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Arch Linux — Resolving potential EasyAntiCheat issues, for dummies.

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Hebgbs's Avatar Hebgbs
Level 48 : Master Archer

No, the above is not an insult.

I'm a box of rocks in most instances, just like you. Without understanding anything about how open-source communities do things you would be inclined to believe that upon running something that's promised to function in any Linux, that upon failing to perform as expected, your entire instance is broken over one thing and return to Windows because everything works just fine there. But, if you've committed yourself to giving Microsoft the middle finger and are willing to exercise your brain just a little bit you can figure out a way to make almost anything function in any open-source userspace.


Enter EasyAntiCheat; Epic's anti-cheat implementation you may see in familiar titles such as Elden Ring, Absolver, Unturned, Fall Guys, Brawlhalla, Fortnite and so-on. While these games are using a Linux-compatible anti-cheat that doesn't do any kernel-level tomfoolery or install things into the ESP of your GPT-formatted disk, you may likely discover two failure modes:
  • The game refuses to start or permit online features because you are using the Linux kernel
  • The game refuses to start because of some cryptic error when it's promised as being compatible
This article is for the latter; failure for a reason you've yet to understand, but which is not a prohibition instantiated by a developer to only consent users of Windows in their games. Lyrical waxing of why such a prohibition may be nothing short of bullcrap aside, let's fix the games we can play.


The blame for why EasyAntiCheat fails to launch select titles has responsibility falling onto the shoulders of two groups:
  • GNU's Not Unix project
  • Games developers
Without getting into the technicalities of why such a failure is occurring, a specific library EAC validates and uses before launching titles had recently been changed; glibc. You can look this stuff up yourself, but I am aware you might not care about this and simply want it fixed. Depending on a game's vintage, and if the developers have yet to be disbanded (I'm looking at you, Microsoft — Tango Gameworks did not deserve what happened to them) said fix to work with the new GNU C library may never come. This, unarguably is a failure of… Epic proportions. Still, you may not care about any of this, and simply want to fix the damned thing so your game may run anyway. I do not blame you for casting aside the historical precedent of your issue and getting on with a problem resolution yourself. So without further ado, let's do it.

The fix

For the Too long: didn't read and didn't ask crowds, give a damn.now.
I have encountered issues trying to build this stuff in /tmp, so $HOME (typically, a shell's default location in a terminal) is used instead.

Open your terminal emulator of preference and proceed as shown:git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/glibc-eac
cd ./glibc-eac
makepkg -si
If you choose to omit  -i  from  makepkg , you will need to install the packages it builds with  pacman -U . You may wish to do this if you see no use in having glibc-eac-debug installed, which can be safely omitted. Failing to do this, you can perform  sudo pacman -R glibc-eac-debug  as an alternative method of omission.
Seems simple enough, yeah? Too bad building the packages this process renders will basically take forever on a mid-tier laptop — use the time to do something else of importance if not trusting random strangers on the Internet providing pre-built binaries.

Pre-compiled binaries

I am a stranger to you on the Internet, as much I am a Linux user. You would be a fool to trust me, in particular because of special knowledge you may lack — this should be cause to fear my works more. Nonetheless, if you don't mind trusting strangers and just wish for select EAC games to work, I provide the binaries below to be installed as shown above.
All packages have been built without the need to bypass validity checks in  makepkg  — they have built properly, using the repository contents provided.

So you're short on time, don't care to learn a damn thing and just wish to install glibc-eac for the titles which had yet to be updated for working with new glibc. I got you fam; but please mind the warning in red above: I do not mean to incite fear, but in spite of what little reputation I may possess as a knowledgeable Linux user, you should never entirely trust strangers on the Internet with their packages. I will update this so long I am mindful to sign into Planet Minecraft and provide a new set of binaries.

If you want these packages pre-made and ready to install for your convenience, visit this page to download them.

Key table for provided files

You should validate the files I provide before installing them. An easy way to do this in the terminal is to put them all in a single directory, with nothing else and perform  md5sum ./*.tar.zst && sha256sum ./*.tar.zst  on them while in that directory to see the keys for the purpose of matching them with the table below.
Do mind; a key mismatch is not necessarily a guarantee of failure, but the files may have been tampered with by the file sharing service I am using or by your ISP.

Package name

MD5 hash

SHA256 hash


Advice for GUI package managers with AUR support

After waiting for about the time it takes to watch a few long-form YouTube videos (if not doing anything else meaningful with your life), you'll see the packages be prepared for installation. Go ahead and install them, but you'll also want to do the following in your terminal; perform  sudo $EDITOR /etc/pacman.conf  and add to it the following:
If you already have IgnorePkg in your Pacman configuration, then you'll want to append onto this; space-delimited. If using Pamac (self-built or via Manjaro), ignore this and use its GUI instead.IgnorePkg = glibc-eac glibc-eac-debug glibc-eac-locales lib32-glibc-eac

I suggest these changes because if you use a GUI tool which will fetch these packages for you, anything which respects Pacman's configuration for ignored packages will skip handling them on your behalf. While my only experience with this is with Pamac, I wouldn't see why Octopi couldn't handle this either.

Save your changes and reboot. With any luck this should resolve your game launching issues on most Linux-compatible EAC titles.

1 Update Logs

Title change and addition of binaries : by Hebgbs 05/22/2024 12:47:59 pmMay 22nd

Riffing off of the "For dummies" series of literature for various subjects, I used a less harsh title (even though I was equally addressing myself, I acknowledge how it could had still been an insult; apologies).

I have also added a link and sufficient warning to dissuade users from trusting strangers online with random files. Just because I'm trying to be a good guy here doesn't mean everybody else with links for convenience sake should be trusted. But, for sake of completion these binaries also show what you should have if you built these packages yourself, and falling short of that you can just install my binaries to skip the wait and get on with it.

This was absent previously because I was rushed for time y-day when I had posted it. Less in a rush now, I can polish this turd into something worth your while.

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