Skallord's Avatar
Level 64
High Grandmaster Architect

Wall Posts

  • Skallord's Avatar
    July 16, 2022, 11:38 pm to Public
    I am back!

    Junior year of college was rough. Also more pandemic stuff. Also getting my first internship. Etc, etc. Regardless, now that I am working full time for the next year, I have a massive amount of free time to build and upload. Starting today, I'm going to be making at least one update to an old project or uploading a new project every day, and possibly doing multiple posts per day depending on how much time I have. I've spent the past two weeks or so rewriting descriptions, finishing project reworks, and redoing some of my channel art.

    Speaking of channel art, everything shown in the size chart on my profile, with the exception of the Cedal Natiri which is an old commission, is either a new version of an old ship or a completely new build that will be on the list of daily uploads. I think it's something like 80+ projects, so my channel will be pretty active for at least a month probably. And with all this free time you can expect more activity going forward until I have to go back to school for senior year in August 2023.

    Anyways, just wanted to give an update on where I've been and what I'm planning. There's lots of cool stuff coming up, both the new projects, some more blogs (including one where I walk through my design and build process), and more! Thank you everyone who has left comments or subscribed during my lengthy periods of inactivity. It means a lot.

    (another sneak peek at some of the new things)
  • Skallord's Avatar
    April 8, 2021, 7:37 pm to Public
    Another shout out from me, this time regarding one of my friends Kontik who has been working with me on a collab project for a couple weeks. A bit different from my usual work, this one is set in his sci-fi fantasy horror setting and it's been a lot of fun developing the design and lore around this ship. Definitely check his other stuff out.

    Here's the project in question: Starlich Hiveship
  • Skallord's Avatar
    March 4, 2021, 6:07 pm to Public
    Just had to shout this project out since I've been waiting to see it somewhat finished for a while now. It's part of a faction in my role play, the Aenean Republic, run by the man himself AirshipsEverywhere. I did a couple of the renders since I love all the background and context around this ship so much.
    AirshipsEverywhere said 2021-03-04 18:23:44
    AirshipsEverywhere's Avatar
    Thanks for the shoutout!
  • Skallord's Avatar
    March 16, 2020, 5:06 pm to Public
    Two quick things:

    First, I've created a folder which will eventually contain all of my ship schematic files, so anyone who wants to place them in their own worlds can do so (keep in mind you still have to provide proper credit if public). You can find this archive by going to my PMC profile page and opening the spoiler bar in the "About Me" widget. It's on the left of my page. These schematics are generally of a lower quality than what is shown on this site, and some may be incomplete, but I've received enough requests for schematics that I felt this would be a good option.

    Second, I may have to slow down posting over the next few weeks. I have to adjust to online classes and other issues caused by COVID-19, as my university has been making the shift like many others. I still intend to provide at least one new thing per week, even if that's only an update to an old project. Hopefully I'll get used to this situation quickly and be able to maintain my upload schedule.

    Thanks for listening.

    Kpepper15 said 2020-03-19 09:56:04
    Kpepper15's Avatar
    Good luck with that corona man!
    Skallord replied to Rossky's comment below 2020-03-18 21:35:02
    Skallord's Avatar
    I am a pretty optimistic person. And younger, which goes hand in hand. We'll see how things are going in a month or two.
    Rossky replied to Skallord's comment below 2020-03-18 20:11:31
    Rossky's Avatar
    You're very optimistic. We're close to a potential lockdown in Germany (something I would actually really like to see for various reasons). My new employer, who I was supposed to start working for at the 1st of next month called today to tell me nobody would be in to actually welcome me, or prepare a laptop for me to take home, so I will be off until 27th of april, which is in 6 weeks.
    Skallord replied to Rossky's comment below 2020-03-18 01:33:57
    Skallord's Avatar
    Oh, it won't take up more time once I adjust. The issue is just the next week or two where everything's crazy. I've got to figure out how to have some essential stuff shipped back home, and while I'll have more time overall right now I need to focus on getting everything set up. There's been a lot of emails and calls with the school and teachers since they're figuring out things at the same time. Also, it's only my first year, so I don't have a ton of classes or coursework. Honestly all of the chaos is reducing my free time, not increasing it. It shouldn't last long though.
    Rossky said 2020-03-17 22:21:41
    Rossky's Avatar
    As someone working from home office since friday: How come taking part in school lectures actually take up more of your time? I've got so much more free time now, not only because I don't have to commute to my workplace right now, but also since I can get a whole lot of home related tasks done during downtimes.
  • Skallord's Avatar
    March 8, 2020, 11:18 pm to Public
    Just a quick update. I'll be posting this weekend's new ship tomorrow instead of today. The plan was to update the Lhemon-class (now Linoph-class) on Saturday and upload a new light carrier design on Sunday, but I forgot I was flying home on Saturday and I didn't have the time. Don't worry, the new ship is already finished and I only need to do the description, so it will be live early tomorrow.

