Minecraft Mods

[1.2.5] Quidcraft Quidditch Mod

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justintib's Avatar justintib
Level 44 : Master Dwarf
Posted Image
Version: 1.2.5 Rev1

I decided to make this mod so I could play Quidditch with some of my friends in Minecraft on my server. Make sure to check back for updates, and if you're really excited please feel free to donate or leave comments/suggestions Posted Image

We are currently on version 1.2.5, server code is available but PlanetMinecraft won't let me post multiple zip archives for download, trying to figure that out

Download & Installation Instructions
Current Client: QuidCraft Client 1.2.5_Rev1
Current Server: QuidCraft Server 1.2.5_Rev1

Previous Versions:

1.2.3 Rev1

This mod is fully compatible with Minecraft 1.2.3

To Install:
1) Download Modloader and ModloaderMp. If you are setting up a server to run this, download both the server and client versions. Otherwise you only need the client version.
2) Download the lastest version of the Quidditch mod (see link above).
3) Navigate to your .minecraft folder (in Start type %appdata% then hit enter)
4) Navigate to .minecraft/bin and open minecraft.jar using winrar, winzip, or another archiving program
5) Drag the files from the modloader folder into minecraft.jar, then do the same with the files from modloadermp client folder, and then the same with the files in the Quidditch mod/client folder
6) Delete the folder titled META-INF from minecraft.jar
7) If you are setting up a server: open the minecraft_server.jar file and drag the contents of modloadermpserver inside, then do the same with the contents of the Quidditch mod/server folder
8) Run minecraft and enjoy

Broom controls: C moves up, LeftControl moves down, WASD moves like normal walking

Craftable via wheat and sticks; can be mounted like a boat and flies with controls similar to creative flight (C moves up, Ctrl moves down, WASD moves as walking)

Craftable via leather; can be thrown like an egg, falls slower though, is picked up when a player collides with it allowing for easy passing and interceptions

Craftable via iron; once released they will seek out the nearest player and attempt to bash into them. Contact will push the player away, and has a chance to knock them off their broom and the quaffle out of their hand

Craftable via gold and feathers; once released will fly away from the nearest player and dart randomly

Beater Bat:
Craftable via sticks and wood; used by beaters to smack bludgers away

Bludger/Snitch Gloves:
Craftable via iron and leather respectively; used by a referee to capture bludgers and a seeker to catch the snitch (this is subject to change)

Craftable via wool; behaves like armor (chestplate and helmet) with very high durability so they shouldn't ever break mid-match. Right click with one in hand to change its color

Goal Block:
Block made of wool; behaves similar to fences/portal blocks when placed. When a quaffle goes through it turns green and stops the quaffle from moving further away. This makes it easy to see when a goal is made and keeps the players from pointlessly fetching the quaffle

Quidditch Chest:
A Block made from a quaffle, 2 bludgers, a snitch, and a chest. When right clicked it spawns a premade quidditch pitch into the world centered on itself

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Snitch Glove:
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Bludger Glove:
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Net Block:
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Quidditch Chest:


4-5-2012: Updated to 1.2.5, uploaded the server code and still trying to figure out why it's so buggy D: If someone wants to set up a server please send me a pm so we can test the code together D

3-11-2012: Got the basis for the modloadermp server code written up, brooms seem to be behaving correctly however bludgers, quaffles, and snitches now have even glitchier movement. They are moving correctly however they seem to sporadically jump toward their destination rather than moving fluidly.

