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The Last Kingdom is the first historical novel from The Saxon Stories by Bernard Cornwell, published in 2004. This story tells the story of Uhtred of Bebbanburg, a Saxon nobleman who as a child was abducted by Danish Vikings and assimilated with their culture, religion and language before a series of events led him to serve King Alfred of Wessex and his participation in numerous battles, including the famous Battle of Kinwith before the book ends.

Plot summary
Osbert is the second son of Ealdorman (Earl) Uhtred, Lord of Bebbanburg in Northumbria. Danes arrive on Bebbanburg's shores, and Ealdorman Uhtred's first son, also called Uhtred, is killed while scouting. Ealdorman Uhtred renames Osbert as Uhtred son of Uhtred. Ealdorman Uhtred is killed during a disastrous attack on Danish-seized Eoferwic (York) and his son is captured by Danish Jarl Ragnar the Fearless. Ragnar, amused by the boy's bravery during the battle, keeps him as a thrall. Uhtred's uncle, Ælfric, takes Bebbanburg and usurps the title of ealdorman from Uhtred, the rightful heir.

Uhtred befriends Ragnar's youngest son, Rorik, and has many clashes with one boy in particular, Sven, son of Kjartan, one of Ragnar's shipmasters. One day, Sven kidnaps Ragnar's daughter, Thyra, and removes part of her clothing in an effort to sexually assault her. Uhtred charges Sven, taking Sven's sword and attacking him with it. Uhtred, Rorik, and Thyra escape back to Ragnar's hall. Ragnar dismisses Kjartan from his service when Kjartan makes light of his son's behaviour. He also crushes one of Sven's eyes with the hilt of his sword - adding darkly that he would have crushed both, had Sven stripped Thyra completely naked.

Uhtred, along with Ragnar and the Danes, then goes raiding across East Anglia, and participates in the conquests of Mercia and East Anglia, and the invasion of Wessex. He is kidnapped by a priest, Beocca, an old family friend. He then escapes from Wessex and rejoins Ragnar. Uhtred enjoys life with the Danes, even after Rorik dies due to a long sickness, but flees after Kjartan and his men set fire to Ragnar's hall and kill everyone who tries to flee. Ragnar remains inside, preferring to die on his terms rather than at Kjartan's hands. Kjartan abducts Thyra.

Uhtred hopes to escape Kjartan's assassins by spreading the rumour that he too died in the hall burning. Uhtred then joins King Alfred in Wessex. There he learns to read and write, and sails with Alfred's fleet of 12 ships against the Danes. After a battle with the Danes, he meets Ragnar the Younger, Earl Ragnar's eldest son, and tells him how his father died and that Thyra was kidnapped. They part friends, swearing that one day they will band together to take revenge on Kjartan and rescue Thyra. Seeking to take command of the fleet, Uhtred gains it on the condition that he marries the orphaned Wessex girl Mildrith. He is not told that, by marrying her, he will also assume her family's very large debt to the Church. Afterwards, he takes part in a siege against Guthrum, and is among a group of hostages exchanged when the Danes and West Saxons make peace. Staying with the Danes in the city over the winter, he again meets Ragnar, who saves him from death when Guthrum breaks the peace and murders the other Saxon hostages. Uhtred then escapes to find his wife. She was taken by Odda the Younger, another Wessex ealdorman, to the north. There he fights in the Battle of Cynwit, where Uhtred kills the renowned Danish leader Ubba Ragnarsson in single combat.

Uhtred then rides with his men to Exanceaster to find his wife and newborn son, instead of going directly to inform Alfred of his victory.

Conquests of The Danes Locations
The Danes in The Last Kingdom emerged from numerous places both in and around Denmark, including Norway and Sweden. Below is an outline of the most notable Danish locations in The Last Kingdom, as well as important events and characters that live in the region.

East Anglia

East Anglia hopped in and out of numerous rulers’ reigns over the course of the storyline’s progression, but the Danes ruled for the longest timeframe. It was home to Ulf, Guthrum, Edmund, and Brida, and is still home to the Dane Daughter.

Guthrum Kingdom
Guthrum Kingdom is not exactly a location, rather, it signifies the location of Guthrum’s armies. Guthrum, later known as Guthrum the Unlucky, was a Danish earl who came to England with a force of 600 warriors.

He gained more influence when he appointed himself as the king of East Anglia. Apart from the sons of Lothbrok, Guthrum commanded one of the largest Danish-Norse armies in England.

Beamfleot is located in East Anglia, and is noted for one of the most important fights in the storyline – the Battle of Beamfleot. This battle occurred in 893, between the Danish army of Hæsten and the Anglo-Saxon army of Wessex. King Alfred and Prince Edward forced the Danes back to their camp at Hunstanton.

