Minecraft Mods

The Potatonarnia Mod 1.1

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Heine574's Avatar Heine574
Level 23 : Expert Engineer
The Potatonarnia Mod!

Obviously this mod is about potatoes (if you haven't realized that already, stop reading this and go see a doctor), but it's much more that just that. It's about Potatonarnia.

Potatonarnia is a lush green biome where potatoes grow in the wild, cow-like mootatoes jump around, and the potatoes can and will grow as large as trees. The ground itself is made from potatoes, and the potatoes' strong smell keep all hostile mobs except for the mutant mitato away. But you are not alone in this beautiful world. Mystical potato chefs have their homes on these plains, and they are very testy if you disturb them. In their huts they have many hard-to-obtain items that they have collected over the years, and they're not willing to share. Some of them also have apprentices who help them with their cooking. If you make them like you, they might just become your friend.

This mod requires Forge 1.6.4, which you can download here, and Java 8 update 11 or older, which you can download here for windows, and here for other operating systems. Java 7 also works.
Scroll to the bottom of this page for a tutorial on how to install Java properly.

Complete list of contents:

(Note: The Helper mob doesn't spawn naturally, but if you "tame" a baby chef they will become helpers.)

Potato Slice
Peeled Potato
Potato Peel
Uncooked Fries
Box of Fries
Salt (to make fries)
Stuffed Potato
Sweet Potato
Golden Potato
Mitato Fossil
Extract of Mitato
Potion of Mitato

Potato Peeler
Kitchen Knife
Full set of Potato Peel Armor


Potato Block
Potato Grass
Potato Log
Salt Ore (to get salt for fries)
Squashed Potato Block
Peeled Potato Block
Cut Potato Block
Mitato Egg (spawns a mitato when broken)
Mitato Fossil (to obtain mitato fossils, used to make certain potions)
"Because Potato"
"A peeling feeling..."
"Slice n' Dice"
"Fries are veggies too..."
"In its peel..."
"Exercise? I said 'Extra Fries.'"

Sweet Potato Lab \/
Stuffed Potato Lab /\

Crafting Recipes:
(an _ means empty.)

Kitchen Knife:
'S' = Stick
'X' = Iron Ingot

Potato Block:
'X', = potato

Potato Block can be crafted back into potatoes by putting a potato block in the center of the crafting table.

Smelt Salt Ore

Peeled Potato Block:
Click on a Potato Block with a Potato Peeler

Cut Potato Block:
Click on a Peeled Potato Block with a Kitchen Knife

Potato Slice:
Put a cut potato block anywhere in the crafting table

Potato Peeler:
'S' = Stick
'X' = Iron Ingot

Uncooked Fries:
'X' = Potato Slice
'S' = Salt

Smelt Uncooked Fries

Box of Fries:
'X' = Fries
'S' = Paper

Golden Potato:
'X' = Potato
'G' = Gold Nugget

Extract of Mitato:
Smelt Mitato Fossil

Potion of Mitato:
'X' = Extract of Mitato
'B' = Water Bottle

'X' = Potato Peel
'Z' = Leather

'X' = Potato Peel
'Z' = Leather

'X' = Potato Peel
'Z' = Leather

'X' = Potato Peel
'Z' = Leather

Known Bugs:
  1. The Potatoes on the Mootatoes' backs grows just like ordinary potatoes, but when you open a world they will always be at their first growth stage.
  2. The Chef's helpers (small chefs) are never supposed to attack, but under certain circumstances, they will. If they get angry, they will remain so until they die.
  3. The redstone powering the chef hut's door systems will sometimes get exposed to water, rendering it useless.
  4. Fixed! Potato Grass is for some reason generated after the fence surrounding the chef huts, creating 1x1 block holes. Although players can't pass through these, mitatoes and small chefs can.
  5. When a small chef holds an item in its hand, the item is rendered slightly above the hand.icon
  6. Potato Grass looks ugly. Possible fix: teach Heine how to draw :)
  7. Fixed! The Potato Log is for some reason called "Potato Block".
If you notice any bugs, please tell me so I can fix them!

Carl Heine

Java Installation Guide:
  1. Download Java from the link specified above.
  2. Run the downloaded file. Java should begin installing automatically.
  3. Go to your forge profile in the launcher. Go to "Java Settings (Advanced)", check the "Executable" box and type in the path to your Java installation. On windows this should be "C:\Program Files\Java\jre8\bin\javaw.exe".
  4. You should now be able to run the mod on your modified forge profile. Feel free to ask if you need help troubleshooting.
CreditWaveNote and mocqoro
Progress15% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.6.4

1 Update Logs

Update 1.1: The Fossil Update : by Heine574 12/11/2016 12:18:20 amDec 11th, 2016

+ added Mitato Fossil
+ added Extract of Mitato
+ added Potion of Mitato, a potion that makes you immobile and blind but also healed and practically invincible. This is good for recovering in mid-battle.
+ added Golden Potato, similar to Golden Apple... cuz why not?
* fixed Potato Grass punching holes into the fence of the chef huts.
* fixed Potato Log having the wrong name.

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10/26/2016 5:23 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Programmer
HauntedCorpse's Avatar
I have a potato, I have a narnia. Uhh. Potatonarnia
10/27/2016 12:17 am
Level 23 : Expert Engineer
Heine574's Avatar
09/24/2016 8:12 pm
This reply was removed by the poster or a moderator.
09/27/2016 12:18 pm
Level 78 : Legendary Senpai
Soulas's Avatar
you can update those files to any version, it's isn't that hard if you made in java. :)
09/27/2016 4:08 pm
Level 23 : Expert Engineer
Heine574's Avatar
I know I COULD, but I don't know how. ;(
09/27/2016 4:10 pm
Level 78 : Legendary Senpai
Soulas's Avatar
Learn tutorials, you can watch mrcrayfish youtube tutorials or just read text tutorials here :)

these tutorials are quite intresting.
09/27/2016 4:11 pm
Level 23 : Expert Engineer
Heine574's Avatar
wow! Thanks!
10/06/2016 9:48 pm
Level 23 : Expert Engineer
Heine574's Avatar
I've been using a custom API made by youthdigital, so apparently I have to buy it again to update it. Dangit.
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