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How to become Staff on MineCraft Servers

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Nathangrad's Avatar Nathangrad
Level 14 : Journeyman Engineer
Hello everyone,

Today I'm going to show you all how to get hired on a MineCraft Server!

Many people often complain about never becoming Staff on servers which they really want to become Staff on. They often say that the reason is that they seem too unprofessional and seem too unwilling to act like a Staff member, yet they feel that they could and really want the opportunity. Therefore, follow this step by step guide if you think that you have the potential to become a Staff member on a Server and all you need is the opportunity:

{ Step 1 }

DO NOT immediately go on the Server and ask for Staff. This is a common error which people make and it will look unprofessional and the answer is often an upright "No" or something sly, such as, "You can apply on our forums" but even if you do so, it won't be accepted.

You must go on their Server and play for around 2-3 hours straight and act like a normal player would. BUT before you start playing, ensure the Owner is online so that your time will be recognised.

{ Step 2 }

You can't just say "Can I please be Staff?", you must do what I like to call, the British approach to things. I'm English myself and we're known for bending around the topic, so, you must first enquire as to whether the Owner's server is doing ok. A simple way to do this is to say: "Is your Server doing OK at the moment?".

Then, you enquire as to whether they are hiring for Staff. BUT don't say you're interested... Not yet. One way of enquiring is to ask: "By the way, are you hiring people for Staff at the moment?". And then, you go in for the kill by saying something along the lines of: "I might actually apply."

The key word in that sentence is "might". This makes you seem both mysterious and professional to the Owner. Take it from me, that Owners do not like it when you say "CAN I APPLY?! PLZZZZ" or sound too desperate by implying that you are.

{ Step 3 }

You NEVER apply for a Staff rank in normal MineCraft chat. You need to obtain the Owner's skype details or apply on their forums (if applicable). A good way of finding how the Owner will accept applications is by simply asking: "Where could I apply?"

Once they've given you a place you can apply, you need to follow the next step which is how to write a decent application.

{ Step 4 }

Firstly, if the Owner has set a template for you to follow, I would recommend you follow it. However, if they haven't, then you should use the following application template:

Applying for:
Time zone:
Why you want to be Staff:
What can you do for the Server:
Building skills (1/10):
Commands skills (1/10):

When it comes to writing about yourself and why you would like to be Staff, I would definitely recommend you use perfect grammar and spelling. If you're not sure about the spelling of a word, then just google it.

Never ever write something With All Capitals Like This as it looks very unprofessional as you just saw. Make sure to capitalise every word at the start of a sentence and only capitalise proper nouns or words of great importance i.e. in this tutorial, I capitalise the word "Staff" often as it's important.

{ Step 5 }

NEVER inquire about your application unless it has been 2-3 days in which you've not heard from the Owner. As soon as you've finished your application, do not go to the Server and tell the Owner you've finished the application. If you want to be professional, then you need to let the Owner find your application.

If it has been a while since you've heard from the Owner, then simply message him / her saying that you've filled out an application and that they should read it sometime.

{ Step 6 }

All you have to do is wait until the Owner has made a decision.
I wish you good luck and I hope that Owners from many different Servers accept you all as their trustworthy and helpful Staff members.


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04/08/2015 7:35 pm
Level 1 : New Mage
AmazingPower's Avatar
oh well...
04/08/2015 5:20 pm
Level 1 : New Mage
AmazingPower's Avatar
I just googled it it said capitalize
04/08/2015 7:24 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Engineer
Nathangrad's Avatar
That's an American spelling...

You know, the incorrect way.
Because ENGLISH comes from ENGLAND ...

04/07/2015 8:25 pm
Level 1 : New Mage
AmazingPower's Avatar
Ooh you misspeled capitelize in the part where You Should Never Write Like This or you will be thought of been a noob)
04/08/2015 5:03 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Engineer
Nathangrad's Avatar
I'm from England,

In England we speak English and so we spell it the correct way: capitalise

And also, you misspelled the word misspelled... #Hypocritical
And also, you misspelled the word capitalize (in the American way) -_-
04/03/2015 6:49 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Lumberjack
YuriNikolai's Avatar
I agree with everything, exept the part that tells you to play for 2-3 hours before applying. That is a ridiculously small amount of time inside of a server, at least if its a serious one. I'd recommend days.
04/03/2015 7:00 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Engineer
Nathangrad's Avatar
That's very true indeed. I'd second that by saying if you're going to go for a big role in the Server (such as being an Admin or a Co-Owner), then you will need to play for days in order to earn the Owner's trust. However, if you're going for a fairly standard staff rank, for example, Helper or Builder, then you won't need to play for too long in order to earn enough trust to become that rank. 

I may have understated how long it would take in order to earn the trust of an Owner.
04/03/2015 5:09 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Robot
Horwitz1011's Avatar
Ncie job
04/03/2015 7:03 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Engineer
Nathangrad's Avatar
- NathanGrad -
04/03/2015 10:07 am
Level 1 : New Miner
- NathanGrad -'s Avatar
u have the same name as me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
good tutorial
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