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rogerthemaestro's Avatar rogerthemaestro
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
One thing i have always hated about schools is there, surprise, surprise, dress code.Its so condescending!Why do they make us follow these idiotic laws of cloth.There is no apparent reason, Like, take uniforms forms for example, the students walk around school looking like a sad, depressing, lazy, slaves. I have struggled so hard trying to be dress code appropriate without looking like a total idiot.So tell me, whats so good about dress code?Does it make them happy they call us in to the office because are shorts are one inch above are kneecap?Or is it the joyful sound of someone being late because they have wasted have of there morning trying to find something that's appropriate and fits in the dress code?Whats so importanat about dress code? What about self expression? How you dress tells who you are, and who you are tells alot about you. So go out there and be you! In your clothes and attitude, cause not even school can change you,

this is my old blog, i edited it a little


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07/14/2012 1:46 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Geek
GnomeFreak's Avatar
Dress codes have pros and cons of course. Most of it has to do with teachers and administrators wanting you to go to school to learn and therefore they don't want everyone worrying about what they or everyone else is wearing, there's the safety issues and concerns listed below as well. As an ex-teacher-in-training I can relate to those reasons.

However, some schools use it as a form of control. They use it to stifle creativity so that they can prepare the next generation of factory workers with as little distraction as possible.

I believe that a dress code is necesary, but not one that is so stringent that it becomes oppressive. Good luck finding someone that can walk that fine line though.
07/13/2012 9:26 pm
Level 44 : Master Geek
holdensaunt's Avatar
Actualy, not all schools have uniforms. The school I go to has some strict dress code, but that's to prevent "pants on da ground" scenarios and gang affiliation. Most dress code is made to prevent the students from looking like prostitutes and pimps (keeping a friendly environment). Dress code also helps prevent school shootings and such misshapes with rule like no baggy shirts, always wear your ID, ect. I really don't have much of a problem with it (but then again I only wear three different pairs of pants [washed constantly] and geeky t-shirts (mainly Star Wars.) and have only once ever owned a shirt that could technicly have gotten me in trouble [ because it was R2D2 and he had bleeped out language]. Rules are ment to keep society functioning, because those who went before us did something dumb along the way (or one of us did something dumb, same difference)
07/13/2012 10:21 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
rogerthemaestro's Avatar
I am not saying we should all walk naked, i am just saying that we sh we should be able to wear what we want, i am saying we can go with wearing shorts little above are knee cap, and not get dress coded for it.Your statement is true, but we can do without some of the strict rules
07/13/2012 10:13 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Dragonborn
candlelight100's Avatar
Yeah, that's true. But our school's dress code is no shorts no flipflops (people usually wear them anyway) no tanktops no makeup bags and someother things and we don't like our dress code a whole lot.
07/13/2012 10:32 pm
Level 44 : Master Geek
holdensaunt's Avatar
Yeah, some schools are like that.

Our shorts can be 4 inches from the center of the kneecap. Guess are schools are just somewhat lax on some things. (Then again, my schools once had a rule stating that no student could wear a plain white t-shirt because it was considered "gang related"
07/13/2012 10:46 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Dragonborn
candlelight100's Avatar
That sucks.
07/13/2012 10:50 pm
Level 44 : Master Geek
holdensaunt's Avatar
Yeah, it did. (luckily it was only the elementary school [4th and 5th grade if I recall]). But not as bad as your's sounds (we at least get some leeway)
07/13/2012 9:25 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Dragonborn
Niterider11's Avatar
um this has absolutely nothing to do with mine craft
07/13/2012 10:10 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Dragonborn
candlelight100's Avatar
07/14/2012 12:20 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Dragonborn
Niterider11's Avatar
i like what you have done but maybe it would have been better to post it on a site that wasn't solely about minecraft
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