3-9-2012: Trying to update to 1.2.3, but I'm having some difficulties with the models. I don't know what happened to them, but hopefully I'll have that worked out soon. Fixed the model issues! In the meantime I've spent a good bit of time creating the Quidditch Chest block, a block that allows you to spawn a premade pitch into the world Posted Image Soon I'll make it save what used to be around it so that you can put the pitch away as well. I also added 2 place-holder blocks, a set of flags that will be used to denote the boundary of your pitch and scoring areas for use later to keep snitches from going out of bounds and etc. And now all the blocks are in the creative gui, you don't have to craft them anymore! I'll upload 1.2.3 rev1 soon and continue reworking my ai

1-29-2012: Man does it feel good to be back to working on this, I just uploaded a version which should work fine in 1.1, however the server has not yet been updated. I'm going to try and figure out how to get it to work well with Bukkit and then release what I manage to create from that. Once that's done I'll revisit the Bludger/Snitch AI and hopefully make everything play better on servers as well as adding a few new crafting recipes (more brooms perhaps O:) Anyway, look forward to more updates soon Posted Image

12-15-2011: Sorry for the long break in updates, I've been all caught up in christmasing and working and haven't had much free time to devote to this project. After the holidays are over I should have plenty of time to work on this more Posted Image

12-7-2011: After some fiddling I got the net blocks to work just fine on the server Posted Image Now to edit the bludger/snitch ai and work out that problem where quaffles aren't existing correctly directly after being thrown

12-7-2011: Spent a lot of time working on net blocks, they now have much cooler placing renderings (like fences but can also be placed on the ground to make floor or ceiling nets). And they behave much nicer with changing textures, no more of those glitchy white blocks randomly showing up Posted Image Now I need to make it work with the server code and we'll be golden

12-5-2011: Alright, brooms are very close to being good to go on servers Posted Image Took a few extra days of blood, sweat, and tears, but they seem to be behaving as expected. Just wish I could have them rotate correctly for rendering, but that's an issue to resolve later! I'll put up a download for beta 1.2 very shortly. I think trying to organize several server tests will be more trouble than it's worth, however I do think it would be cool to organize a larger game on a server where we can host enough players and some spectators Posted Image But, before that can happen, I need to go back into the code: work on net blocks updating correctly for multiplayer and edit a few things for snitches and bludgers.

12-2-2011: More progress! Brooms are now being placed correctly, though very glitchy-like, I may know how to fix this but at least they're where they're supposed to be albeit with a glitchy animation kind of like when you ride a boat or minecart so I may not be able to get it much better, but I will try Posted Image

12-2-2011: Fixed half of the broom server problem, they now respond correctly to key input and all the players see that. Unfortunately, the broom is not treated as having an entity on it for any player other than the one riding it so it doesn't move correctly for the other players :

11-30-2011: Updated to Beta 1.1, fixed jerseys not switching correctly in the server and updated broom rendering in ssp. Still haven't figured out the smp code needed to make brooms behave correctly, and haven't figured out how to prevent damage when you land on your broom Fixed broom damage! This fix will be in 1.2 when that gets uploaded Posted Image

11-29-2011: Posted the recipes for all the items, now you can make them in survival Posted Image Also, I really didn't want to do this, but in order for the jerseys and headbands to work in 1.0 I'm going to have to edit core classes D: What this means is the mod may become incompatible with other mods that edit these files. I'm going to keep it as minimal as possible, however I definitely have to edit the renderPlayer file so that it can render the jerseys and such. This should, however, have the side effect of allowing me to make the jerseys more than just re-textured armor Posted Image Or not, everything looks to be playing fine so I'll keep an eye on it

11-28-2011: Uploaded a working ssp and smp version, however the smp version has all of the issues I addressed in the newest video (broom/rider not rendering properly is the biggest issue). In the process of updating everything to 1.0.1 I did break the jersey's since the way armor works has been changed, but I should be able to fix that soon.

