This Map is an entry in the completed Nether Empire Project Contest.

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tatimblin's Avatar tatimblin
Level 32 : Artisan Fox

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At the beginning of the planets life, back when the rifts were frequent and unstable, one man learned to tame the immature workings of the solar systems physics. This man was Victor, coming from a larger village at the time, he was free from much of the struggle for life as most were, instead he was able conjure the rifts into some use. Once he had an adequate grasp of the science, he set out with his warm heart and naive mind, to do good, and bring all the people of the new world together.

Having not a complete understanding of the rifts Victor was entrusting much of his journey in the hands of fellow travelers, which at the time he saw no problem in doing. Those travelers however had much in store for him; though none were up for killing him, in his view they might as well have. Those beginning months of travel Victor was rarely free of an encounter every week. The constant torture was becoming unbearable, so with improved skill on rift control, the initial adventure was put on hold.

Victor considered all creatures outside of civilization savage beasts, and set out to purge the lands of them. As every tent or hovel dwelling creature was being eradicated. Victor stumbled upon to his knowledge the only other creature capable of altering rifts.

Juniper was the most beautiful person Victor had ever seen, and her power over the rifts drew a connection that even his turned cold heart could not ignore.

Juniper knew Victor before they ever met, not in person obviously, but through stories of legend. Victor the Necromancer was well known and feared throughout the lands. As soon as she laid eyes upon him she knew what was to become.

Though Victor had other plans, he was unable to seal her hate equal to that of the common squatter he came upon. Instead he felt the need to keep her safe, protect her, and make her see what he sees. Victor then began to open a rift, one that he knew puzzled Juniper, for it had no possibility to inflict the same fate Victor had given so many before. As the light poured out of the rift, a purple haze a nausea came upon both of them, as reality seemed to give out to magic, leaving them in a strange land.

As Juniper regains her footing, she is in awe, shaking and fretful, but in awe.

The land looks dead, but the magnificent structure brings it back to life, if it wasn't for the lava, things would look rather cold. In fact there was no visible life what so ever, god trees showed signs of the past, and hinted toward possibilities of the future.

"Welcome To My Home" shouts Victor, and Victor's echo

Meanwhile on the surface the people are gathering, in opposition to Victor the Necromancer, in an attempt to bring an end to the terrible era he has created. The combined force of them wait for Victor and his return. Their feight is successful and The necromancer's reign is over, as well as his original adventure.

Back in the rift world, Juniper expands her knowledge from the teachings of Victor's records, she sees his youthful intrigue, as well as his devastation. She also discovers that the rift dimension is vastly different then her home. In the rift world her powers are greatened, her health rejuvenates, and most importantly she is alone.

With her new home, and no sign of Victor returning Juniper begins to make the empire her own, as she summons up life out of the ash. Vegetation takes to the structures and the palace now resembles the hovel she was taken from.

As the planet stabilizes the rifts are less conjugate, and other than the purple haze Victor used to take Juniper. Leaving Juniper with only the writings of Victor to interest her days until...

[Insert/b]Planet Minecraft Provided Story]

Juniper had mastered the last remaining rift, and used it to summon Steve, the second most isolated intelligent being in the galaxy.

About The Build

So The map wasn't loaded on the server until the 24th, so that along with I've kinda stepped up in the workplace, getting more hours really left us with only a little time for building. Anyways I think we got done with what we set out to do, the main structure I believe is adequate enough on it's own, adding in the various side elements, and we got a really well rounded build.

Skylightb12:Large portions of the main structure, Large portions of the bridge,

CreditMysidia - Mysidia.Net
Progress100% complete

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09/29/2013 9:30 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
babbajagga's Avatar
There is no number one in this contest... there are just too amazing builds all out there :O
just mindblowing, all of them, and this one is not an exception :)
09/30/2013 7:51 am
Level 33 : Artisan Network
TheWorldofMysidia's Avatar
Totally with you! :)
09/20/2013 4:37 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Asiandream's Avatar
I hoping to get the map authorize for you,than using map in server mine. Of course I will recount my server players what creator of map
09/18/2013 7:28 am
Level 25 : Expert Blockhead
Pgskater1's Avatar
Absolutely mind blowing, keep up the amazing work!
09/15/2013 10:47 am
Level 25 : Expert Dragonborn
Plienas26's Avatar
You have been featured on Pixelhive, good job:
09/17/2013 6:21 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Network
TheWorldofMysidia's Avatar
Thank you Pilenas!
09/13/2013 5:58 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Asiandream's Avatar
I hoping to get the map authorize for you,than using map in server mine. Of course I will recount my server players what creator of map
09/13/2013 1:54 am
Level 71 : Legendary Wizard
Luna_Belle's Avatar
Very nice, I love your use of color
09/12/2013 5:24 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Lava Rider
ObbyCow77's Avatar
Very nice! :3
09/12/2013 4:45 pm
Level 40 : Master Architect
Drawly's Avatar
sky replacement is so bad in the video :O
such a shame cuz this project is FUCKING AWESOME.

havnt seen a project like this yet. original. detailed. beautiful.


grtz stan :) (hope u guys win:))
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