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Griefers!!! How and why griefers grief and how to prevent them!!

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pichuiis's Avatar pichuiis
Level 37 : Artisan Explorer
Note: I know some of the things I'm about to talk about because I- yes I- was once a griefer. Not anymoar, but I was. I have taken a step away from my addiction to burn things. And I wanna let you know I'm basically talking about my experiences and making fun of myself in this blog. For I've been griefed and been a griefer.


Ok, who can agree with me that, griefers suck?? I think they do. And we all know theyo re still in Minecraft servers. In this blog, I'm going to attempt to tell you how griefers will grief you, why they will grief you, and how YOU can prevent them from doing so.

Now, everyone should know the typical griefer. Lava, FIRE!! Sorry, I like to, umm... BURN THINGS!! Ahheheheeeheeem, back to the topic. Lava, fire.., TNT, the element of SURPRISE!!! And the breaking and placing of blocks in your precious little cottage. Or house. WHATEVER IT IS. What do these items and tactics mean to a griefer? Well, let's break it down now shall we?

(I know water can be used to grief but I didn't mention it)

How those griefers grief

1. Lava.
Lava must be the easiest way to grief someone, if you have some lava, which can be hard to acquire unless you have an above ground lava pool. Since it flows down and outwards from where you place it, it's the simplest way to destroy a large area of space. It's also a good way to burn the target of the house, town, etc. Burn, heheh, BURRNN!!!! You get the idea. Another great thing about griefing with lava is that you can pick it up afterwards with a bucket and place it somewhere else because it takes a while for the lava to disappear, so it can still burn!!!!

2. FIRE!!
Just one ignite to a tree can cause a forest fire. Same in Minecraft. Using a Flint and Steal, you can make FIRE EVERYWHERE!!! When fire spread is turned on (now, I don't know if you can turn fire spread on/off in PC Minecraft BUT I do know you can in Xbox 360 edition), that one fire can spread to every flammable object!! It's kinda like the Lava, but its WAY easier to acquire!! But it can also be put out easier, meaning you can get rid of it faster, without having to place down any blocks.

3. TNT.
Dynamite, or in this case TNT, is typically used for either a SUPRISE!!! Like a sneak up attack, or a massive Ca- BOOOM!!! You use to be able to light it off with your hands, you know, without an item. Now you have to either use FIRE!!! Or, use some sort of redstone like a lever, button, tripwire, redstone torch, wooden, or stone pressure plate. When TNT goes BOOM, it destroys the area around it. This is good for a griefer because it can destroy moar blocks, the moar TNT you place. Though if you don't like the desert and creepers, it will be hard to make one TNT, requiring 5 gunpowder and 4 sand. Or 4 gupowder and 5 sand? I DON'T KNOW.


4. The
Element of SURPRISE!!
The element of surprise POTATOES!!! You didn't see that coming did ya? How about this?

Open me DO IT!
Fluttershy: LOVE ME!!!!

I don't think you expected that at all!!!! That's the point. The "Element of Surprise" is where you take your griefing lesson you learned from school, and put it to the test!!! Basically, you sneak up on the player in some way, and scare them somehow, you know, while griefing. BUT!! The point is that the target does not know who you are. OR!! That it was you in particular who did it. Now, this can be a variety of things, such as becoming invisible and punching the target, lighting a fire on the outside of the house and slowly sneaking away, lining redstone to set off a massive TNT EXPLOSION you put underneath there floorboards, or even little by little stealing their valuables from there chest . A good time to use the element of surprise is when the target is offline too.

5. Block Placing and Breaking.
This one doesn't need a lot of explaining. All that happens is that the griefer either destroys block of your house, town etc. or they randomly place blocks in a messy fashion. Most times they place blocks that are a pain to destroy, or are just annoying, like dirt, cobblestone, and occasionally, obsidian.


(^^^Dono t do any of these things I talked about unless you wanna get into trouble^^^)

I feel like I've taught you something about griefers. That's good right? I'm not sure actually. But, since I probably did, who wants to know why griefers grief? I know I wanna hear it again!!! I don't actually -_-

5) Reasons why griefers grief

1. Just for fun!

Just for fun you say? Well... no but seriously. Just for fun? That's the meanest thing ever!! I guess people would do it for fun because they're bored or some weird thing like that. Thato s wako and stupid!! If the person is bored why didno t they just stop playing the game that somehow bored them? Seriously!!

