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Harold My Dog Part 1

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PumpkinManandCompany's Avatar PumpkinManandCompany
Level 1 : New Miner
My dog... Harold is a blocky character with a smudged little face. He goes on many little adventures with me and his other dog friends. Today we are going on an adventure with him on the plain region of Minecraft... Harold gets up from his small round red bed."YAWN"Says Harold. PumpkinMan his owner or me, gives Harold a large juicy bone. Harold eats his breakfast of 6 steaks tediously. "Harold!" Says Pumpkin Man. "Today we're going to punch trees!" "Snort" Replies Harold. "Be quiet Harold!" In the tree forest, Harold was scouting out for zombies as Pumpkin Man tediously punched wood. "Ya know we can get axes and it wouldn't be as much of tedious work." Says Harold. Pumpkin Man ignores him and continues his work. As the night gets darker and Pumpkin Man was still punching wood and Harold still scouting. "Lets eat some dinner, I'm hungry!" Says Harold. "Good Idea." replies Pumpkin Man. As they ate there steak dinner little did they know that the creatures from the dark were lurking closer as they munched down. All of the sudden a zombie came from its grave just a few yards from where they were eating. "ZOMBIE!" shouts Harold his job as scout and guard. Pumpkin Man scrambled for his sword while Harold stood guard from the zombie. "GROWL" Says Harold. Harold bites the zombies arm but it still stood there standing its guard. Just in time Pumpkin Man gets his iron sword to get the zombie. The zombie falls down lifeless just a few inches from Harold's nose. "You saved me." Part 2 coming soon.
CreditAlso too Harold the dog

1 Update Logs

Harold the dog part 2 : by PumpkinManandCompany 12/05/2013 6:37:59 pmDec 5th, 2013

Harold the dog part 2 is sadly being delayed.

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10/16/2014 1:13 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Pig
ChilliWiggles's Avatar
Very cool!
12/22/2013 5:53 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
PumpkinManandCompany's Avatar
no one
12/22/2013 4:43 pm
Level 22 : Expert Mage
Skylar1541+'s Avatar
Who are you talking to?
12/04/2013 8:01 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
PumpkinManandCompany's Avatar
Harold is doing very good right now.
12/04/2013 8:01 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
PumpkinManandCompany's Avatar
Thats me!
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