    You can check out the updated Linoph-class patrol cruiser now.
  • Skallord's Avatar
    February 29, 2020, 3:05 pm to Public
    So, it's been a while.

    A lot of things happened that kept me from posting for the last two years. Senior year of high school/first year of college have been the two big ones, but there have been others. I won't go into details, because the only important thing is that I was inactive on Planet Minecraft, but that's changing now.

    Although I haven't been posting any new projects since early 2018, I haven't really stopped building. I've updated my channel page art on a few occasions, and I have a number of projects that I sat on for years, never having the motivation to post them. Over the coming weeks I'll be posting at least one new capital ship per week. The first of those will be live as soon as I release this wall post: the Eerie class patrol cruiser. I'm also updating my old projects to 1.15, with much more detailed greeble and other visual improvements. I'll be updating one old ship per week. Finally, I have a few dozen small starfighters, space station mini-models, and other small projects which I'll release gradually alongside the other things.

    You'll also hopefully be able to see new channel art soon. I'm working on a new and improved channel banner, and I want to get more art on the various widgets.

    To sum things up, expect to see a lot of new projects and updated old projects in the near future. I've got some big things in the works, and a really large project coming towards the end of summer, if things work out.

    Thanks for waiting; I'll make it worth it.

    Kpepper15 said 2020-03-01 10:49:36
    Kpepper15's Avatar
    The King of Greeble is back!!!!!!!!!! Let's go!!!!!!
  • Skallord's Avatar
    January 27, 2018, 9:46 pm to Public
    So, varying degrees of bad and good news. Firstly, I was unable to complete all of the revisions I wanted - this is mostly because of finals, which took over my schedule. Apologies for that. Restoring my old projects will become an ongoing endeavour throughout February and March if necessary.

    The next bit of news is a bit more unfortunate. During routine updates on my main computer, something occured and broke the system. I went through extensive troubleshooting, and after much work was reluctantly forced to perform a factory reset. This means I will need to spend the next week reinstalling apps and recovering what I can. Any plans for next month are being put on hiatus. I'll likely have updates as soon as possible.

    Very fortunately, I have backups of much of my work on multiple USBs and on the cloud. This means a good portion of my work isn't lost, but there were some major builds which very likely were destroyed. I still need to carefully go through everything to find out what exactly I have lost, but I'm happy it isn't everything. Hopefully, I can continue my work in short order. If not, you'll hear from me the moment I learn of further complications.

    Kpepper15 said 2019-10-26 14:26:54
    Kpepper15's Avatar
    Hey man, I truly want to know if you are still posting, because I find your work really inspiring and would like to know if you are planning on stopping your builds for a while. Thanks.
    Kpepper15 said 2019-10-26 14:22:58
    Kpepper15's Avatar
    Hey man! Are you still posting? What happened?
    Skallord replied to Laserbilly's comment below 2018-01-28 13:04:17
    Skallord's Avatar
    I got most of my stuff, as far as I can tell. The only major loss was, ironically, something I was thinking of starting over. Not like this, but it works.
    Laserbilly said 2018-01-28 10:06:09
    Laserbilly's Avatar
    Oh that sucks! A month or so ago I lost my usb drive with all my future projects on it. Hopefully you can recover most or all of your stuff.
  • Skallord's Avatar
    January 2, 2018, 1:09 pm to Public
    So, time for a wave of updates. This month will follow a more informal schedule, as I have finals. If you missed the announcement, this month will be updates to old content - I'm finally doing the descriptions for my older things, as well as bringing the builds to what I deem an acceptable standard in detail. The upload schedule tab on the upcoming projects widget shows what I am updating, and once projects have been updated they will be marked in this tab. I'd suggest checking the tab every week or so, since some of the projects have changes which I don't think are enough to actually bump the project up. This means that some of the things won't show a notification when they are changed, so consulting the schedule will help catch when things change.

