Minecraft Servers

Op prison server staff needed {BETA}

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ZDudethealien's Avatar ZDudethealien
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
Status Offline Pinged: 12/01/23
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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Welcome to gumballcraft. We are looking for staff and we are in beta mode. Donations can buy urself staff so keep that in mind.

staff app format:
MC name:
How often can you get on:
Info about urself:
What will you bring to the server:

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06/17/2015 9:48 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
rockstareagle's Avatar
Age: 16
timezone: Central TimeZone
MC name: BaseBallRockstar
Timezone: /\ Central TimeZone
How often can you get on: almost anytime.
Info about urself: I love baseball. Minecraft is basicly whatI do when im not busy. If I get accepted ill tell you more on the server!
What will you bring to the server: I can help out with staff i have had experince, I can help build what ever you need and can do what ever you need!

Thx, BaseBallRockStar
08/15/2014 9:32 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
PurpleMarshmellows's Avatar
Age: 16

timezone: EST

MC name:  DinoSaysRawrr


How often can you get on: Daily ( 3 - 6 hours )

Info about urself:  I love helping servers and I have lots of experience with servers because I have a server of my own, I am a co- owner on one, and a mod on two onther servers. I'm on daily and usually bring fun to the server while enforcing rules at the same time. I am good in most situations and know which punishments to use, I can advertise and help try to make your server popular and help get people to donate to keep the server up and running. I love helping other players, answering questions and giving them a tour of the server if I need to, I never look down on other people and I respect the rank I have and don't buse it, thank you for your time.

What will you bring to the server:- I will bring lots of fun to this server, I will also bring other people to play on this server and spread it out through social networking and even to personal friends and family members who play minecraft. I will also bring lots of rule enforcement to this server but still make it fun and a server people will like to be on and want to come to every day.
06/11/2014 11:35 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Beard125's Avatar
age : 15

time zone : north america

mc name : Beard125

how often can you get on : sometimes 24 hours but on weekdays nope

info about me : im good at sports

what will you bring to the server : good builds and good plugins

06/06/2014 3:55 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
mattandpatrick12's Avatar
MC name:mattandpatrick12
How often can you be on:about once a day
Info about yourself:I live in Ireland and play Hurling and Gaelic Football with my local club Erins Own I have the highest test resullts of everyone in my class and will be in secondary school soon
What will you bring to the server:experience in managing and building things on a server as I have been playing minecraft since it was created
06/06/2014 3:55 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
mattandpatrick12's Avatar
Also can I be white-listed so I can check out the server if I get accepted
05/24/2014 3:55 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Network
Creation_Craft's Avatar
Age: 16
timezone: Central
MC name: austin12398
Timezone: Central
How often can you get on: Everday for 2 hours and more on the weekends
Info about urself: I've played minecraft for 3 years. I love minecraft and I cant wait to play!
What will you bring to the server: I have owner expernice and lots of plugin expernice. I would be a great addition. I will respect this server like i did to my own!
05/23/2014 8:09 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
shadowmaster0720's Avatar
skype name: kaieckard
Age: 11
timezone: chicago
MC name: Shadowmaster0720
Timezone: chicago
How often can you get on: from 3:00 pm- 6:30pm on weekdays all day weekends
Info about urself: i know almost everything about minecraft and have lots of friends who would play this server
What will you bring to the server: awesome staff activity and help with server managing and building and redstone skills
05/16/2014 7:14 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
omgitsme3's Avatar
Ign:omgitsme3                                                                                                                                                                     Age: 12 
Skype: xKingLoux
Timezone: New York
Rank: Admin
I've just got on the server but it seems it needs work with alot of things and I would like to help it, I have alot of experience with minecraft and know alot of commands that can help the server.Also I've been staff in many spots, Im even devoloping my own server.I want to become Adminr on this server because, I want to help it become a good server and I love helping out players.I choose this server to become staff on beacause there is ver little staff and it needs help, With many things I would Love Help doing.Im currently staff on servers But some aren't 24/7, Also some reset and the staff ranks were reset and I lost my staff spot But im experienced with staff. I can be very active, I play about 5h per day, But on weekends I can play about 10h per day. On this server people dont recommend me as Admin Because I just joined, Althought I think I'll make a great Mod. I hope you enjoy my aplication, and I hope I make a good member to your staff team
05/16/2014 7:14 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
omgitsme3's Avatar
If you I get accepted can you whitelist me?
05/14/2014 8:05 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Sparlicon's Avatar
Age: I'm 21 years old, With a high Educated College Degree, Aswell as a High School Graduate.

Timezone: Eastern Canada Time

MC name: tbrown19.

How often can you get on:  I can get on around 4:00pm - 5:00pm

Info about urself: I'm a 21 year old basketball player that plays for Montreal Community College, I play 
different games aswell as different sports. 

What will you bring to the server: Everything, That is my main word "Everything"... "E-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g."
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