Minecraft Servers

NightCraft Looking for Staff :) Join the server and apply!!!

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NicoSavu's Avatar NicoSavu
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Status Offline Pinged: 12/13/23
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
A Minecraft Server
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NightCraft is a new USA dedicated server looking for staff! 1 Admin, 2 Moderators, and 2 builders. Come join the server and apply! We would love to meet you. Please do not spam. :) and most of all have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Additional Notes

NightCraft New server :) Looking for 1 Admin, 2 Moderators, and 2 builders. Come join us at playnightcraft.tk and apply! :)

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10/16/2013 9:19 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
Zagster4358's Avatar

Ign: zag100

Age: 11

Position Wanted: Admin

What I can put in the day: I can help people follow rules, I can spend 4-6 hours each day (unless I get grounded), and I am very helpful

How long have I played MC?: I have played for 1 year and 2 months

Experience: I have been Admin on 1, Mod on 2, Co-Owner on 1, Head Admin on 1, and I have Owned 5.

Thanks :D
10/09/2013 7:53 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
battlestar01's Avatar

Ign: sam_i_am__01

Age: 13

desired position: Admin, or Mod

what I can contribute: I can make sure everyone follows the rules and be dedicated to doing my job. I can put in 1-5 hours per day and would love to be part of your staff.

how long ive been playing mc. about 1 year now

xp: ive owned a server, been a builder on one and an admin on another. I am very familiar with plugins and mods.

thank you! :)
10/05/2013 4:51 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
wimp66's Avatar
name: Luis Miguel Malenab
ign: wimp66
skype: Luistheminecrafter
age: 10

I can help because I learned how to build and decorate at max lvl. I've was called the best builder ever in a few servers. I wanted to be mod because I promised myself that i would help a few servers to become better. Thank you for taking your time to look at my mod app.
10/05/2013 12:10 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Miner
[Owner]tank2013's Avatar



Age: 12

Timezone: MT

How long have you been playing mc?: In August I will have been playing Minecraft for 3 years, I joined just before the nether was implemented and consider myself an "Alpha Baby" as this was early alpha times.

Have you been a mod before?:Over the 3 years that I have been playing Minecraft I have played upon many servers and helped them where I can, whether it be Youtube videos, staff positions or even a server builder I always do my utmost to help every and any server that deserves it.

I had 2 servers which I spent a lot of time as a staff member, I shall talk about each in turn and just explain my role and the server briefly.

Anything else we should know?: I don't like to see other players struggle, I have always believed that a players knowledge should be never be kept to oneself, by sharing information it helps other players from making the same mistakes as you and life easier for individuals. Where I have played Minecraft for so long now I'm bored of playing the game itself, singleplayer no longer interests me at all so it's all about the online for me now. I get a kick out of seeing people happy because I have helped them, I like the feeling of looking back at an event and thinking to myself I helped create that, I helped make that happen.

What rank do you want?
You should never walk into a high ranked position no matter how much you know unless its a specific type of job, I believe working your way up the ranks is much more successful because it provides you experience instead of knowledge.

What position is given is up to you guys, however I wish to apply for Mod or Admin

Thanks for taking your time on reading this application, any and all constructive criticism is appreciated!
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