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Being Friendly!

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Enzo3BPE's Avatar Enzo3BPE
Level 23 : Expert Architect
Hey guys. We all know those certain people that can tend to come off as a little ride or un friendly on a server, forums, or even PlanetMinecraft. Well, I am here today to make sure that you don't come off as unfriendly, and you might even brighten some other people's days. [For Servers] =~=~=~=~=~=~= The Classic Survival/Factions Server: (1) Always be friendly in chat, either it be a "Welcome to the server" or a "Hey, I noticed your faction and it seemed pretty cool. Nice going!" (be careful, you don't want to become too friendly since it is just minecraft, and they might get creeped out.) (2) Give them help on where things are on the server, like maybe. A shop,an afk pool, or maybe even spawn. (3) This one isn't as common, but shows you are the kind of person to hang out with, is giving people resources when they join the server. Maybe they get a slow start, and your simple gift ends up going a long way. A Creative Server [My Specialty]: (1) Always welcome a new person into the server community. (2) Show them the way to where maybe the guest plots are, or maybe the free build world is. (3) Give them tips on how to make their build better. They might really enjoy some help getting to build to the server standards. Notice things like depth, detail, and maybe some nice block type choices. (4) Give them some of the best things about their build, it really makes their day and keeps them going. I know I loved getting good reviews about my builds when I joined some creative servers. (5) Finally, offer to help build, or make a project with them. It shows that you have gone out of your way to accept them intoYour creative community. [The Forums of a Server] =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= (This one will be shorter) (Start) Well, you have joined the server and have been referenced to the forums. You could've followed my tips above to get off to a great start, which I hope you will do. Now, you must make friends on the forums, or maybe clean up the forums. (1) Try to keep up to date with the server forums, or go around and read some things so you get all the silly inside jokes or understand what's going on in the forums recently. This will make yourself ready to go through the next steps. (2) Try to be active! Go on and reply to something or start your own post. This will get you out there and ready to be friends on the forums. (3) Try to give positive feedback to builds that people post or try to be encouraging about good things happening on the server. Maybe a simple "Yay" will do. (4) try to add people to your friends list if you have one. (5) If you do not like the way the people are talking on the forums, try asking ten to calm their language or consult the rules. If the rules have swearing in them, maybe it isn't the server for you. (6) Ask people to be a little more appropriate on forums. If you are uncomfortable it is okay to speak up. [PlanetMinecraft] Basically combining the server tips and the forum tips. Edit the tips to your surroundings. [NOTICE] Please try to have fun to. Sometimes people are more inviting, and there is no need to have to act friendly. These are the kind of servers you will enjoy more. I hope my tips helped! =D Please comment, favorite, subscribe, and visit my other things on PMC - Enzo3BPE

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Enzo3BPE 08/01/2013 1:24:56 amAug 1st, 2013

Horrific IPhone post fix.

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08/01/2013 1:19 am
Level 23 : Expert Architect
Enzo3BPE's Avatar
Lol, this came out wrong. Sorry. My iPhone doesn't want to cooperate. I will update this and fix it up tomorrow. Sorry for any confusion I may have caused.
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