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Bully (By Esinkhoni Abdul)

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Afghan_Kidd's Avatar Afghan_Kidd
Level 24 : Expert Warrior
Hi my name is Esinkhoni Abdul, and today I will be doing a 500 word essay about Bullying. In my first paragraph I will talk about some acts of bullying, and in my second paragraph I will talk about ways to avoid getting bullied. Lastly in my last paragraph I will talk about major bullying that happen to people and then from there I will end up my essay. So here we begin!

There are many ways you can get bullied but the most common oneo s are: cyber bullying, social bullying, verbal bullying, and physical bullying. Cyber bullying is involved with emailing, texting and other digital technology to harm others. Social bullying is making rumors about others that areno t true and leaving others out of activates, also braking friendships. Verbal bullying is teasing and name calling others. Physical bullying involves hitting, kicking, and shoving. These all are acts of bullying and now in the next paragraph I will talk about ways to avoid it.

If youo re getting cyber bullied then the best way to avoid it would be to block and ignore them but if that doesno t work then tell an adult. If youo re getting social bullied then tell youo re teacher if they do it again tell your parents or youo re principle. If someone is verbal bullying you and you know the stuff that there saying isno t true then talk to them why there doing it and if they keep on doing it then report them to an adult, dono t take matters in your own hands. Lastly if youo re getting physical bullied, the best thing to do is tell an adult never fight back, if you do then both of you are getting in trouble. The last paragraph will be about major bullying accidents that have happened to others.

There was a girl that liked video chatting with others and one day someone told her to do something and she did, that guy took a picture of her when she did the thing he said to her to do. That guy posted the picture EVERYWHERE, she changed schools a couple of times cause of that but it didno t matter. So she had noting else to do then to suicide. That girls name was Amanda Todd, she killed herself cause of Cyber bullying, and no one has to go through what she had to.

As you may now know, NO ONE HAS TO GO THROUGH BULLYING. It hurts me to know that people die cause of bullying. It makes me feel sad that human my kind died because they cano t have a peaceful life. I just want to take a second to say R.I.P to everyone that died cause of bullying. I want to tell you guys a story of what happened in 12-14-12, this isno t in the topic of bullying but I steel want to share it because I feel sad about this. In 12-14-12 there was a gun shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, 20 kids and 6 adults died cause of 1 person. Now cause of that man those innocent people cano t make it for Christmas, but they will always be in our heart and always remembered. R.I.P Sandy Hook Elementary School!
By: Esinkhoni Abdul
CreditEsinkhoni Abdul & Afghan_Kidd

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02/05/2013 8:53 pm
Level 24 : Expert Warrior
Afghan_Kidd's Avatar
Ummm... Thank You
02/05/2013 8:35 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Spelunker
kaihiwatari55's Avatar
Amanda Todd put pornographic videos and images of herself up. There was no "accident" because she did it willingly.

And also, fix ALL your grammar mistakes.
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