It took place in Episodes 3.5 and 3.6, as well as in The Burning Land, and resulted in a Saxon victory. It was preceded by the Siege of Wincelcumb, and was followed by the Battle of the Holme and the Battle of St. Neots.

Danish Mercia
The Battle of Fearnham was fought in 892, between the Anglo-Saxon armies of Wessex and Mercia and the Danish army, which was led by Bloodhair at the time. The Danes lost this battle after they were attacked from both sides.

It resulted in a Saxon victory, taking place in Episode 3.1 and The Burning Land. This battle was preceded by the Fight of Alton, and was followed by the Siege of Wincelcumb.


Lindcolne, also known as Lindcylne, is situated in East Anglia. A notable event that took place in the area is when Ulf was killed. He was killed while trying to defend Lindcylne from Eardwulf and the Mercians, and Eardwulf gifted Ulf’s sword to Æthelred after Lindcylne was taken.

Danish Northumbria

Uhtred, previously known as Osbert in childhood, and Brida, a Saxon girl, are taken in as slaves by Earl Ragnar. They are transported to an area in Danish Northumbria during this time, but they escape after the Danes unleash an attack that kills Ragnar in his sleep.

Cumbraland is located in Northumbria, where various battles and plot twists take place. King Guthred swears to defend Cumbraland, and is handed the Sword of Cumbraland after which he leads the Saxons and the Danes against the evil in Northumbria.

Jorvik is ruled by the pagan warlord, Sigtryggr Ivarsson (also known as Sigtryggr the One-Eyed, and later known as Sigtryggr of Northumbria).

Anglo-Saxon States Locations
The Anglo-Saxons or Saxons hailed from many locations, including Wessex, Mercia, East Anglia, and Northumbria. Below is an outline of the most notable Anglo-Saxon or Saxon locations in The Last Kingdom, as well as important events and characters that live in the region.

Wessex saw a ton of rulers and marriages throughout the storyline’s progression and features plenty of important towns, villages, and cities. It’s home to a plethora of The Last Kingdom characters, namely:

Wiltunscir is located in Wessex, and inhabits its shire-reeve named Osric.

Æsc’s Hill

Æsc’s Hill, also known as Ashes Hill, is located in Wessex and was the location of the notable Battle of Ashdown. This battle took place in 871, where the Danes and Saxons met at Æsc’s Hill for battle. This battle amounted to the first Saxon victory against the Danes in years.

It took place in Episode 1.2, as well as in The Last Kingdom. It was preceded by the Siege of Eoferwic and the Battle of Reading, and it was followed by the Siege of Wareham and the Battle of Frampton.

Wintanceaster, located in Wessex, featured a ton of exciting events for The Last Kingdom fans. Aethelwold, Beocca, and Aethelred embark on plenty of adventures throughout the story’s progression.

It was thought that Contwaraburg was the central shrine of the residents’ religion, making it a hotspot for valuable treasures. Sidroc and Ragnar use Contwaraburg as a marker while they plotted their attack on Wessex.

Osbern and Sidroc proposed that crossing the river and striking directly to the south would divide Wessex in two, leaving the Kingdom of Cent vulnerable. They proposed that they’d be able to take over Cent quickly, and continue with taking over nearby regions from there.

Alfred managed to grant Uhtred as the Lord of Coccham, although there were strings attached. He wanted to retake Bebbanburg since it is his birthright, but Coccham was at least something considering he had nothing at the time.

English Mercia
Æthelred succeeds his father as the King of Mercia, and is later gifted warriors by King Alfred which strengthens the union between Wessex and Mercia. Aldhelm wishes to see Æthelred as the King of Mercia and Wessex, meaning that Alfred will need to die in battle.


The most notable event that occurred in Lundene, located in Mercia, was the Siege of Lunden (Lundene) took place in 886. The Danes intentionally abandoned Lundene to the Saxons intending to trick them in order to capture Æthelflæd.

However, this battle resulted in a Saxon victory, taking place in Episode 2.6 and in Sword Song. It was preceded by the Battle of Dunholm and was followed by the Battle of Beamfleot, as well as the Siege of Rochester.

Liccelfeld was a convenient location for The Last Kingdom‘s characters while they traveled, especially when the enemies’ whereabouts and travel plans were unknown. This is since Liccelfeld allowed one to move north or south quite easily.

The Danes camped out at Tamworth, which is located in Mercia, while raiding Mercia during Æthelred’s absence.


Eadith is paid to find Uhtred on the way to Ceaster, and inform him that he must meet Æthelflæd at the ruins of Saint Milburg’s Priory. Finan becomes suspicious and advises that they leave.

