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How to properly recruit a Mod.

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CGBrothers's Avatar CGBrothers
Level 53 : Grandmaster Lego Builder

Today, I will show you the proper process on how to recruit a moderator and also why this process MUST be followed.

Choosing the right player.

This is such an important step. There is no 100% way to choose the right player, no guarantee that the player you are about to promote will not be corrupted and start banning random players. There are two ways to choose the proper player, and you should use both of these simultaneously. Using both of these, with no exceptions, will provide you with a strong staff. These ways will filter the corrupt players from the good players.

1) No exceptions.
This is probably going to be the hardest part for the Owner. You should have a healthy, friendly connection with all mods. That connection makes this hard. No mod must not be punished for screwing something up. If it's something small, then just give them a few harsh words and a rap on the knuckles. If it is something large, a demotion or temporary demotion may be necessary. If mods break rules, they need to know that they will be punished for it. Be strict about it, and show them who owns the server.

2) The More, the Merrier.
Do not mistake me. I do not mean this to mods, but to ranks. The more ranks in-between a player and ultimate power, the better. It would be best to have one, maybe two staff ranks before the rank of Mod. For example, if you find a dedicated player, who enjoys the server, go ahead and give him a minor rank, for example Mod- or Trainee Mod or hell, even Assistant if you wish. These guys can do not permanent damage. They can kick, jail, and mute. (Maybe a few others, but definitely do not give them ban) This way, they really can not harm your player's that much. If you find this player jailing/muting for no reason, he is done. He does not deserve to be in your staff, so you need to demote him.

Right, but how do I actually choose a player?
This is the easiest part. All a player has to do to get on your list for whatever rank you have below mod (For now, I will just refer to this rank as Mod-) is play often and be friendly. He welcomes every new player (Not the Whale cum, or use any other derogatory phrases to new players) and he helps anyone he can and does what he can in his power. This does not mean he hands out free diamonds, it means he answers any questions he can, and if he comes across something that he can not handle, he directs the new player to a staff member higher up the chain of command.

So, quick recap:
1) Be strict, do not let any mods get away with anything.

2) More ranks make it easier to see how a person acts, without giving them real power.

3) A player just needs to be active and nice to earn Mod-.

What to do once you have your Mod-.

Now all you have to do is carefully watch him. Watch his mistakes and blunders, and if they are not too bad then just warn him. If he changes his ways, then that is good. If he does something a bit more serious, you might need to think about demoting the player. Let him be a Mod- for atleast 3 weeks. Any shorter and the next promotion might be too much for him.

What I mean by "Too much for him."
Basically, this is how corruption starts. When a player has too much power too quickly. It sort of overloads their brains, and they misuse it. THIS IS THE MOST COMMON REASON YOU WILL HAVE CORRUPT STAFF! Yes, I bolded, italicized, and underlined that. That is because it is TRUE.

Scary Fact.
Once, I set out to try and see how fast I could get a staff position on a server. I went onto Katoremile's server, (I forget the name) and gave it a shot. Now before I tell you how fast I did it, I will say that I am a experienced staff member, having been a Co-owner of a server for 1 year, owning several of my own servers, and hold many positions of mod and admin before this. Because of this I knew many tricks and tips that most players do not know, so this did assist me in acquiring a staff position. Now, the scary fact: I was able to get the position of admin (skipped mod and all other ranks) in one hour. Not only did I get admin, but I also received access to the servers console.

Now again, THIS IS THE MOST COMMON WAY OF CORRUPTING A PERSON. Giving someone admin in an hour will corrupt them. Giving them mod in an hour would even corrupt them. It proves to them that they are so good that they were able to get that rank so quickly. That instills a confidence that you do not want.

Taking your time is better then rushing it, remember that.

How do I know that my mod is ready?

Well, by this time you should trust your mod- by now. If you don't, then he is not ready. Atleast three weeks has passed (If three weeks have not passed before you trust him, then he is still not ready.) He should know the rules, be kind to players, and the community should know who he is by now. Also, take into account how many infractions he has had (How many times he has broken the rules) and that should lengthen the time if he has broken quite a few. Now, if you have thought deeply about every single one of those, then there is nothing you can do but promote him. If he suddenly changes, and starts to break rules, well you have to demote him then. Just remember Rule Number One: Be strict.

What about promoting admins?

Use the exact same process, but I would advise having a Mod+ and Admin- rank. Then use the same process as above. Just keep it balanced.

Follow this process and you will be fine. Thank you for your time. Please Diamond/Sub/Favorite if you liked this blog. -ZombehPig2.

PS: Yes I rewrote this. I have a similar tutorial that goes a bit deeper into what permissions they should have.

PSS: Yes, I know I referred to the player oftenly as 'he'. Ladies, please understand that I was just trying to save time and not have to write out he/she everytime. I am not sexist, and I do respect all women. Please no drama over this. Thank you.

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10/06/2013 5:45 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
maarten2001's Avatar
What if someone asks for a rank the whole time?
10/06/2013 1:17 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Lego Builder
CGBrothers's Avatar
Ignore them. If it gets to the point of spam, punish them however you see fit.
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