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WowIzMeh's Avatar WowIzMeh
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Status Offline Pinged: 04/06/24
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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Whitelist only Minecraft 1.7.5 Server.Only accepting about 6 Applications. If you would like to join, reply with these questions answered.


How Often Do You Play:


Are you a Griefer:

What Texture Pack you Use:

Why would you like to join this Mindcrack server of a couple people:

Would you be able to record for Youtube if necessary:

Are you a good builder:


Create an account or sign in to comment.

03/17/2014 5:39 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Network
ghostdragoon3's Avatar
IGN:  ghostdragoon3

How Often Do You Play: at least an hour a day 

Age: 12 

Are you a Griefer: no and I can prove it because I am staff on 17 different servers but only active on 1 

What Texture Pack you Use: Faithful 

Why would you like to join this Mindcrack server of a couple people: yes 

Would you be able to record for Youtube if necessary: yes and my channel is MrGhostDragoon

Are you a good builder: Yes and I can prove it by if you look at my channel you can see some builds I made and I am working on a special project right now and I am almost done and I can show you it
03/16/2014 9:10 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
___TRE___'s Avatar
You banned me for playing around, and you didn't give me any warnings. You said ''stop being a dick tre' then I stopped, yet you still banned me without saying anything.
03/16/2014 8:56 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
WowIzMeh's Avatar
Server has been reset due to a corrupted chunk. New youtube video coming out soon.
03/16/2014 8:54 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
_Finnick_'s Avatar
why am i not whitelisted anymore?
03/16/2014 3:17 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
kynaris's Avatar
Why was I removed from whitelist? I leave for like 5 minutes, join back, and it says I'm not whitelisted anymore?
03/16/2014 3:16 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Rubydung's Avatar
IGN:  Buy_Rubydung

How Often Do You Play: once a day or more

Age: 15

Are you a Griefer: no

What Texture Pack you Use: Defalt or on special acasions Aether RP

Why would you like to join this Mindcrack server of a couple people: Smaller Servers are better because you can learn about everyone easier, and can Skype with them as well

Would you be able to record for Youtube if necessary: If my Computer will be nice

Are you a good builder: If I Try
03/16/2014 1:59 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Hawleytwins2's Avatar
IGN: Hawleytwins2

How often do you play: Almost everyday unless a vacation or somehing like that

Age: 11, almost 12

Are you a Griefer: no

What texture pack do you use: Mostly default or faithful

Why would you like to join this Mindcrack server: I think it would be really fun and meet new people :]

Would you be able to record for Youtube if necessary: Yes

are you a good builder: not the best
03/16/2014 1:58 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
kynaris's Avatar
IGN:  Sim_Cow

How Often Do You Play: Almost everyday after school and a lot on the weekends.

Age: 15

Are you a Griefer: I only grief on faction pvp servers that have griefing allowed on it but I never grief on servers that have it against the rules.

What Texture Pack you Use: Default

Why would you like to join this Mindcrack server of a couple people: Because I like small community whitelisted servers. I don't like being griefed everywhere I go. I just enjoy building in peace and not being bothered by people 24/7 trying to grief and steal my stuff.

Would you be able to record for Youtube if necessary: I would. But i'm not a youtuber.

Are you a good builder:  I'm decent. If I had to rate myself i'd say about 7/10. Not the best but not the worst either.

(Sorry if I didn't put the E key on some of my words. It's sticky on my keyboard so sometimes I don't press it hard enough.)
03/16/2014 2:01 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
WowIzMeh's Avatar
Accepted. Join when you would like to.
03/16/2014 12:05 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Architect
AlmostQuantum's Avatar
my youtube is mccrazy
Planet Minecraft


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