    A few other random things: there is now a scale chart on my channel page showing all of the capital ships I've built, which I'd suggest checking out; I plan on updating the chart every month, and once the next wave of uploads rolls around there will be silhouettes of the projects I'm uploading so you can see the size of what I'm posting. The format of my channel page has changed as well, and I'm working on putting more art onto it.


    Also, doing this on my birthday, because my gift is giving to you guys.
    Laserbilly said 2018-01-03 17:07:49
    Laserbilly's Avatar
    I'm a BIG fan of your size comparison chart! It looks fantastic!
  • Skallord's Avatar
    December 25, 2017, 11:57 pm to Public
    Well, as December comes to a close, and the last of my scheduled projects goes live, I've been no less busy planning for the future. I would like to think that this wave of content has been well received - that you guys are happy to get more ships from me after months of inactivity. If so, I have good news; the posts aren't going to stop.

    This December wave has been a trial run for me, in that I established a schedule, publicly advertised the builds I would post and when, and was able to hold myself to the deadlines (more or less) and release everything I had in reserve. This model is something I intend to continue for the foreseeable future. Every month, a few days in, you will get a schedule for the month's uploads, and a wall post detailing my plans forward. Sometimes you may see many new capital ships, sometimes only fighters and support craft, but the idea is there will always be something to look forwards to, one week after the next. I also want to introduce themes to the waves of content - a common type of ship or type of build that features prominently. I am always open to suggestions - to throw a few out, perhaps you would like a infrastructure wave, full of space stations and buildings? Or maybe a civilian wave, with buses and cars and yachts and all those fun things. If these sound intriguing, comment; share your opinion.

    As always, I will continue to improve and put out the highest quality of builds I can. In this spirit, the January wave has already been decided - I will be revamping most, if not all, of my old builds. Some will see only minor changes - others, total exterior redoes and structural modifications. I will of course put out a few new projects, but my focus is bringing my current portfolio to a degree of quality I consider acceptable. After next month, it will only be new content onwards. I hope you all have happy holidays, and are looking forward to 2018!

    DatHarryGuy7 said 2017-12-26 08:50:34
    DatHarryGuy7's Avatar
    Can you make a super weapon like a death star?
    pearyoshi said 2017-12-26 06:25:08
    pearyoshi's Avatar
    I'm stunned with the pace you build and post your spaceship projects. I can only be jealous!
    Best wishes, Skallord ^^
  • Skallord's Avatar
    December 18, 2017, 8:59 pm to Public
    "For once in my life I'm not missing deadlines." -Skallord, 12-3-17
    So much for that. A bunch of essays and honors work came up, and I have been unable to put out anything for the last ten days. The good news is that I no long have any schoolwork, as winter break is approaching, so I'm getting right back on my upload schedule.

    You'll likely be seeing multiple posts every day up until Christmas to make up for my short absence. Tomorrow I'll see about getting the three or four strike craft left uploaded, and then follow the rest of my schedule. My apologies for the delay.
    Opqosite said 2017-12-19 19:02:58
    Opqosite's Avatar
    Sounds great man.
  • Skallord's Avatar
    December 3, 2017, 8:34 pm to Public
    For once in my life I'm not missing deadlines. Here's a sneak peak at the December wave of uploads I advertised about a week ago. Keep in mind that these aren't necessarily to scale with each other:

    There may also be a few surprises in store - I have a few small designs I could build quickly and squeeze into my schedule. At the very least however, expect these eleven ships. The first will be going up tomorrow. Check the upload schedule tab for when you will get what.
    Asage said 2017-12-18 05:22:20
    Asage's Avatar
    I love your builds man. Keep up the good work.
    Skallord replied to Sbia's comment below 2017-12-03 22:57:11
    Skallord's Avatar
    Never realized that. Thanks for the catch.
    Sbia said 2017-12-03 22:40:55
    Sbia's Avatar i'm so sorry, i've been dying to use this joke for three years
  • Skallord's Avatar
    November 27, 2017, 11:47 pm to Public
    So, I'm coming back to PMC after a bit of a break. On my upcoming projects widget you can see what I am working on and a rough schedule for a number of uploads in December. Looking forward to becoming more active.

    See you soon!
    CraftyFoxe said 2017-11-29 03:00:33
    CraftyFoxe's Avatar
    Glad you are BACK
    Rossky said 2017-11-28 12:18:21
    Rossky's Avatar
    Feriach said 2017-11-28 05:37:32
    Feriach's Avatar
Planet Minecraft


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