2. To be funny!

Say you find out who griefed you and they say to you, "It was just a joke man I was trying to be funny. What's the big deal it's just a game who even cares?" When I was little, I CARED!!! I was proud of, what I would say at my age now, my stupid crappy piece of junk house!!!! I didn't want anything to happen to it!!!! But then, youuuuu. Youuuu. YOOUU!! You just light one fire. ONE!!! And my house is gone. And you expect that to be funny?? You expect me to laugh at that? What the heck!? That's messed UP!!! It was a good thing that I played offline when I was little he he >:D

3. They just hate you.

You have no clue why. You don't even know if they do hate you. Youo ve never even seen them before. But they griefed you. Maybe you did something to them and you didn't realize. Maybe you snagged those diamond in the wall when they were walking to go mine them for him/herself. MAYBE YOU.. actually I cano t think of anything else. OH!! Maybe you know them but you dono t know they have Minecraft and youo re mean to them and theyo re trying to get back at you!!! All you really know is that they might hate you. And that they griefed you.

4. They want attention

The attention getters are strange. Theyo ll do anything to grab peopleo s attention, and it happens in games and the internet. The griefer probably feels neglected on the server for who knows why, and will grief you so he can get attention from how angry youo ll probably be if you care about your build and stuff in the game.

5. New to Minecraft.

The Newbie. Everyoneo s been a Newbie before. But the Newbie who learn how to make a flint and steal, are the Newbs you DEFINATLEY wanna watch out for. They think thato s what the gameo s about, so they destroy your beautiful house you put your time, AND EFFORT, into. o Dis game is awesam!!! I get 2 destroy steaff n no wan cars!!o Thato s what they were thinking. People care. At least I think they do. That is why youo re reading this blog right? Not sureo ¦ hmmo ¦. Ito s a good thing the Newbs learn, and dono t stay Newbs.

Now that those two mini subjects are out of the way, here are some decent ways to PREVENT griefers from griefing your belongings!! In-game of course ehheem *cough* *cough* not crazy *cough*

1. Ignore them after they grief you and then tell someone like an Admin about it.

This will only work if they just griefed you or someone else. If you dono t care that your stuff got destroyed, they probably didno t get the reaction they were hoping for, leading them to go grief someone else. If you care about you things, and builds in Minecraft, I suggest dono t do this. But if you are ok with it, after they grief you, go tell an admin or mod about it, and the person should get banned. Telling someone who is in charge of the server is the best way to prevent griefers on servers But There are a couple of other ways if you dono t want to get griefed in the first place.

2. Camo camo CAMOflauge!!

This can mean multiple things, such as a blocky house above ground, and an awesome house underneath. Having an underground house is always a good way to stay away from those demolisher of the houses up above. You can also dig into a mountain a put your house there. Since stone is not a flammable object, fire is no big deal, well sorta. But, if you dono t like underground homes you can also build your house in a tree. But the whole point is that the griefer doesno t notice there is an actual house in the trees, or in the mountain, so figure out a way to hide your entrance as best you can.

3. Become friends with EVERYONE!!

Becoming friends with everyone can make you less of a target because youo re friends with everybody, including griefers. They probably wono t destroy your house, town, etc. because youo re friends. And since the griefer doesno t want to lose a friend, hopefully they dono t, the griefer would probably be nice and not grief you. Yoouuu. YOOUUU- wait a minute. I did that earlier.

T 4. Threats...

This isno t, well, the beesst way, to prevent the griefers, but if you dono t care about them so much, you could give them threats. Io m only saying this because there are some stupid kids on the internet, and on Minecraft servers, they want power and attention. So, if youo ve seen a person griefing you could report them and throw some threats at them like, o Io m un-amused. You have 30 seconds to leave and never come back on this server again, or else my little cyber hacking fiends will hack you, forcing you to get a new computer.o Now, if he is a kid, he would probably either respond, o Ok ok Io m sorry!! Please dono t hack me Io m getting off the server and never coming back I SWEAR!!! Imawes0m3r_than_u left the game.

Or he would respond, o Youo re lying I know so that you are. Why would I get off this server forever I love this server!!!o So, ito s a 50-50% chance it will work, or be a dud. Your choice.

