Minecraft Servers

Galaxy Gaming Survival PVP

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pupnewfster's Avatar pupnewfster
Level 1 : New Miner
Galaxy Gaming Survival PVP
Status Offline Pinged: 03/19/24
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
§aGalaxy Gaming§r | §a§lModded 1.15.1§r | galaxygaming.gg
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Galaxy Gaming Survival PVP Minecraft ServerGalaxy Gaming has a long history of Minecraft servers, stretching all the way back to classic. Though we disabled the server for a time, we are now back stronger than ever, with countless customized features for everyone to enjoy. We also present on Garry’s Mod, League of Legends, ARK, and more!


We have multiple plugins installed to give you a more personalized and unique experience on our server. We use a custom world generator called Biome Bundle.

From the link above: “Biome Bundle is a completely custom world generator containing a huge pack of over 400 original biomes with over 2000 structures including custom trees, rocks, caves, dungeons, villages and much more."

We also created an easily downloadable custom modpack that allows you to see the custom colors for unique biomes. It also includes a few clientside convenience mods such as a recipe lookup and a minimap. For the nether, we have a plugin called TallNether that doubles its height to 256 blocks. As if all this wasn’t enough, our developer, pupnewfster, has also created a custom plugin, Necessities, from the ground up. Necessities implements most of the features from Essentials, Multiverse, Factions, as well as a large number of commands from Minecraft Classic. This allows for better integration between the features, and lets us modify it with ease.

Ranking and Progression

You can buy ranks with in-game currency using the command “/buyrank <rankname>.” This will give you access to more commands and homes. The prices can be viewed with “/rprices.” Don’t worry if they seem high at first; you can sell items to earn money quickly! You can view prices using “/price <item name> <buy/sell>.” This will allow you to see either the buy or sell price. Necessities has a large set of custom names for items, so the system will likely be able to understand the item you mean. Just make sure to spell each word correctly! You are also able to just directly type “/price sell” to view the selling price of your held item, but keep in mind that this does not calculate the stack price or the lowered value of damaged tools.

We currently have prices for 553 items, the majority of which can both be bought and sold from the server. We’ve also taken time and care to calculate the processed items, so you will not lose money by buying a crafted item versus the components or vice versa. You can also convert your experience levels into money using our unique “/l2m <number of levels>” command! This follows the Minecraft XP curve, so each individual level is worth more than the one below it.

Future plans

We hope to soon include both official and unofficial PvP tournaments, or maybe even faction wars. Further into the future, we would also like to host a Creative server for those more building-focused. This would use “plots” to give everyone their own space so that everyone can build without being hindered by any other user. This server might even have building contests or more!

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