Uhtred realizes that Æthelflæd must have gone to Ceaster, after which they continue on route to Ceaster as planned. There are quite a few plot twists and suspenseful events that occur around Ceaster.

Hrothwulf’s Farm

Hrothwulf’s Farm was the location of the Battle of Rocester, which took place in 917. Lady Æthelflæd of Mercia, Uhtred of Bebbanburg, and King Sihtric Caech of Northumbria led Mercian and Northumbrian armies.

They met the invading army of Sihtric’s brother and rival Ragnall ua Imair, and a fierce battle commenced. It resulted in a Mercian-Northumbrian victory.

Eads Byrig

Eads Byrig was captured by Ragnall, demanding that they give up Ceaster. But, Uhtred was aware that Ceaster’s fortifications were strong, and Ragnall takes the bordering kingdom of Northumbria.

Uhtred attacks and captures Eads Byrig, ordering Æthelstan to fight and kill Hæsten. Ragnall then returns with a larger army, seeking revenge for his fallen men at Eads Byrig by killing 42 captives.

The Last Kingdom’s storyline came to an abrupt climax at Brunanburh, encaptured in War Lord. The Battle of Brunanburh was a decisive moment for the late King Alfred’s dream of a united England, and points toward the conclusion of the legendary Uhtred’s story.

English Northumbria
Northumbria features quite a few important locations in The Last Kingdom, as well as notable characters. It is inhabited by residents such as Wihtgar, Aidan, Guthred, Hrothweard, Trew, Tofi, and Abbess.


The most significant event to occur in Dunholm was the Battle of Dunholm, which took place in 880. King Guthred sent Uhtred, his commander, to lead an attack against the fortress of Dunholm, held by Jarl Kjartan.

Uhtred and Ragnar stormed the walls and killed Kjartan as well as Sven, his son, avenging their family. It took place in Episode 2.4 as well as in The Lords of the North, and it resulted in a Saxon victory.

The Battle of Dunholm was preceded by the Revolt of Eoferwic and the Siege of Catraeth. It was followed by the Siege of Lunden and the Battle of Catraeth.


Bebbanburg is by far the most significant and iconic location, mentioned countless times throughout The Last Kingdom’s progression. After all, Uhtred basically dedicates his entire life to reclaiming Bebbanburg, as it is his birthright.

Things become twisted after his uncle, Ælfric, gives instructions to kill him in order to seize the lordship of Bebbanburg for himself.

Various plot twists and treachery unravel as the storyline progresses, but Uhtred remains determined in his will to one day take his rightful place as the Lord of Bebbanburg.

Lands of the Britons Locations
Those who hail from Wales and Cornwall are referred to as Britons in The Last Kingdom. Below is an outline of the most notable Briton locations in The Last Kingdom, as well as important events and characters that live in the region


Cornwall, also referred to as Cornwallum, is located in Wessex but was under the Britons’ rule. A significant event to take place in this region was the Sack of Cornwallum, occurring in 878.

Uhtred and his men invaded Cornwallum along with Skorpa and their men in order to rob the petty King Peredur. It took place in Episode 1.6, resulting in a Saxon victory. It was preceded by the Battle of Cynuit and was followed by the Siege of Winchester.

Welsh Kingdoms
Add collapsed content hereThe Welsh Kingdoms, also known as Wealas territories in The Last Kingdom, are ruled by Hywel of Deheubarth. It was inhabited by Hywel, Rhodri, Iseult, Peredur, Asser, and Pyrlig.

Wirhealum (the Wirral) is a coastal location, situated in Waelas territory. It is thought to be the location of The Last Kingdom’s climax – The Battle of Brunanburh.

Strath Clota
Strath Clota is situated in Welsh territory. After 3 years of peace, Anlaf joins Constantin, Owain of Strath Clota, and others who are invading Cumbria where they challenge Æthelstan to battle at the chosen site.

Land of the Gaels Locations
Below is an outline of the most notable Gaelic locations in The Last Kingdom, as well as important events and characters that live in the region.

The Kingdom of Alba
The Kingdom of Alba is inhabited by the Scottish, often mentioned throughout the story. A notable influence is that Bebbanburg was weakened by Scottish raids, and Uhtred then believes that his most opportune moment has finally come.

Norse Lands Locations
In addition to the lands inhabited by the Danes, Anglo-Saxons and Saxons, Britons, and the Gaels, there are a few locations inhabited by the Norse. The Norsemen inhabited various isles on the coast of The Kingdom of Alba down to Mercia and Ireland, and they formed a part of various battles throughout The Last Kingdom’s progression.

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