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Factions or Towny????

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fWhip's Avatar fWhip
Level 51 : Grandmaster Artist
Hey Planet minecraft!!! 

So I'm working on starting a server right now and I wanted to get the communities opinion on a few plugins... 

What do you guys think about factions and towny???? 

How I see factions: Factions creates a sense of competition between players and a desire to stay active on the server. It creates a strong pvp feel to the server. I have been leaning towards using this because I'm a fan of pvp and it just sounds really fun to me! I like the activeness of Factions with the power struggle. A lot of players need to stay active in order to keep their land and to control everything they want to control. The whole thing seems really interesting to me.
       From what I can tell Factions does limit the creativity of players because they may not want to build something amazing because they may lose it in the future to another faction. But then again, creating something amazing to fight over could attract a lot more players?

How I see Towny: Towny is a lot more simple. you create a town and build it up with some friends. towny is basically playing factions on peaceful mode. Some of the best time's I've had playing minecraft have been on towny servers, they've always been reliable and fun. But, after the whole town is set up it just turns into mindless farming for money or whatever is needed to pay the town tax every day. I feel like that limits the server's growth a lot because people keep recruiting in order to pay the bills, the only interactions between towns seem to be for trading purposes. 
        Towny seems to also develop a lot more "griefers" with false titles. From the few towny server's I played on all of the players who liked pvp were hated by the community. I feel like PvP is a huge aspect of online minecraft so I hate to see it go to waste.

The Server I am working on setting up is in an amplified world with a lot of different plug ins to go a long with different aspects. My team and I are currently working on developing a plugin for Iron Golems to be aligned with Factions or Towny groups instead of being allied to all players, Or creating a varient of the Citizens plugin to allow for faction guards and stuff like that.

Thanks PMC! let me know what you think :)

Please DIAMOND so more people see this! Thank you so much!!!

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by fWhip 03/29/2014 5:50:09 pmMar 29th, 2014

So I've decided to go with Towny over Factions and World Guard.

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03/24/2014 1:59 pm
Level 41 : Master Droid
iHDVibeZz's Avatar
factions is full of filthy rich children who spend $200 on donator packages and rape everyone in one hit with their sharpnes 1000 sword and god armour, if you ask me factions can go suck my
03/24/2014 1:57 pm
Level 24 : Expert Toast
nolez15's Avatar
I also understand that the factions plugin is getting discontinued. I suggest getting a party plugin, instead.

I would look all this up before you commit. You don't want to be ditching plugins and creating problems later on.
03/24/2014 2:35 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Artist
fWhip's Avatar
Really? Didn't know it was being discontinued. Yeah party plugins look like they can help a lot with gameplay, especially for team oriented stuff like end dragon and what-not. 

As far as donator packages, I don't think I'd ever allow a $200 god package on my server.. I was thinking about disabling creepers from spawning and donators could buy gunpowder / tnt to create bombs (this was when I was leaning towards factions). not too sure about that anymore. I'll have to think of something else. payed fly time? was thinking all donator ranks would expire after a certain amount of time. depending on how much a person donates.
03/24/2014 4:29 pm
Level 24 : Expert Toast
nolez15's Avatar
I would never suggest selling a "god package". I hate servers where users can buy OP, or creative, or whatever.

If you're interested in my opinion, I wouldn't have the features expire. I would, say, sell fly for $35, teleport for $15, etc etc, and maybe have a monthly subscription to access other worlds, like the end. (Users would pay maybe $5/Month for that access)

I think features, in most cases, should be purchases, not rentals.
03/24/2014 5:36 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Artist
fWhip's Avatar
hmmmm okay that could work out. Yeah I guess thinking of it as a rental doesn't make it sound as nice haha. Is $35 for flying too much? sounds really expensive for a minecraft server to me. never bought anything from a server though.

As for Teleport, do you mean teleporting to any coord (or player) they want? or just using gates?

Yeah I was thinking the end would be a special access thing, not too sure on how to set up who's allowed through end/nether portals though. Was going to get a plugin to reload the end every so often after the dragon was killed.
03/24/2014 6:03 pm
Level 24 : Expert Toast
nolez15's Avatar
As far as teleport goes, I sold the /tpa and /tpahere commands. I was planning on adding the ability to teleport to locations, as  an add-on for ,for a fee, for Teleport buyers, but that server closed.

Your prices entirely depend on your server. EcoCityCraft sells Fly for $60, last time I checked. People spend that because ECC is a COLOSSAL server. You get your money's worth. For a server with maybe an average of 20 people on at a time, I'd probably sell fly for half of that. Fly is the biggest feature.
03/24/2014 1:56 pm
Level 24 : Expert Toast
nolez15's Avatar
I prefer WorldGuard to towny.

Towny is a colossal pain in the ass to configure. Worldguard is much simpler, meaning less things go wrong. Never had a problem with it.
03/24/2014 1:59 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Artist
fWhip's Avatar
Is there a way to set up WorldGuard so players can set up the boundaries as well? From what I've seen (used it on a small server I previously hosted) it was mainly used by Admin figures to protect certain areas. Is there a way to limit how much players can claim for example? 

Towny is a pain to set up yeah but I feel like theres less to do afterwords, a lot less to manage.
03/24/2014 2:01 pm
Level 24 : Expert Toast
nolez15's Avatar
Towny, I've found, is always an upkeep nightmare..

But, for what you're doing, I think you might need to have Towny. You can give permissions to players to create worldguard regions, I'm sure, but I'm not sure if you can limit their claim size. You'd have to look that up..
03/24/2014 2:32 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Artist
fWhip's Avatar
Okay thanks! Yeah I looked into the WorldGuard and I couldn't find anything about limiting size, and to allow someone to set WorldGuard regions, you have to give them basic WorldEdit permissions as well which can cause problems and be exploited fairly easily it looks like.
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