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~Ace~ Be Positive

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Rainori's Avatar Rainori
Level 45 : Master Pixel Painter

Before I start I just want you to know this is some of my thoughts and opinions about being positive and i'm not telling anyone how to live their lives or what they can or can't do, Please don't leave a comment unless it's constructive because I take this topic very seriously.. Thank you and I hope you find it useful =^w^=

The Comfort Zone

How often do you turn things down or shy away from doing things a little out of your comfort zone? How often do you say NO? For me, this word would crop up an awful lot more than the word "yes".

As none of you will be aware of I struggle with anxiety, so when it comes to doing tasks in my daily life it's much easier for me to just say no and do something I feel more comfortable with, and sometimes saying "No" seems like like the only option in my opinion, My mind would take control and decide that I should things inside of my comfort zone that don't scare me, Saying "No" constricts life to making even the smallest of tasks seem like baby steps.. And it sucks! So why should you let it scare you? Well, you shouldn't

Just Say Yes

If you are reading this, and you suffer with anxiety disorder, have panic attacks, depression, have social anxiety or are just a very negative or shy person, then I know very well, that saying "Yes" to things is all you want be able to do, but the way your mind works means that you're to scared to do it. But what is the worst that could happen if you think about it? The chances of you dropping dead are insanely slim.

Saying "Yes" means that you're opening up your life to new things and more opportunities, which will get rid of the horrible feeling in your stomach of asking yourself "What if?" because even if you are going to have a panic attack or breakdown, at least you have tried something and you can look back on that and be proud, instead of what that you missed out, I think deep down we would all rather say "Yes" and take the risk to do something fun, because in the end you're going to be fine and live on with your life.

I can't remember the amounts of times I have let anxiety take over, it's happened so many times now.. But it's rubbish and if you let it take over it will and you be ultimately unhappy. You are more like to remember happy times than time you were anxious so why would you want to miss out on making endless happy memories?

Something I find very hard to cope with when living with anxiety is that it it takes over your life without you knowing and very soon it becomes normal to be depressed and not want to do anything, and it almost becomes a lifestyle. I'm pretty jealous of some people that have confidence flowing through them, I sometimes think "Wouldn't it be nice to not worry about anything?" But to be honest lets face it, in the grande scheme of life worrying mean nothing and isn't significant to anyone.

It sounds a bit creepy I guess, But sometimes I think of anxiety to be like tiny demons inside my mind floating around waiting to ruin every experience I have, And I just have to shout "I'M FINE, NOW GO AWAY" then I can calm down and the demons will leave me alone..

I've had a bit of a wakeup call. I felt myself becoming too consumed by certain aspects of my life, certain people, situations and mostly, my anxiety. I stopped going to events in London, I stopped meeting my friends as much, I stopped eating out in restaurants as much, I stopped getting the train. I let my anxious mind take complete control. Some days, I just spent on my own, speaking to nobody and doing nothing, because I felt safe that way. Nobody should be living their life like this, and sometimes it takes a small (or large) slap in the face for you to realise which path you were heading down.

I have started to say "Yes" to things I'd never normally say "Yes" to. I'm not saying "Yes" to absolutely everything, but i'm making a conscious effort to agree to more things.

PMC has helped me a lot with this actually over years where I have been able to talk to others and take part in activities with others but there's not much I can say there.

I feel so much better for saying "Yes" to things. It has improved my confidence drastically, and it's made me want to go out and do more things that i'd normally never think/want to do. It's making me feel a lot more positive, and with positivity, comes happiness.


I guess the point i'm trying to make with this post, is please think about this for a second, try and step away from your anxious/negative mindset, and look at the bigger picture...

You get ONE life (unless of course you are a cat o.o), one chance to do anything and everything you want. Do not let something like this control your decisions or ruin experiences for you. The same goes for people. Don't let people ruin things for you, or control your behaviours or your life choices.

It's YOUR life. Share it with others but don't let anyone, or anything take over the control you have.

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02/09/2016 5:32 pm
Level 46 : Master Technomancer
Melancholism's Avatar
I've had many panic attacks before, and some of them have resulted from the bullying I've faced. Some days I didn't want to go to school, and I'd be very nervous. At that time, though, it wasn't a panic attack, but later in life it resulted in panic attacks. Worrying about the way people judge you, etc, etc. So in conclusion, for me, Anxiety also happens when you have bad experiences in life. ^-^ But thanks for the positiveness :}
11/10/2013 6:07 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Architect
Sir_Nexus's Avatar
Much respect for you. :)

From my experience with anxiety and depression, etc. I'm currently (to date) at the conclusion that it was all in my mind. I suffered within my own mind and thoughts. If I look back on the past, the things I thought and felt weren't true and was false concepts/ideas created by my mind.

With happiness coming from positivity. I believe it's all about perception. Your perception about things in the world determine the emotions and thoughts you will experience from them. Try think about it. :)

It's all about perception. :P
11/10/2013 11:30 am
Level 45 : Master Pixel Painter
Rainori's Avatar
That's a great way to think about it! :3 I completely agree, It's all about how the person suffering with the problem perceives it, If you just let it take over your mind, then it can all seem very real and almost painful..
11/07/2013 11:08 pm
Level 29 : Expert Toast
CleverUserName01's Avatar
I have terrible anxiety and always think negatively I always think things are gonna result in my death....
11/08/2013 10:47 am
Level 45 : Master Pixel Painter
Rainori's Avatar
People will feel differently to all kinds of different situations, This is just the way I feel about anxiety, For me it's not that I feel like doing something is gonna result in me being dead, Just more of thinking about how people are receiving me and whether i'm gonna panic or not. As for feeling like everything is gonna kill you, If that's just simple things like going out to shops or anything like that I don't know how you feel on that :/
11/09/2013 2:09 am
Level 29 : Expert Toast
CleverUserName01's Avatar
No it's just trying new things not like eating or anything.
11/10/2013 6:00 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Architect
Sir_Nexus's Avatar
If you could be more specific about what it actually is. I think it would help Sneakerace understand better. :)
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