Minecraft Servers

Mindcrack Inspired! Apply Below(Copy and complete the text below)

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Xx_Keano_xX's Avatar Xx_Keano_xX
Level 7 : Apprentice Archer
Status Offline Pinged: 11/15/23
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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Minecraft name:
Youtube: (it would make your chances higher if you can record)
Why you want to join:
DOB(If you dont know what this is, you cant join.):
Why do you want to play vanilla:
What are you planning to build:
Why should i whitelist you:
Tell me a little about yourself:
Sex/Gender:(dont worry, being male or female wont change my mind, this just helps me know to call you he or she :)
How often can you play:
On a scale of 1-100, how mature are you:
Any hobbies:
Griefers will not be tolerated! Immediatly banned and ip tracked :)
Just warning you

Additional Notes

Copy and complete Name: Minecraft name: Skype(required): Youtube: (it would make your chances higher if you can record) Experiance: Why you want to join: Age: DOB(If you dont know what this is, you c

4 Update Logs

Update #4 : by Xx_Keano_xX 12/20/2013 1:46:32 pmDec 20th, 2013


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02/16/2014 6:00 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
agent39R's Avatar
do i have to reapply?
02/09/2014 6:51 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
zacharyj8's Avatar
Hi! My name is Zachary.
My minecraft name is Zacharyj8.
My Skype name is zachary iverson.
I do not have a youtube channel but I am very active on youtube with liking and rating.
I am a very good builder. I was just recently on another server but it was shut down so I'm applying for this one. I love the company of people just like the mindcrack server.
The reason i want to join is because I'm looking for a small private server where i can hop on with friends and cave and build and just have fun while playing.
Im 14 years old.
My birthday is the 14th of April, 1999.
I want to play vanilla cause i love originality. Im not a big fan of plug ins and other add ons of the game, I like the way its made already.
I Usually end up making large scale builds. I might make a base in a cave but above on the surface make a little town that leads down into the cave systems.
You should whittlest me for a lot of reasons. One I'm very active almost every night for at least an hour and more on weekends. Also my builds are very complicated. Im not one of those people who makes square buildings. Lastly, Im not a ass. Im very mature and respect everybody around me and virtually around me :).
I'm very nice and smart. I addicted to caving so i like to own things. Im competitive but in a healthy way. Im a straight A student and is ready to hop on and play some minecraft.
Im a Male :).
I play about an hour a night on weekdays and 3 to 4 hours on weekend days.
Im about an 85 on a mature level. Im probably the most mature and respectful kid in my grade.
I play baseball and Lots and lots of video games. Mostly Minecraft, Call of Duty, GTA 5, the regular games for computer and consoles.
Thanks for the opportunity and I hope you Pick me!
12/22/2013 6:48 pm
Level 1 : New Network
FiveStarGamerLP's Avatar
Name: Matt
Minecraft name: FiveStarGamerLP
Skype(required): FiveStarGamerLP
Youtube: (it would make your chances higher if you can record) http://www.youtube.com/user/FiveStarGamerLP
Experiance: None but I do watch people from vimcraft and minecrack and I know how it is.
Why you want to join: Because I want to record on a server that is survival and I want to be part of a cool community that cares about each other and to have a great time by building an awesome server while recording for youtube.
Age: 14
DOB(If you dont know what this is, you cant join.): 7/13/99 (date of birth)
Why do you want to play vanilla: Because I want to record on a server that is survival and I want to be part of a cool community that cares about each other and to have a great time by building an awesome server while recording for youtube.
What are you planning to build: A really cool base/Village, shop, and maybe other things like storage, enderman farm, nether hub/tunnel to my base in the nether hub, anything else that would be cool for the server
Why should i whitelist you: Because I can record a lot, Im mature, I e a series for youtube and lot of people would tart knowing out the server and it can be more popular
Tell me a little about yourself: Im youtuber, gamer, bowler, an im responsible and trustworthy and mature
Sex/Gender:(dont worry, being male or female wont change my mind, this just helps me know to call you he or she :) Male
How often can you play: all the time 12+ hours a day sometimes less if I need to do stuff for school but other than that im on all the time
On a scale of 1-100, how mature are you: 95
Any hobbies: Gaming, Bowling, Track, Youtuber
12/20/2013 1:46 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Archer
Xx_Keano_xX's Avatar
Reopening the applications! PLEASE APPLY HERE! Im back in buisness and all applications that i havent replyed to i WILL require you to reapply :) Sorry!
11/23/2013 9:46 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
WewerVoter's Avatar
