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Aspergers and Creepers! [How people with Aspergers can sometimes feel like a Creeper]

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AspergersAssociation's Avatar AspergersAssociation
Level 13 : Journeyman Scribe
Hello! We're the AspergersAssociation here with our latest blog!

Written by: -Rusty- (Retired) and edited by UltimateMegaMan (Co-Founder)



An open field, a nice cozy blanket and a face full of doughnuts and other assorted confectionery products. Ah, the creeper could not ask for more. Suddenly, Steve pops out and punches the creeper!

The creeper wonders,
o What did I do wrong!? I was only sitting here!o and,
o What else should I do? Maybe he wants me to do something!o as well as, o Everything is my fault! D_:o

The creeper is so fed up with these thoughts that he starts to swell up, ando ¦ Yes, BOOM, the world literally ended for that creeper.


It is likely many of you dono t know this, but Aspergers usually goes along with symptoms of another disorder: ADHD, anxiety, or just a very high level of Aspergers.

When I get Anxiety attacks, I feel all red; like I'm swelling up; like everybody around me is suddenly going to blame me for everything - and I feel like I'm going to explode. Poof. The world... is GONE.

Social Awkwardness


Creepers are sluggish, scared and frightened creatures, so naturally the constant teasing they get (and a lack of hugs) makes them very, VERY sad. So they sit alone, in a cave - crying. He cries all the time, trying to shove the nasty thoughts out of his head.

Soon, a miner comes into the cave, and creeper thinks,
o Has someone come to see me?o
The miner stares down into the chasm, and finds the creeper there.
It looks damp and crest-fallen.
He comes down and tries to cheer the creeper up.
However, the creeper, not knowing how to interact with the "Steves", gives the Steve a brofist.
Unfortunately, this results in Steve losing half a heart from his health bar, and he walks off - very cross.

Creepers do not want to agree that they are socially awkward, but they mutually agree to it; then wallow in their own tears because they can't make friends, even when they try to fit in.


When I am invited to events, I am always especially happy (it's probably because I'm hardly ever invited to anything), and when I'm there I try to talk to others. Granted, it might just be formalities, but I usually participate in a conversation (rather than host it).

If I'm talking about something that I enjoy doing and others disagree, or want me to stop, a lot of the time it quickly escalates into an argument. But if someone else is talking about something that I don't like or I don't want to hear [Pro Tip: Don't talk to an Aspergers diagnose about Beer or Clubs. We don't want to hear it.] I am presented with three options:
1.) Saying I don't like the topic.
2.) Trying to get them to side-step into something else.
3.) Leaving the 'conversation circle'.
Usually people with Aspergers will attempt No. #2 (we are spies in disguise... wait-) because we are awesome like that.
But often our attempts are unsuccessful and we find ourselves bailing.



A lack of friends can really push down on a Creeper, to the point that they have no life goals; no ambitions; no aspirations and of course, no friends. They feel like blowing the Steve's up is their only purpose.
They feel unloved; they're branded as terrorists and muggers.
They feel that their life is a kamikaze mission to kill Steves.
And yet, they don't want to kill Steves. They want to be loved.
They want to be happy. They want to live in PEACE.
It's the restraint from something so common and so simple as friendship from the creeper that leads it to depression.
This is it. Time to end it all. Boom.


Depression within Aspergers isn't always as tragic as all that, but that kind of drama still exists in the modern, cruel world.
No play on words, fabrication or lie can hide that.
People with Aspergers can be discriminated against, leading a life with no room for happiness. Their only friends are their possessions and their belongings. Granted, the vast majority of people with Aspergers do not live a life so strained as this, but there are still people who do.
This is why we as a group want to help you.
We want to help you stand up.
Demand to see life's manager!
Say, "I don't want your damn discrimination, what the hell am I supposed to do with these!?"
Make life rue the day it thought it could give us discrimination!
"Do you know who we are? We're the people who will get our friends and family to make combustible friendship rays!
Combustible friendship rays that BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN!"

Thanks for listening!

[Editor's Note: By making this blog we aren't saying that people with Aspergers are unapproachable and unlikable. We're saying that we just need hugs. That's all.]

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10/24/2013 5:10 pm
Level 24 : Expert Mage
SkyTheHero's Avatar
So nice i swear i wish i could help people with aspergers but i try what i can do to cheer them up.
10/23/2013 3:21 pm
Level 26 : Expert Miner
Excision's Avatar
Is it true that they refer to your disease as assburgers?
10/09/2013 12:49 pm
Level 23 : Expert Mountaineer
UltimateMegaMan's Avatar
A wild thumbnail appeared!
Thumbnail used 'Dazzle'!
It's super effective!
Wild Ultimate fainted!
Thumbnail gained 200 xp points.

Seriously though, WOW, you did a good job with the thumbnail.
10/04/2013 1:59 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Scribe
AspergersAssociation's Avatar
Bailey here, The point about depression is very agreeable.. I have been like this for ages, until I made this group and met other sufferers. Thank you.
10/22/2013 8:59 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Skinner
MrGumms's Avatar
Can I join the group
10/04/2013 12:45 pm
Level 76 : Legendary Button Pusher
DragonsDungeon's Avatar
:D nice as always <3 lol
10/04/2013 1:00 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Scribe
AspergersAssociation's Avatar
Thanks :)
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