to wait here for 4 more days… I’m doubting if any of us will survive it until then, cause we’re all feeling like we’re half dead already. Let’s just wait it out, do that stupid circle thing tomorrow and then go home.

-Day 13

Today Carl got really sick, he didn’t come out of his bed. We all seem to be slowly drifting away. It’s like It wants us to do nothing, to sleep. The food seems to be getting less and less tasteful. We begged to go home, skip the visit to the Temple. But no, we must stay here to pray once more to the stupid temple, because the power of THE GREAT BOX will become too weak…

Seems like there is nothing we can do but wait…

-Day 14

I just woke again from a nap. It told us to go to the Temple in the afternoon, so here we are… Because we are all still feeling ill the captain said it was okay to leave after our visit to the temple, so we grabbed our weapons, supplies and bags to be able to leave directly after our visit to the temple. Yes, we could just leave the equipment behind to pick it up on the way back, but It told us to take it with us.

After a short walk, we arrived at the Temple. We dropped our stuff near the big tower. We went in, were told to make the same circle as last time, and kneel down. Everybody has their eyes closed, except for those too sick to even kneel down, so I’m writing this now while in the circle.

Suddenly the worker is standing up. He is telling us to stand up and grab our weapons, that enemies were marching up from the east. I thought it was impossible to get here without the portal, nobody knew where it was built.

I just grabbed my blade, and now we can see the Perxian flag approaching slowly. We are grouping up at the platform in front of the temple, archers first since they are the only ones able to kill the Perxians from this distance.

They are rapidly moving down the hill towards the beach, using boats to cross the water. This way they can siege us from the docks. We shot 3 down, but there are still around 20 men left, now climbing the docks.

A group of Perxian archers just climbed down from the hills and are now shooting at us from the beach. We’re trying to hold them back from the Temple, but we’re being pushed back slowly but surely. The Worker has ran to try to ignite the beacon.

Their leader who was the last to come is now coming in. I’m standing in the back of our group, not able to do much so I’m writing this. Their leader is a big man with heavy armor and a HUGE axe. He is coming closer and closer to the temple.

Some of us went to attack the man, but It told me to stay at the temple, so I will keep writing… My friends are moving towards the leader, challenging him. One by one they’re getting slaughtered, beheaded and chopped in half. The archers are shooting at us simultaneously. The captain just got shot in the head. It’s just Gideon, Tessa, our teacher and me left…

An arrow just hit me in the knee, I’m crawling away from the Perxian leader, trying to write this at the same time. It is calling me closer. As I’m crawling towards the pool, I can see Tessa’s skull being split in half by the big axe. I’m starting to hear voices, quietly whispering, telling me to get closer. It wants me to go the pool, It wants me to enter. I can see our teacher’s chest being penetrated by multiple arrows, and Gideon’s head rolling off of the platform. I’m trying to climb the stairs of the pool, hearing the Perxians celebrating their victory.

Then they suddenly stopped yelling, and I see them pointing at what I assume is the beacon. The worker torched the beacon, but for us it is too late. The leader just turned towards me, and looked at me with his eyes, filled with anger and hunger for blood. It calls me, tells me to hurry before it’s too late. The big strong man is slowly approaching me, but I am at the ledge of the pool.

It wants me to dive in. I will dive in. May the water protect me. May It protect me.

We will all dive in.

The Final Build is the broken down version of the temple, but there are still plenty of screenshots of the older version of the build where everything is still normal. I will put a download link at the bottom of the description to download the old version of the map, but the Broken down version is the official one, which is the build i want to be judged for at the monumental temple contest. The reason the old version is included and downloadable is because it's still important in the lore to perhaps get a better understanding. One way or another, i like both versions, and if you want the best experience of the broken down one (and probably the original one too), go to night time using a shaders mod, i used KADIR NCK for my screenshots and this will make it better. Of course, dont do this for the contest judging.

Download link of old version will be added soon
CreditVarus, League of Legends
Progress100% complete

7 Update Logs

#7 Corrupted Files... : by LittleMonsterCore 12/21/2017 12:59:07 pmDec 21st, 2017

The files of the broken down version got corrupted... for this reason i will only be uploading the older less detailed and worse version. I am really angry about this, but i tried everything possible to recover the files. The screenshots of the destroyed version are still there tho, so thats a thing...

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12/21/2017 2:46 pm
Level 26 : Expert Blacksmith
LittleMonsterCore's Avatar
If you got any ideas on how to recover the lost files, please contact me asap!
12/14/2017 7:41 pm
Level 21 : Expert Caveman
Ashmodath's Avatar
wow, this looks awesome!
12/10/2017 4:48 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Architect
Chaone's Avatar
Now this is someone who knows how important lore is.
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