Morivan Competition Skin - Endstalker Minecraft Skin

This Skin is an entry in the completed Halloween Skin Contest.

Minecraft Skins

Morivan Competition Skin - Endstalker

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Griff Morivan's Avatar Griff Morivan
Level 25 : Expert Blacksmith
Competition Series - Skin 003 - Endstalker

When we realized we had survived our ordeal against the Nether, we realized that we were on the brink of something new. Something quite a bit worse than the Nether. Our first inkling were the new beasts that appeared in both planes. First, in the Nether, the Blazes, creatures who soar through the air, belching flames at any who would enter the Netherian Ruins. And in our own world, the Endermen. Silent, massive, stalking beasts that wander our world, studying the substances it is made of. Psionic and powerful, they eliminate any who would look at them.

Except for him.

We noticed immediately, the Enderman's aversion to Pumpkins, and how anyone wearing one as headgear, or even carrying one, would be granted a wide birth. But it was not until I witnessed him first hand for myself why they so feared the benign gourd. His face, covered in a mask of the mocking, orange color, in stark contrast to the blackness of his duster. Those four wicked eyes on the mask glow, and even though he did not turn his ire toward me, his smile sent fear to my very core.

On each arm, about the wrist, the spine of a Blaze had been fashioned into a pair of Bangles, which seemed in themselves to strike fear into the Enderbeasts. His hands, bare aside from his unremarkable black cloth gloves, tore into the screaming cores of the abysmal creatures, ripping the still beating hearts, the Ender Pearls, from their chests. In the four that attacked me, only one Ender Pearl seemed of interest to the man. One that had slipped out of his grasp in the heat of combat, and rolled to me.

He approached, that infernal, smiling mask closing in on me in such a way as to make me fear I, too, would meet my maker along side the shadow fiends. Steel toes and heels clacked on the cobblestone streets of the slums in which I'd been attacked. His hand outstretched toward the pearl, he said nothing. In my terror, I volunteered the pearl without question, offering it up for hope it may be bargain enough for my life. Immediately, I noticed the dull blue green of the pearl begin to shine brilliantly against the twisted skeleton of the slaughtered Netherbat. Holding the pearl a moment, he examined the reaction.

It was in this instance I notice, around his neck on a chain of what appeared to be iron, was a small, sliver of blue ore. At first, I thought diamond or the coveted lazuli. However, as the pearl grew to shine the brilliance of the sun, the shard, now appearing almost as if a cloud made substance, glowed with matching intensity. Stepping back, my back pressed to a grime caked slum wall, I whispered in my fear. "Who... who are you?"

He turned, sliding the pearl into the duster as he began to walk away. "Know me only as the Endstalker."


Created specifically for the HappyBandaid/PMC Halloween Costume Contest.

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1 Update Logs

Tweak log : by Griff Morivan 10/08/2011 2:36:09 amOct 8th, 2011

Okay, this is actually the... fourth? Version? I did tonight? I played with it for several hours, editting this or that. But from the last version, I opened the duster up, added some fold detail to the front of it, added shading down the sides and under the arms and between the legs... Yeah. I feel like more will happen in time.

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11/05/2011 5:13 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
PowderBox's Avatar
Best one of all Halloween Dudes! I use it Myself now.
11/05/2011 8:43 pm
Level 25 : Expert Blacksmith
Griff Morivan
Griff Morivan's Avatar
Wow! Thank you very much! I really appreciate that. In fairness, a lot of the Halloween top 25, I have on my computer. In fact, I use the Sandworm Horror as my ZomPigs and the Stevensteins Monster as my Zombies.

If you could do me a favor, if you're ever on a chatty server, refer to yourself as the Endstalker, and anytime there is a server with McMMO? Specialize in Acrobatics and Unarmed.
10/11/2011 7:37 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Hero
MrFang's Avatar
seems this is your most famous one.
10/11/2011 8:30 pm
Level 25 : Expert Blacksmith
Griff Morivan
Griff Morivan's Avatar
Famous is a strong word. It's my most viewed, because of the contest. And it's really not finished. I'm debating over a few tweaks I want to make, I'm just not sure which tweaks I'll wind up favoring over others.
10/08/2011 2:30 am
Level 80 : Elite Grump
Cipher_Punk's Avatar
Would have been simpler if you had just updated the existing file, but I'll go reformat the listing instead *grumble*
10/08/2011 2:37 am
Level 25 : Expert Blacksmith
Griff Morivan
Griff Morivan's Avatar
I thought so too, but no matter how many times I deleted the file on the existing entry and reuploaded it under the same URL, the previewer never worked. But this seemed to. Sorry I'm causing you extra grief. At least I'm not an Enderzombiebrine? =D?
10/08/2011 2:39 am
Level 80 : Elite Grump
Cipher_Punk's Avatar
Pretty much. I'd say that your work has improved greatly since the last competition.
10/08/2011 2:44 am
Level 25 : Expert Blacksmith
Griff Morivan
Griff Morivan's Avatar
I definitely appreciate the compliment. Though between studying the guides on the front of the contest, I'm noticing small things I can tweak. I'll likely do another once over on the skin tomorrow when I get my mouse back. This was all done on a touch pad. And that probably shows. XD
10/11/2011 12:59 am
Level 80 : Elite Grump
Cipher_Punk's Avatar
If you feel like making any changes, I might suggest lightening up the 'black' a bit so that you can show shading/contrast in there. There's a lot of focus on the face in this skin, and that's good, but that doesn't mean the rest has to be so dark.

Just my own 2c.
10/11/2011 1:02 am
Level 25 : Expert Blacksmith
Griff Morivan
Griff Morivan's Avatar
I was actually planning on doing just that. I won't say WHAT I'm going to do, just that I intend to make some serious changes.
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