Hello! I Was Just Wondering if your server needed staff? I Have Been Looking All Day For A Server Too Devote My Time Too And Protect With All My Will And Needs I Am 14 And This Is My Appeal. I Really Hope You Considerate This Honor And Let Me Be Bugged With Other Peoples Issues/Problems i also Have Amazing Leadership (This is no where near MC Lol) I Am A Captain On 2 Hockey Teams Have Atained Owner On A Server That isn't Mine (And Console) And i Also Have Skype: wewer12345678911 <---(Also My IGN)PLEASE READ :)
11/23/2013 9:53 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
WewerVoter's Avatar
Name: Richard
Minecraft name: wewer12345678911
Skype(required): wewer12345678911
Youtube: (it would make your chances higher if you can record) My Youtube Channel is derpywhale7
Experiance: I Own A Server That is Not Mine (We Share It And I Do Not Know him) And I have His Console As He Does Too.
Why you want to join: I Wanna Devote My Time And Respect Too Players Who Would Need this. I Also Wanna Show Great Leadership As i Am Captain On 2 Hockey Teams.
Age: 14
DOB(If you dont know what this is, you cant join.): March 8th 1998
Why do you want to play vanilla: I Wanna Just Play Normally And Not Cheat With Cheap Plugins (I KNow Many Plugins Lol) And Just Wanna Survive As Minecraft Was Made For.
What are you planning to build: Houses. If I Gain Gamemode Then Some Really Cool Interrogations Of Cool Buildings In Minecraft
Why should i whitelist you: I Feel I Could Help This Server Out By Being Good People.
Tell me a little about yourself: Ask Anything. I Am An Open Guy :)
Sex/Gender:(dont worry, being male or female wont change my mind, this just helps me know to call you he or she :) I Am Male.
How often can you play: 2-3 Hours A Day On Weekends... Endlessly ().()
On a scale of 1-100, how mature are you: 89
Any hobbies: Hockey, Baseball, Soccer, Tennis, Basket ball.
Griefers will not be tolerated! Immediatly banned and ip tracked :)
Just warning you
11/24/2013 9:23 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Archer
Xx_Keano_xX's Avatar
Not accepted, your first comment put me off straight away!
11/23/2013 9:16 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Sexxy_McFlexxy's Avatar
I just voted.
11/23/2013 8:18 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Sexxy_McFlexxy's Avatar
Name: Caden (My last name is one of the most common in the world, so I don't see any danger in including it, but just to be safe, I won't unless you need me to.)
Minecraft name: Kaiba2002
Skype(required): I do not know my Skype name, because I didn't make the account, and I hardly ever use it, but I can Skype if I can trust you and if you can trust me. (And if my parents say)
Youtube: (it would make your chances higher if you can record): SetoKaiba2002. I have a channel, SetoKaiba2002, but I have to wait awhile before I can record. But when I can, I will record on your server, and maybe Skype while recording so we can talk while we play.
Experience: I've been playing for 1 1/2 years, and I know how to play pretty well. I've known about minecraft for about 2 years, but I got it for my birthday on 7/7/12.
Why you want to join: Because I LOVE mindcrack, and I watch all of Etho's new mindcrack videos. I also have played on many other minecraft servers, and they all have a problem with greifing/stealing.
Age: 11 & 1/2
DOB(If you dont know what this is, you cant join.): D(date) O(of) B(birth) 7/7/2002.
Why do you want to play vanilla: Because in creative, it is fun at first, but then after you have tested everything and built a lot of stuff, it starts to get boring. With plugins, mobs don't spawn, you can't go to the nether/end, you can't place certain blocks, some blocks don't do their purpose, and you can get auto kicked/banned.
What are you planning to build: A base for me, a pvp arena for people who want to pvp, some shops, a quarry (For ores), a mob farm, etc.
Why should i whitelist you: Because I don't grief, I don't kill someone unless they have killed me and I want my stuff back, We are doing death games, or if I am doing pvp in a arena. I think that I will help the server will my builds, and I can help if I am needed. And, I spent about 30 min writing this.
Tell me a little about yourself: On weekends, I have a lot of homework, so I can play from a) not at all, or b) about 30 min to an hour. (Hour is usually max.)
Sex/Gender:(dont worry, being male or female wont change my mind, this just helps me know to call you he or she :): Male
How often can you play:On weekends, I have a lot of homework, so I can play from a) not at all, or b) about 30 min to an hour. (Hour is usually max.)
On a scale of 1-100, how mature are you: 97.32222222222222293203288935253369852% (I will prank people like on the mindcrack server)
Any hobbies: On minecraft? Building Arenas and watching Iron golems and pigmen fight to the death, and building cobble rooms and not lighting them, and seeing how many mobs I can kill before being killed. In real life? Swordplay, wrestling, and reading.

If you accept this, then please use the reply button, or I might not see it. If there is anything wrong, please tell me.
11/24/2013 9:22 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Archer
Xx_Keano_xX's Avatar
Your age worries me.
not accepted Sorry :(
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