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Fatality Glitch's Avatar Fatality Glitch
Level 33 : Artisan Nerd
Waterdeep. City of Splendors. Crown of the North. Ah, it all comes back to me now...

Are ye so sur ye wish to live and adventure within the City of Splendors herself? Best of luck to you, then, but tread carefully in the intrigue and drama of Waterdeep lest ye stir the attention of the Lords...or something less than kindly...”

~Elminster of Shadowdale

Many of you might not remember December 1987 or a tiny article in Dragon Magazine titled, “Welcome to Waterdeep” by Ed Greenwood. It was more than half-a-lifetime ago for me, but those mental images of his creation are still fresh in my mind. I remember being sucked into that world. I have revisited that place many time since, written more than I should have about it and have introduced many younger people to that wonderful place. 

Now, I am going to introduce an entire new ganre to Waterdeep, with the use of a rather unique medium. Minecraft has given me a new perspective into the City of Splendors and a chance to share it with all of you. Wether you are a Forgotten Realms fan, a Dungeons and Dragons enthusiest or just like Minecraft and want to see something different, I know you will enjoy your visit and our trip together, as things develop and unfold in the City of Waterdeep. 

This build started by accident and has become the new focus of future development. I like Dwarven Mines, Cities and structures, so this is out of character somewhat for me. The City is an emense project at approxamately 4000 blocks long by 2700 blocks wide (13000ft. x 9000ft.) and will take some considerable time to complete as the pile of information and spacifics has to be gone through and translated into Minecraft format. Not just the thousand some-odd Buildings and Walls, but the City Sewers, Skull Port and Under Mountain. Yes, the build will be a “Complete” representation of Ed Greenwoods creation. 

For those of you who follow this build, I thank you. 

~Fatality Glitch
Progress5% complete

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by Fatality Glitch 03/31/2015 2:38:40 pmMar 31st, 2015

2) Just finnished outer Troll Wall and Terra forming. Started Inner Troll Wall and first City Structures.

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11/21/2019 7:43 am
Level 1 : New Miner
MickScandalous's Avatar
This project is one of the ones i had hoped id see finished. If you still have it I would love to finish it!
Using today's mods you could make quite an amazing dnd map and campaign
08/06/2019 10:26 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Shadawn94's Avatar
I would love to help with this project, as I am working on my own Waterdeep project! I have started at the Yawning Portal Inn, and I am building the dungeons of undermountain. I'm on PS4 if anyone is interested. @Shadawn94. I do have a laptop, so if this is a PC project I can still help!
06/12/2019 8:48 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
MickScandalous's Avatar
is there a way to help finish this or get what you have, im looking forward to seeing this happen
03/26/2019 8:17 am
Level 1 : New Miner
TriskelionSwitch's Avatar
Would love to see this completed. I have a group playing a game in Waterdeep and Undermountain and it would be cool to have them actually see the scale of the city.
09/30/2018 10:39 am
Level 1 : New Miner
NuclearMeltdown's Avatar
Awesome looking project, me and my group just started talking on the same project a few days ago
09/06/2017 3:12 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Ranger
Sarelth's Avatar
Sad to see that this project never fully finished. Would have loved to take a stroll through Waterdeep, and then delve into Undermountin to go meet Halaster.
04/01/2015 7:13 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Senpai
GrayRemnant's Avatar
Amazing job so far!  The eastern gates are really cool!  :D
Fatality Glitch
04/02/2015 11:03 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Nerd
Fatality Glitch's Avatar
Thank you. I would put more photos up there, but I am tryimh to keep it simple: a little here, a little there. Just major points of interst and constructed areas, as I go.
03/31/2015 6:14 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Mage
Lovelife090994's Avatar
This will be amazing!
Fatality Glitch
03/31/2015 6:46 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Nerd
Fatality Glitch's Avatar
Why thank you. I have been busy with other "Life" matters and had to step away from it for a little while, but I will be progressing farther, as time permits. I appreciate the comment. ;)
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