11-25-2011: Doing my best to get this to work properly in smp, the blocks and quaffle are working right but I can't seem to get the brooms, bludgers, and snithces to behaves quite correctly. It will take more time and research to get this up and running. I'll put up a video in the next couple of days showing off the goal blocks Posted Image

11-19-2011: Did a lot of work on hoop blocks, they're like portal blocks that can be placed and when a quaffle is thrown into them they change textures and stop it from moving. This allows you to make nets of any shape and size, and allows for an easy way to keep track of actual goals made

11-18-2011: Jerseys and headbands are now in, they're basically new armor made from cloth, right click with it in your hand to change its color (currently the jersey colors are: white, red, yellow, green, blue, orange, and purple; headband colors are: white, black, red, green, and yellow). Headbands will be used to differentiate players when they interact with the different game objects (only seekers can catch the snitch, refs can catch bludgers, etc)

Known Bugs
Posted Image Jersey/Headband doesn't switch correctly on server
Posted Image Flying high then touching the ground on a broom hurts/kills the player
Posted Image Brooms/riders do not render properly for other players on server
Posted Image [Server] Glitchy looking movement for bludgers/snitches on server (they seem to move fine just laggy)
Posted Image [Server] Quaffle appears a second or 2 after being thrown and is slightly farther away from the player when it shows up, not sure if this is a problem in the entity code or if it's just not rendering during that time

Posted Image = Definitely will be implemented in some form
Posted Image = Possibly will be implemented, needs more thought

Posted Image Allow broom controls to be modified
Posted Image Brooms fly slower in water
Posted Image Bludgers will deal between 1 and 5 points of "damage" to a player on hitting them, once the player takes 20 or so damage they will fall off their broom
Posted Image A flag item/block to denote the boundaries of the Quidditch pitch (mostly to keep the snitch from flying way too far away), allowing for variable fields
Posted Image Headbands/hats will prevent nonseekers from catching the snitch, nonchasers from scoring goals, etc. This will make the gloves no longer necesary
Posted Image Some way to recall snitches and bludgers that doesn't require chasing them down, for refs and when the game is over
Posted Image Bukkit Version
Posted Image Hitting a chaser who has a quaffle will cause them to drop it
Posted Image Toggleable mouse controls for the broom ie: you fly where you are pointing rather than needing up and down keys
Posted Image Different brooms possibly with more health against bludgers, faster speeds, etc.
Posted Image A way to fly faster similar to sprinting

Installation Video


First video:

Net Blocks/Server Begginings


Check out the MinecraftForum thread here for a more steady stream of updateshttp://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/793889-123-quidcraft-quidditch-mod/

Contributors & Donators
This section dedicated to all those who support the mod with donations or resources:
GamersDissent/Etalyx: Provided a great video to spread the word
musicdudez: Working to update the textures and give general suggestions/advice
Machinima Realm: Reposting Etalyx's video and helping to spread the word
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.2.4

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by justintib 04/05/2012 10:05:57 amApr 5th, 2012

1.2.5! Uploaded the very buggy server code too :D

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12/05/2019 8:19 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
RainbowSim001's Avatar
How does it feel when MrBeast Downloaded you’re mod
10/19/2012 10:04 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
JakyOshawott's Avatar
Wish craked minecraft can get this mod D:
Viz Xatir
10/15/2012 3:36 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Artist
Viz Xatir's Avatar
I would love to try this out, were it updated. :P
09/15/2012 3:26 am
Level 23 : Expert Unicorn
JesseZe's Avatar
pleaaaaaaaassee update this mod, i need this on my server now :P
12/04/2012 5:05 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
jacostadude's Avatar
Dude pm me if u get a server for this i will come on it please tell me and make sure u tell me what MC version its for (currently in 1.2.5)

Thanks :D
09/02/2012 4:35 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
noley90296's Avatar
maybe you could add the firebolt
09/02/2012 4:37 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
noley90296's Avatar
or the nimbus two thousand or the nimbus two thousand and one or the comet two sixty or slytherin and gryffindor ravenclaw and jigglypuff quiditch uniforms
08/26/2012 10:20 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
noley90296's Avatar
hey can you make it a plugin
08/09/2012 5:43 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
guitarmanry's Avatar
does anyone have a server for like teams and stuff
08/01/2012 12:35 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
MrEdgars73's Avatar
will this be updated to 1.3.1 ???
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