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Archery Tips Guide: From An Accused Aimbot Hacker

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Angry_Squid's Avatar Angry_Squid
Level 25 : Expert Narwhal
Now, let me start this off with I do not aimbot, never have, never will. I have never hacked a server. These are just tips and tricks that i find useful. All of these assume you are worse equipped then your opponent.

#1:Circle Strafer Tactics-

This is when i was accused. A diamond armor person was circle strafing me, me having only iron armor plus a bow, and i defeated him. I used a tactic I call: Early Warning. The name is derived from a subtle sign i give before firing, that helps a lot with my accuracy. I will jump and aim ~2 blocks ahead of a person circle path, and they tend to run into my arrows. Make sure you are not in a 2-v-1 when using this, or your focus may distract you from the other player.

#2:Crosshair Offset-

This one is required if you wish to get a shot from afar. Be sure to test how high the crosshair is in relation to your targets position. Do this quickly if being charged, however, or it may be the death of you.

As mentioned earlier, this guide does assume that you are worse equipped than your opponent. If this isn't the case, then you are left with the upper hand. Do not get cocky, however, or you may just be bested; equipment isn't the only thing that makes a good MineCrafter. Be sure that in a "vs Diamond" PvP situation your are well equipped with iron armor. At least a stone sword if not an iron. Preferably diamond, but heck, you'd likely go for swords if you had the diamonds.

#4:Battle Archer-

I personally would not recommend this tactic to anybody, unless you are awful at archery. While many may disagree, i find it to be ineffective. Stay as far away as you can from this tactic, unless you have a punch enchanted bow and are looking for a quick and easy getaway. Speaking of enchantments...


Enchantments are great for everything from DoT, to quick getaways, to infinite arrows, to flat out better damage, all enchanted bows in some way beat a non-enchanted bow. A nice Punch II will distance you enough to make your escape (preferably with potions, but i'll get to that later.), Flame will ensure they cant sprint for a while as well as dealing damage (perfect if combined with punch), Power will kill them far quicker, and Infinity will mean you never run out of arrows. Combined they are largely considered a "God" Bow (a.k.a the most powerful bow in the vanilla game). The Enchants for a God Bow are: Power V, Flame I, Infinity I, Punch II. This is impossible via normal enchanting (Power V is inaccessible through an enchantment table), however can be obtained by combining a God Bow that only has Power IV with a regular Power IV bow. This will achieve the god bow.


I built a Redstone world with a few practice activities that I use occasionally, however I could really only recommend it to a beginner. It should be uploaded soon, although I am not quite yet finished. If nothing else I recommend a server like MagicaCraft with a free archer class, and a /kit Archer giving you a bow, 64 arrows, some apples, and a speed potion. On the topic of potions...


These can mean life or death in a fight. If you have the required resources, always, always, bring potions. A few notable ones are: Speed, Strength, and Regeneration. if your the sneaky kind of person, you could go with some splash weaknesses, poisons, or slownesses to give yourself the upper hand in most any combat situation ( or at least level the playing field a bit more.)

#8:Closing Raid Strategies:

I feel i should wrap this blog up now with a few strategies. First, always sneak when stalking prey. If its a raid server, they may lead you back to their base if you're patient enough, then you may raid them. Second, Invisibility Potions are good for staking out territory and checking out how well other people are doing. Third, always bring a pick, backup iron sword, and, of course, bow and arrow. These strategies assume you're raiding a base that is far from abandoned.

tl;dr- Enchant gear, make potions, iron armor.

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Angry_Squid 05/03/2014 2:17:26 pmMay 3rd, 2014

I have realized I probably should mention what a "Battle Archer" is. A "Battle Archer" is someone who bareley charges back their bow, and therefore can spam shoot better. However, with damage relying on how far your bow charges, they deal .5 hearts of damage with every shot. It wastes bow uses, arrows, and your own time, as killing someone like tat is incredibly hard.

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06/30/2015 7:01 am
Level 1 : New Miner
once_rom's Avatar
great thanks!! mate you are awesome
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