Oona_Luna's Avatar
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    • Oona_Luna's Avatar
      June 2, 2024, 8:14 pm to Public
      TheRedDemon said 2024-06-02 20:50:24
      TheRedDemon's Avatar
      very Descriptive
      oliviobobby said 2024-06-02 20:20:00
      oliviobobby's Avatar
      nice blank space
    • Oona_Luna's Avatar
      June 1, 2024, 11:37 am to Public
      Hello Lovelies,

      Today marks Pride month.

      I leave you a poem by Janine Booth (and a link)

      Stonewall Was a Riot
      It wasn’t the Stonewall focus group
      or the Stonewall business case
      It wasn’t the Stonewall let’s-present-

      Long years of asking nicely had not
      got us anywhere
      Our rulers did not hear us when
      we whispered: it’s not fair

      So when re-writers try to say
      we won by being quiet
      Remind them of our history –
      that Stonewall was a riot

      It wasn’t the Christopher Street parade
      or carnival with floats
      No candidates turned up and smiled
      to win themselves some votes

      It wasn’t the Stonewall letter or
      the Stonewall resolution
      It fought all night to light the dawn
      of the gay rights revolution

      When glossies feed you tales that serve
      a bland and spiceless diet
      Remind them of our history –
      that Stonewall was a riot

      Starbuck’s did not sponsor it
      nor Barclays Bank nor Nike
      It wasn’t led by lobbyists
      but drag queens, fags and dykes

      The advertisers did not book
      a rainbow centre spread
      And coppers did not dance with queers
      but beat them till they bled

      When corporations claim our cause
      then comrades – do not buy it!
      Remind them of our history –
      that Stonewall was a riot

      Now, every tactic, loud or quiet
      is welcome on our stall
      But unless we’d had the Stonewall riot
      we’d have no Pride at all.


    • Oona_Luna's Avatar
      May 28, 2024, 3:08 pm to Public
      TW: Sad

      The wound in me speaks:
      There was never a time I didn't experience violence for being "different", and being shut out of EVERY SINGLE COMMUNITY OF EVERY INTERSECTIONAL IDENTITY that is part of me. I have no queer ancestors , or trans ancestors that I can respect, because no one respects my disabled and sick body, my agency, or sees me as a person. My ancestors are the animals. I am an animal. The ancestors I long to not have been broken away from, were seen as animals by the original colonizers of this continent. I'm reclaiming the term animal--- because it's more than a term, it is a biological fact. Every part of me and every conscious and unconscious expression of those parts is imprinted onto my DNA.
      This is the only time I will ever be alive. There is no afterlife, no meeting the ancestors. They too are gone. The only "afterlife" they have, is in my genetic zentangle. It's only now. My past is a past life, and I've died thousands of times, and been born thousands more--- and it's only been 41 years.
      I been Largely alone in this world.
      I consciously gave birth to my family so I'd no longer be alone--truly a Creator god. I am my own god, other than me, no god exists in my life. The children are gods, and I listen to all of their fresh wisdom so that I may survive day to day.
      When my death comes, it will be as it should be, no matter it's form. I will die in the metaphorical or literal jaws of a hungry Being. Whether that Being is another animal or whether their body's hunger is appeased by my blood, or their hungry Ego is satisfied. But, until that inescapable moment of bodily death, I will fight for my life, I will fight to survive, and I will run, and relocate as many times as I must. Be it me and the children, trying to survive a society and world of hungry Beings, that hunt for our Lives.
      Pride month is a distraction for me. A distraction from a fact that is was a riot (so it is said), where trans folx were fighting for their rights to exist, and beating back predators with all their might and Being. That is what the stonewall riot means to me. It isn't Pride, it's remembrance.

      Remember stonewall... and we each have walls to climb then destroy..
    • Oona_Luna's Avatar
      May 16, 2024, 12:45 pm to Public
      If my life means anything, please let it be a warning cry--- to all of you who could be in my place. None of you are safe. I promise you this.People need to band together. We need to protect our rights, protect each other, protect our rights to safe shelter! Landlords are acting abusively, viciously, ruthlessly and with impunity because the systems of legal aid are overwhelmed and lawyers cost a premium.

      Promise me, PLEASE PROMISE ME you will fight for your neighbors. Draw them close, love them how you are able. We each are precious.

      We're alive,
      we're here,
      we haven't disappeared!

      We are not numbers!
      Panda Gocarts3 replied to Oona_Luna's comment below 2024-05-16 23:53:00
      Panda Gocarts3's Avatar
      oh, oh wow, I really do hope that goes well!
      Oona_Luna replied to PsioPsia001's comment below 2024-05-16 17:59:42
      Oona_Luna's Avatar
      The situation with a "housing crisis". So many disabled people are getting displaced from housing and barely anything is being done to help them. Many perish on the streets while waiting for shelter. The shelters aren't even wheelchair accessible. This is in the US, in case if anyone needs clarification, though, I'm sure the UK is currently having big issues with housing. In America there's a fight between people with massive amounts of corrupt power and marginalized people who are resisting being oppressed and unalived.
      Oona_Luna replied to Panda Gocarts3's comment below 2024-05-16 17:56:23
      Oona_Luna's Avatar
      It's a horrible situation with the landlord. This person is absolutely terrible and is trying to evict me because I'm complaining about needing repairs and mold. The department of civil rights opened a case against him because they found evidence of discrimination against my disability. He is retaliating. I have no money for a lawyer because I'm on SSI, so I have to represent myself in eviction court.
      Panda Gocarts3 said 2024-05-16 13:23:09
      Panda Gocarts3's Avatar
      what are you talking about?
      PsioPsia001 said 2024-05-16 13:04:10
      PsioPsia001's Avatar
      what happened? /gen
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    • Oona_Luna's Avatar
      April 30, 2024, 9:09 am to Public
      This past week, during a dinnertime discussion, the idea was brought up that we should try to keep a hive or two of honey bees. Of course, that sounds like an awesome idea for whenever we aren't stuck in an awful apartment. I do want to make sure that no one has a bee allergy.
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  • Some Details About Me

    I go by many names-- on here, I'm Oona (pronounced "Oooo - nuh").

    I am:

    - creative and crafty

    - part of a system ( https://di.org.au/about-multiplicity/#:~:text=Multiplicity%20is%20a%20very%20broad,this%20'more%20than%20one'. )

    - multiply-disabled

    - trans and queer (pronouns: they/them/it/its)

    - a millenial (born in 1982)

    - an animal that tries to be a Person, but often fails at that

    - polyglot ( https://www.rocketlanguages.com/blog/what-is-a-polyglot-and-how-do-you-become-one )

    - a cycle breaker (an excellent article all about it and how to do it: https://artofhowto.com/2022/08/23/be-a-cycle-breaker/ )

    - a survivor

    - actively anti-racist

    Why I Am Here:

    first answer: because my loved one is on here.

    long, second answer:

    I'm trying to get more involved with minecraft, so, i may be on here more, sharing skins when i can.
    i'd like to share anti-racist resources, content that educates and uplifts, and lots of interesting articles on science, the arts, mental health, and social justice.
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