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crasyme123's Avatar crasyme123
Level 20 : Expert Dragon
Hey guys, My name is crasyme123 and i am doing another blog for my fans! This has been writen to inform you about something that you may not see often, But... Its happens! Bulling!

Me and my mates have started out a little project called... Bulling happens everywhere! This is mainly based on minecraft and other games, There are many diffrent types of bulling, Such as, Verbal, Physical and cyber, This is all based on cyber bulling!

Firstly, Be aware! If you have a server and you see someone getting bullied, Ban the bully strait away and then try and talk to the victom. Secondly, If you are a bully, You can be reported to the ploice, Minecraft has started a Anti-Bulling project too! 

Secondly, What to do! I can bet almost all of you, Once in your live, Will expericance bulling, Even if its just seeing someone being bullied, As soon as you see someone get bullied, Tell the server staff! They will help and deal with it! Please don't talk to then bully (Most servers have /ignore). Don't try and argue back! This will make the more angry and will avend you more!, If they are bulling you, Tell someone in real live to! Don't foget, Bullies get reported to the ploice! 

Thirdly, My team! I have put together a team, Out of, Me (crasyme123), trooper994, skillpilldill. If there is anything you need to talk about... Skype us at... crasyme.wanted
and we will reply!

Thank you for reading and i hope this has made you more aware! Bye!

Please sub!
Creditcrasyme123, trooper994, skillpilldill

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05/08/2014 10:36 am
Level 20 : Expert Dragon
crasyme123's Avatar
Thnx man, I didn't have time to read all of that comment lol, But i read almost all of it! Thank you for bringing up those things and if you ever need me I should be ok skype, crasyme.wanted
05/08/2014 10:14 pm
Level 25 : Expert Scribe
MissWriter's Avatar
Thank you, I hope you take the time someday to read that comment as I took the time to write it. And sorry, I don't skype with strangers. Good luck, though.
05/07/2014 9:31 pm
Level 25 : Expert Scribe
MissWriter's Avatar

Sorry, but it's driving me nuts. I clicked on this article because I wanted to know what bulling was, actually. But I'm also glad you're tackling bullying. It’s a serious issue in online gaming, where a lot of servers don’t have moderators on to protect you at all times.

It’s very easy for an environment to degrade into something toxic and it’s hard to get people to realize what they’re doing and saying is just wrong. Period. There’s no reason to do it to anyone.

I think you have some great points, though the article could benefit from some more basic proofreading (straight, not strait. Police, not ploice, etc.) and the points aren't always in touch with the reality of what happens online.

There is also no definition of what “Verbal” and “physical” bullying are, but those are pretty self-explanatory, true. 

But I am not sure they need mentioning at all. This is clearly an article about specific cyber-bullying in minecraft servers. I am glad that you mention the different types, but if you’re only going to focus on one, why not just mention the one?

I think that there are many kinds of bullying, not limited to these categories of whether they are online or verbal or violent. People can bully indirectly without saying or doing anything to you, simply by excluding you from something.

I also feel like the article isn’t tackling the realities of owning and running a server. Speaking as a moderator, if people are abusing chat in any way, they get muted. They get a lesser punishment and if they keep at it, the punishment escalates. Hopefully, not all staff are like this. 

These people who abuse chat seldom get straight banned right away on a legitimate server unless they are breaking the rules and have multliple warnings about it. Owners have to answer to MCBans and people can appeal a ban if they think it’s not fair, especially if it’s just a chat-based subjective thing.

And often, admins and staff just don’t care. It’s not their responsibility to take care of people under eighteen or even over it. When you go online, you have to take precautions (don’t give away information about yourself, etc) and be prepared to hear a lot of garbage. It’s not always bullying, it’s just stuff you don’t want to hear.

If server staff do not even care about bullying, complaining to them does nothing and /ignore is best, or perhaps just leaving the server totally. Bullying or at least, people who are complete jerks, appear everywhere and there is no end to the number of servers you can use or go to instead.

Nobody is realistically going to report an online video game bully to the police, even if it is illegal. The individual probably doesn’t even live in the same country and unless it’s something that gets into your real life—they have your email, your Facebook, they abuse personal information about you, etc.—then the police can’t or won’t do anything about it. It’s just a video game, really.

I think you have a valid point when you say don’t argue back, don’t feed the person’s bullying. Again, /ignore, if the server lets you have that, is a blessing. There’s no reason why you have to listen to that person and if you don’t like it, the mentality is that you deal with it by leaving or by ignoring it, or handling it some other way.

Honestly, minecraft bullying is not something that people think of and not because it’s an under-rated form of abuse that we need more awareness of, but because you’re sort of expected to take care of yourself when you go into these online environments not governed by law, for the most part.

A lot of what people spew up on these sites is not  necessarily even bullying, it’s generally not directed at anyone, just everyone online at the time. It’s sexual, it’s harassment, it’s threats, it’s stalking, and it’s spam. It’s not really bullying, per se, just people trying to cause as much damage as possible regardless of whether you are there or not. Bullying generally features multiple attempts at the same person, wearing that person down and making that person feel insignificant, hopeless, and hurt.

Anyone who has played multi-player is already well aware of the crap that people say and do just to disturb the peace. You can’t not see people acting like this or starting fights. I don’t think this post promotes awareness  of this, since it's something everyone knows already. I also do not feel comfortable that you are offering some kind of service, especially since you are not trained to counsel or even able to do anything about bullying on a server you don’t run unless you jump in and fight the person, which just creates more of the problem. I think it's a good intention, but it's ultimately encouraging strangers  to skype you and bully you, ironically enough.

A good effort, but unrealistic. I think that an article about tactics you can use to protect yourself realistically (/ignore, reporting the server, not give away personal info, etc.) would better help people protect themselves from online bullying or harassment.

Anyway, thanks for writing this. I hope my feedback and response was helpful.
05/07/2014 12:36 pm
Level 20 : Expert Dragon
crasyme123's Avatar
I agree with you, But it is true, Some people do get arrested over bulling, This is just to make people more aware that bulling does go on around there in the minecraft world!
05/07/2014 12:33 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Archer
levi8george's Avatar
I like that this is a topic many people go over, but it's sucha milked topic. Also I think the police have better things to do then looking for bullies in Minecraft, as they have many murder, theft, etc cases to inspect.
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