5.Leave the server.

This is BY FAR the most efficient way to prevent griefers from griefing you!!!! By clicking ESC on your keyboard youo ll be taken to a menu. When you click with your mouse button, o Dissconnect,o You wono t have to worry about them!!! Then you can go into single player survival, and play on peaceful mode!! Because you dono t want those single-player griefing creepers now do ya? I wouldno t think so!!

Now, I have only a tiny clue of what I tried to teach people or tried to help people with. I guess I taught you something if you knew or didno t know about anything I talked about. Tell me anything I can add to the lists, like what other things griefers grief with, other reasons why they grief, and maybe how you stay away from the griefers. Thanks for reading!!!! And dono t grief, please DONo T GRIEF!!!!

httpachievecraftcomcimageiImadeapromiseIhaventneverwillGriefmcapng ((-- I cano t put that one up.

But!! I can put this one up!!! --)) httpachievecraftcomcimageiImadeapromiseIwillneverGriefagainmcapng

Leave a diamond, a comment, and maybe even a favorite? I you want more blogs or anything I provide on my account, feel free to subscribe!!!

I wuvz al ov u


x =^.^=


(Griefers are always trolls, but trolls areno t always griefers)

Enough said


Oh and have I been spelling o grieferso Wrong?? ?-?
CreditMy past experiences as a griefer and being griefed like SO MANY TIMES >-

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03/13/2020 8:07 pm
Level 20 : Expert uwu
Thareya's Avatar
as a griefer i'll tell you all why i do it

first i mainly grief and destroy builds on authorized servers and in survival, i play on pvp survival servers without claims or land protection cause i like the hostility of it, some people like to have challenges

i mainly do it to keep the wheel spinning, to make life harder for noobs so they learn to be pros, the weaks leave or become stronger, i decided to become stronger

just for fun actually, on this point it's basically cause i like seeing builds exploding, just pretty satisfying to see the tnts explode one by one and everything, like the feeling when you peel the plastic sheet on a new screen

i'm also absolutely not against people griefing me cause it's just a part of the game and the challenge of pvp survival, just feeling upset if i'm already that's kinda normal but i usually take it in a chill way if it's well done (i don't like crappy work)

already griefed some servers for fun but it definitely feels more legit if you actually farmed the tnts and placed everything and found the base/build by yourself

and kids just breaking three blocks and spamming slurs cause they think it's edgy they can just go away
12/04/2017 4:28 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
mMultiVerseZ's Avatar
I agree. Griefers are a pain. It is a pain to even set up anti-grief in the latest minecraft Bedrock Edition.. but its REALLY worth it. So if you ever need anti grief systems set up in faction, prision, or even aventure maps... just ask me on xbox (@mMultiGamerZ) and I would gladly help... and if u ever need to go AFK or AFX(away from xbox).. I can stream what I am doing on mixer(mMultiGamerZ)....
03/13/2016 5:31 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
TheCuteo's Avatar
Ugh i am sorry but this wont help the problem is that someone if griefing my own mc server that doesn't have plugins yet and its my own server.
Wally Mitsuru
06/12/2015 6:35 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Wally Mitsuru's Avatar
its the people that act like a autistic to greifers who are the problems not griefers themselves. (all greifers are some of the highly intellegent players)
11/06/2013 8:09 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
SirDenerim's Avatar
I will happily display that achievement. I promise ;3
11/06/2013 10:32 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Explorer
pichuiis's Avatar
Kewlio awesaam sausages!! Yay!!!
09/08/2013 10:10 am
Level 1 : New Miner
kakuna02's Avatar
you forgot to mention faction servers
08/27/2013 7:34 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Procrastinator
Elizardbeth's Avatar
What do you do if the greifer is invisible so you can't see his/her name? This happens to me ALL the time. usually I stop playing on that server because I am so sick of being griefed... once a griefer was disguised as an endercystal! All of the time, after I tell an admin the griefer was invisible/disguised/etc they ignore me and won't help... what am i supposed to do, do you know? Thanks...
08/27/2013 7:51 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Explorer
pichuiis's Avatar
Never though of that.. hmm. This is just what's happened to me that's all
Triple Scoop
08/10/2013 8:41 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Dragonborn
Triple Scoop's Avatar

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