Minecraft Servers

Soon to be Factions server!

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NodeX-Reborn's Avatar NodeX-Reborn
Level 2 : Apprentice Architect
Status Offline Pinged: 12/03/23
United Kingdom
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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Welcome to the Planet minecraft server page for Nodex-Reborn! We are a fun friendly comunity that offers free redstone and free worldedit. Most blocks are allowed and you get 4, 151x151 plots and 4 set homes! All the builds on our pmc, we have done on this server. This is now open to the pubic to make your creative experience as fun as possible. Join our server now @
Nodex-Reborn.nn.pe! You can also find our server at http://nodex-reborn.enjin.com! 

On our website you will find:

Donator Store
Gallery of Builds
Build team information
Members of the website

The donator ranks are:


All ranks can be received through competitions and building. There will be at least one contest a month and the winner will received the Platinum ranks. If there is more than one the prize will be put in the post on the website.

On the forums page you will see 2 parts to the page. The first part is called 'Applications'. There you will be able to put a unban application and a staff application as well as builder, developer and report applications. This will always be there and if there is a change HollBoll will do a post about it. The second part is called 'Server'. Here you can suggest things and post ideas on builds or for the server. You can show off builds that you have done and if there good enough Hollboll will get in contact with you to see if you would like it put in the gallery and on the pmc page. Perhaps a YouTube video. You will also find News and announcements there. I would suggest subscribing to that forum. It will be very helpful in the long run. If you ever need help with the server or website feel free to make a post on the help forum.

We do not currently have a twitter or a Facebook page. We will be getting a YouTube channel shortly. This is all the social networks we will need for now.

We are creating a build team. Hopefully the build team will consist of 10 people. We will be doing free builds that will be free downloads on the Pmc page. The paid ones will be on the build team page. That page will be going up in the next week or so and will allow you to apply for a build team spot and also order a build from the build team. All builds will go on pmc and the gallery but the free to download ones all depends on if they have been paid for or not. We will be making lots of plugins available to players to enhance there builds.

I hope this shines a light on what will be on the up coming server. If you have any queries just make a forum post about it and we will be happy to help you!

~ ElliotPlayzMc and the Nodex-Reborn team! 

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11/22/2015 12:09 am
Level 1 : New Miner
iFrostyy's Avatar
Hai! Its BreeZzy :p
Planet Minecraft


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