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Factions- The Complete Guide

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Ezpwnage's Avatar Ezpwnage
Level 39 : Artisan Pixel Painter
Surviving on a Factions Server is not easy at all. Here are some tips for you:

Section 1: Finding the Right Faction

  1. Before applying for a faction, make sure all or most of your stuff is in an enderchest, if possible. Many factions lure players, and this way you wono t lose your stuff.
  2. If you have starter kits, use them after youo re sure that the faction you were invited to isno t a threat. This way, you wono t be wasting any free armor/food/tools!
  3. If possible, apply for a faction online or ask a friend who you trust in real life. This way, youo ll have a better time getting to trust your faction leader.
  4. If you want to start your own faction, make sure you have a few buddies who want to join.
  5. Know your faction commands:
    1. /f h [pg#], /f help [pg#] Opens the help menu.
    2. /f map [on/off/ ] Displays a map of nearby land, and the factions that own it. /f map on/off toggles auto-update.
    3. /f kick [playername] Kicks the player from your faction
    4. /f who [Player Name/Faction Tag/ ] Gives detailed information about the selected (playero s) faction, including power, land, members, etc.
    5. /f create [Faction Tag] Creates your own faction
    6. /f desc [Description] Changes your factiono s description.
    7. This is only a small list. /f help for a complete list!

Section 2: Being a Faction Member

  1. Contribute to the faction! Nobody likes a slacker. Build- farms, a mine, anything, as long as the owner or a moderator approves.
  2. Respect other players: Dono t make enemies. Nobody wants to be in the faction that seems to hold a grudge against the world.
  3. Continue to store your valuables in an enderchest. If you leave them in a faction chest, they might be stolen.
  4. If you do well, you will almost certainly get mod. If not, do not ask for it more than once. It generally makes the leader all the more unlikely to promote you.

Section 3: Being a Faction Moderator

  1. Keep on following the rules stated in Section Two: just because youo re a mod, it doesno t mean youo re no longer bound to the rules that apply to faction members.
  2. Dono t claim every piece of land you need- just enough so that your base is claimed, which should be no more than 1-3 pieces of land. Remember that if your power level is lower than your land level, people can take the land that you own!
  3. Dono t kick/invite people to/from the faction without invitation- if you invite a griefer to your faction, ito s obvious what would happen next. If you kick an innocent player, they might end up holding a grudge against you. You could just avoid the horneto s nest entirely and only choose to invite people you know and trust IRL.
  4. Be active! If youo re not on a lot (30min a day is probably more than enough), you might get demoted or *gasp* even kicked.
  5. Dono t use /f sethome AT ALL unless you have the ownero s permission. Since there are probably hidden chests around the old faction home, wait a few days or until the other members give consent before resetting the home. Once, my factiono s base got griefed. I decided to log out, and when I logged back on that day, /f home teleported me to somewhere completely random! I had to go all the way back to the old base, just to get the stuff.

Section 3: Being a Faction Owner

  1. Follow the tips given in steps 1-2. Dono t forget that, in most effective teams, the leader is often on the same level as his people. In Minecraft Factions, it is always true.
  2. If you must build a faction home, be especially careful where you build it! (More explained in section 4)
  3. Dono t give everyone mod! Wait until you really, really trust them, then consider. After all, you wouldno t want to be giving people permission to invite others to grief, would you?
  4. Even though many people dono t deserve mod, some people do. Make sure you do give a few people mod, or else they might decide to leave your faction. Once, I was in a faction where one guy kept on asking for mod. Heo d really deserved it- he was nice, helped out a lot and was an OK pvper too. However, the owner decided not to give him mod. So, after a while, the guy left- but not without taking all the stuff first! I left soon after.

Section 4: Building the Better Base

Good factions always have good bases. Always. If you dono t have a good base, youo re gonna get griefed. If you get griefed, you lose faction members. If you lose faction members...

  1. Travel waaaaaaaaaaaay far out from spawn. Half an hour, or about two days should be sufficient. If youo re really paranoid, travel to the map border.
  2. Build your base- there are four primary types of bases:
    1. Traditional Base- A normal house built at ground level. Pros- Easy to build, easy to expand, and plus, the view is probably not bad either.
    2. SkyBase- A base built really far up, generally as high as the map will go. Pros- Hard to break into or grief. Cons- Hard to build, hard to expand, and hard to get back to if you accidentally /f sethome somewhere else.
    3. Underground Base- A base built all the way down, just above bedrock. Pros- somewhat hard to break into or grief. Youo re really close to caves, too, so mining should be easy. Cons- Lava pits will be the death of you yet, and building is not very easy.
    4. Underwater Base- A base built underwater. Pros- impossible to grief from the outside with obsidian or TNT. Cons- Hard to build, and if a griefer gets in the base practically griefs itself.

Section Five: Upcoming Stuff

  • More about your base
  • PVP
  • Raiding

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11/29/2013 8:31 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
PMPO22's Avatar
how to access only a block to a player in SafeZone?

in the factions plugin
12/03/2013 7:33 am
Level 39 : Artisan Pixel Painter
Ezpwnage's Avatar
Hm? Sorry, I'm kind of confused. This guide is for playing with the factions plugin, as opposed to configuring it. I'm not sure how to do this as I don't have much knowledge of this plugin in terms of admin configuration.
09/02/2013 8:02 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc1072506's Avatar
09/02/2013 9:41 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Pixel Painter
Ezpwnage's Avatar
Yeah. I'll add it sometime.
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