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#30 || Asher Interviews: Afap

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Angelonasher's Avatar Angelonasher
Level 53 : Grandmaster Mlem Mlem Bat
Sorry for the delay, but I hope you still enjoy!
here to ask general questions about the interviews or to request to be interviewed
better cover image) (periodic table name maker) (kirby gif)
Featuring Darkfap

My questions are blue, his answers are green.

#30 || Asher Interviews: Afap

What are some things you'd like the reader to know about you before we begin?

I am a complete idiot, and everything I say is fact.

#30 || Asher Interviews: Afap

How did you find PMC and why did you join?

I'd known about it for a while, and I joined to release a stupid resource pack called
Brokecraft,which has become so popular that it's appeared in a grand total of approximately 1 YouTube short. If that's not success, I don't know what is.


What sort of PMC-er do you consider yourself?

A kind that did not deserve to become popular. Seriously, how the heck did my idiotic self become a level 44 (or whatever it is when you read this)?


What is your opinion on the PMC community?

Well, it's better than Twitter. (it's called Twitter, darn it! I don't care what you say!) It's a very welcoming community, even if some people swear too much.


What is one of your favourite things about PMC?

Definitely the community. It's nice to occasionally find a good Minecraft map, but the community is why I've stayed for this long.


Are there any PMC-ers that inspire you or whose content/posts you really enjoy?

Blueboybuilds, LegendarySi, and TheCrypeteral (07) to name a few. Oh, and of course my guy minecraft.


What advice would you give to a new PMC-er?

If you want to make a splash in the community, just keep trying. Eventually, you'll probably be noticed.


You joined PMC in 2022. What kept you here?

The fact that my only friends are on here :,)


What sort of content do you usually post?

wall crapposts.

#30 || Asher Interviews: Afap

What inspired your "The Life of a Creep" series?

An old friend of mine made a comic book series called "The Adventures of Creep", so I did what a normal person does and plagiarized it. (Y'know, like a normal person!) As a matter of fact, a few characters like Armor-Up and the villagers were based off of his characters. (and Element Animation's villagers)


Why did you start making Minecraft skin renders, and what's your favourite part of doing so?

I honestly don't know. I guess I just neededa creative outlet of sorts, and skinning resonated with me.

My favorite
part is how stupid you can make skins. I mean, just in the last year, really I've expanded the Afap canon adding characters like Darkfap, Groceryman, and even an alternate version of myself where I'm Thanos. The sky is the limit, pretty much.


What led you to make the PMCpack?

I always do something special for my anniversaries, and I had the idea for about a year before I put it into effect. Something to bring the community together, I guess...


If you could make a new country literally anywhere, what would it be called and what would its climate/culture be like?

Probably something like "Afap: Country Edition." and it'd be exactly 72 degrees. Also, there would probably be llamas everywhere.


What inspired your persona? (If you have one?)

Originally it was a mix of PhoenixSC's and Wifies' skins, but while designing it, I made changes, and it eventually morphed into the Afap we all probably hate.


Why is your username?

I dunno, I just came up with it one day...


Do you play Minecraft, and, if so, what is your favourite part of the game?

Considering how I'm on this site, yes. My personal favorite part is seeing the creativity some people have.


What are some hobbies you enjoy?

Playing way too much video games and reading.


What do you usually do outside of PMC (online or irl)?

Well, my schedule goes like this...

I typically check my PMC messages and scroll through all my feed since I was last on, then I check my Discord notifs, mark stuff off on a Tears of the Kingdom map to determine what I've done and where to go next, and then I work on my current project. Oh, and irl I read. A lot (and do school and walk)


What are some things you are planning to/would like to do in the future?

I've got some neat things coming down the pipeline that most likely no one will give a potato about, but it'll take me a few months to get it done.


What is your favourite (or some of your favourite) colour combinations?

#fea900 (afap orange) and #ffdb00 (afap yellow) for one... Green and Steve blue also go nice together.


Favourite book/movie/game/series/fandom?

Kirby, no doubt.
Although, I will say that my current 3rd favorite fandom varies with what game I'm currently playing through. (i.e., right now it's the Zelda series, and I don't know what I'm gonna do with all the Zelda YouTubers I'm subbed when I start playing something else...)


Favourite artists, bands, authors, content creators, etc?

There's too many to name. DanTDM is my all time favorite YouTuber though.


Does pineapple belong on pizza?

Hot take: Yes. But only occasionally.


A hippo vs an alligator. Who do you think would win?



Who's Timmy?

This is Timmy


What is something you want to tell about yourself that you probably wouldn't get to in a normal conversation?

I've 100%ed The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild. Got all Koroks, all shrines, all of basically everything
(except some of the horse gear, but we don't talk about that)


Describe yourself in a single sentence.

I am an idiot.


What is one thing you made and one thing someone else made that you'd like to advertise?

I was actually the one who started the Bleezer thing, despite having no clue who the heck Weezer is, and then the other members (BlueBoyBuilds, CrownDeluxe, Greief, cloudkitty and WhisperoftheWild) decided to join in...

As for something someone else made, check out this skin ROKBAS made 11 years ago because I don't know what else to put here...


One last thing you'd like to say to the reader?

You guys are awesome.
Except Bill. Bill isn't very nice.

(if anyone reading this is named Bill, my apologies)


That's all for this interview!
Thank you, Afap, for being interviewed, and thank you for reading!
Any constructive criticism, advice, or suggestions are welcome and encouraged!


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Papa Enny
05/02/2024 4:57 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Scapegoat
Papa Enny's Avatar
Afap needs to be Darkfap
05/02/2024 11:28 am
This reply was removed by the poster or a moderator.
05/01/2024 7:07 pm
Level 44 : Master Lemon
CrownDeluxe's Avatar
this hasnt aged well...
05/01/2024 7:08 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Mlem Mlem Bat
Angelonasher's Avatar
why doesn't pmc let me say a good old fashioned "?"


05/01/2024 7:10 pm
Level 44 : Master Lemon
CrownDeluxe's Avatar
afap is no more :pensive:
05/01/2024 7:28 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Mlem Mlem Bat
Angelonasher's Avatar
this is is to keep his memory
05/01/2024 6:56 pm
Level 44 : Master Procrastinator
Darkfap's Avatar

It seems like I arrived on this site a bit late. I could've been interviewed, not that stinky green loser!
05/01/2024 7:00 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Mlem Mlem Bat
Angelonasher's Avatar
Gotta wait for next year's april fools I suppose 😔
05/01/2024 7:37 pm
Level 44 : Master Procrastinator
Darkfap's Avatar
Planet Minecraft


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