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Aerial Craft [Survival] [No-Lag] [Donor Ranks] [New] [Max 3500 players]

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SuperMzi's Avatar SuperMzi
Level 8 : Apprentice Hunter
Aerial Craft

Aerial Craft is a new server that opened up around 6 days ago. At the moment we have about 10 active players all on at different times, our current record for people online is 14 and we are just searching for members to join our server and our community to hopefully make it larger, I'm posting the server here so that you can have a chance to join our server at its early stages. We have donation ranks and we will recruit staff that are experienced and well known. Please read the whole server description if you are wanting to become staff as you may not meet the requirements.

We are looking to bring new members to Aerial Craft by posting here and to try make our server name recognizable . I believe we can do it if we acquire support from you, the members of planet minecraft to call on your friends and people you know to join the server. We currently have donation ranks up and a forums that is open to suggestions. We want you to join and make the server popular and worth the money we pay to run. We pay a lot of money to keep the server open and free for you.

Staff Requirements

When applying for staff you must meet the following requirements:

An application over 1000 words.
Previous experiences. (Optional)
Member of our website for at least 24 hours.
Not staff on any other server.

Please meet those requirements when applying for staff here or you will be rejected. Although you do not have to be a donor to get staff here, donations are considered extremely helpful. By donation your chances of becoming staff are 90%. If not meeting the requirements; 60%. By donating half of the requirements are no longer requirements.

No griefing.
Respect other players.
Respect all Staff.
No spamming the chat
Respect the buildings of others.
No advertising other servers.
Do not steal.

Donor Rules

No intentionally allowing yourself to be killed to achieve handing items out.
No abusing of the market.
Not abusing of your commands in any way.
Just because you are a Duck or higher, doesn't mean your immune to the rules.
Breaking any of these rules will cause you to be permanently demoted ( Losing your Rank.)
Special Offer:

We are giving away our highest donor rank to the people who donate $50 + within the next 24 hours. These people will also get 100,000 $ in game also, if you donate $20 or more you can be ranked up two more donor ranks than you paid for! If you donate $5 + Then you get ranked up one! Donate and get a 90% chance at getting a staff position on this server!
Donation Ranks and benefits

Our ranks are as follows:

$5 - Duck

The benefits of the duck rank are very small due to the donation amount. Ducks can:

Join the server at any time.
Use /kit Duck.

$10 - Pigeon

The benefits of the pigeon are more than the duck but a minor compared to the rest of the ranks. They can:

Use all the benefits that the duck has.
Have multiple /homes.
Have no pvp mode (Invulnerability).
Use the /kit pigeon.
Acquire $1000 upon donation. (in game)

$15 - Crow

The benefits of the crow are very similar to pigeon but with more benefits!

Use all the pigeon benefits.
Mod disguise into a pig (Turn into one)
Use /heal to heal themselves.
Use /feed to feed themselves.
Use /kit crow
$5,000 in game money.

$22 - Raven

The benefits of the Raven are much more than duck.

The benefits of Crow
Repair your items.
Mob Disguise into a Sheep. (Turn into it)
Mob Disguise into a Creeper. (Turn into it)
Mob Disguise into a Villager. (Turn into it)
Use /kit Raven
$25,000 in game money

$40 - Vulture

The benefits of vulture are as follows:

Raven Benefits.
Mob Disguise into a Iron Golem. (Turn into it)
Access to /hat (Wear the item your holding)
/kit Vulture
Custom Colors to thier names.
Change prefix Color.
$50,000 in game money

$55 - Eagle

The benefits of Eagle are:

Vulture Benefits.
99% Chance of getting Moderator if applying.
Mob Disguise into a blaze. (Turn into it)
Change a mob spawner into a skeleton spawner.
Change into a chicken. (Turn into it)
Access to /kit Eagle.
$100,000 in game money.

$70 - Griffin

The benefits of Griffin are as follows:

All Eagle Benefits
Change Mob spawners to any type of mob
Set Warps for themselves
Use /kit Griffin
Access to a portable chest by using /chest.
/kit griffin
$400,000 in game money

$100 - Dragon

The benefits of a dragon are ultimate to any other rank:

All Griffin benefits
Custom Prefixes
Spawn Items
Turn into any mob you want. (No Ender Dragon.)
Get a portable workbench!
Allowed to get a staff member to flatten land for them.
100% Chance of getting moderator if donated and applied.
$1,000,000 in game money

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