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How to start and grow a Youtube gaming channel - Part 1 - Starting your channel!

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NervousZombie's Avatar NervousZombie
Level 32 : Artisan Hunter
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Hi guys,

I'm NervousZombie, and today I'm writing my first blog ever on PMC. Hope you like it!

Now, by no means am I the best Youtuber on earth, but I know a few tips that might help you when growing a channel. And that's why I started this blog series. At the end of this blog, I hope you will have learned something.

(my channel: www.youtube.com/user/NervousZombieGames) Subscribe if you like the content, it means a lot to me!

Today's part 1 is about starting your channel - what you need, what you should expect, and all the basic stuff you should know.

1. Preparing yourself

What's worse than an unprepared gaming channel? Nothing. And what do I mean by preparing yourself?

a. Be ready to spend a lot of time.

Yes, it takes a lot of time to grow a fan base on Youtube. You can't post 1 video and expect to get a thousand subscribers on your first day. One of the main rules here, is be patient. By spending a lot of time, I also mean you will spend a LOT of time recording, editing, rendering, exporting, uploading your videos and managing your channel. So if you don't have a lot of time to spare, if you're at school and you've got exams, do not join Youtube, unless you are ready to spend a lot of time.

b. Be ready to spend a lot of money

I hear a lot of people saying that when you start Youtube, you HAVE to have an excellent mic, full HD quality, play whatever game you are playing at an amazing frame rate, and have the best editing and recording programs. Wrong! Although it might be helpful to, you don't have to spend so much on these luxuries if you are starting Youtube. If you want to record, use whatever you want; most recording softwares offer a free version, except it comes with a watermark. If you don't have a capture card to capture your console footage, start with a camera. If you don't have a super-expensive mic, get a cheap one off amazon for 10$ (hint: type "headset with mic" in the search). If you recorded a few videos, and then saw that you enjoy and like doing them, then, and then, you can start buying the recording material. We don't want you to waste all your money!

2. Know what makes a good channel.

You might think your videos are awesome, but everyone has different opinions! Here are some criteria that you should considering before uploading a video.

a. Consistency.

Are you uploading regularly? Put yourself in mind that the minimum would be about 3 times a week. It might be a lot for a starting channel, but hey, that's Youtube! This comes back to 1a; be ready to spend a lot of time! Of course, do not upload too many videos: your subscribers won't have enough time to watch all of them! Keep in mind that the maximum would be about 2 videos a day.

b. Quality

Is your mic good? Is your video in HD? Referring back to 1b, if you just started a gaming channel, you don't have to have the best footage ever. But generally speaking, you are going to gain much more subscribers by having good, high quality videos. This includes HD footage, a good audio quality, and good frame rate (25 fps + is good).

c. Amusement/Information

When uploading a gaming video, classify your video into one of these two categories: amusement, and information. Was your video a footage of you raging while playing skywars? Place it in amusement. Was the video a tutorial on how to install forge mods? Place it in information. The thing is, be sure to stick to what you're doing. No one wants a skywars montage with you talking in that lame, boring, monotone voice that makes everyone leave after a second. Same so, no one wants a forge tutorial where the uploader barely knows what he's doing, and makes several mistakes.

d. Overall quality

Now, this was quite hard to come up with a word for, but I used the words "overall quality". Your subscribers and viewers will take you much more seriously if you have:
A thumbnail. It might sometimes be boring and time consuming, but trust me, having thumbnails can make your video much more attractive, and makes the viewer click on your video icon :D
A channel art. Not an amazing one. Any will do. Trust me, there are a ton of tutorials on Youtube showing you how to design gaming channel arts.
A banner. A banner won't be really hard to do. Believe it or not, a lot of people on Planet Minecraft are willing to design your banner for free!
An intro. A lot of videos on Youtube show you how to make intros using easy programs such as Movie Maker, or even complex ones such as After effects! Be sure the intro is between 6-8 seconds, we don't want your viewer leaving because your intro's too long!


So, you got all the background information about Youtube Gaming, but now you actually start a channel. Well, be ready to spend a lot of time, money, and a lot of work!

(my channel: www.youtube.com/user/NervousZombieGames) Please subscribe if you like my blog, it means a lot to me!

1. Hardware

It's important for you to get all the good hardware to ensure your video quality is at it's best. No one likes watching a standard quality, bad audio gaming video!

a. Recording

This aspect will vary on this factor: are you a PC or a console gamer?

PC: There are a lot of recording programs out there, usually really cheap. I would recommend one of these three: Fraps, Dxtory or Bandicam. All of them range between 20 and 30 dollars. If you are new to Youtube gaming, I would recommend starting with the free version of Bandicam, except it comes with a watermark. When you get used to making videos, after making a few of them, I would recommend deleting these videos and buying the full version of Bandicam. If you found out Youtube was too hard and not fun after a few videos, at least you didn't waste your money!

Console: I don't know a lot about console gaming, but I am going to warn you: getting recording material for console is more expensive and slightly harder to set up! For console gaming, you will have to buy a capture card, which is in the 150$ range on Amazon. You will also have to ensure that you have an HD TV. What is good about having a capture card is the video files are significantly smaller!

b. Audio

Audio is a really important part of your Youtube channel! If your audio quality 99% static background noise, how do you expect your viewers to stay for more than 3 seconds?

Cheap: amzn.to/1b0DZUZ
Don't let appearances trick you! This headset looks cheap, but still delivers good audio quality!

Middle-priced: amzn.to/1hEdkSj
A much better audio quality microphone, really good and lasts for years!

Expensive: amzn.to/1f1AiSZ
An amazing headphone, which is about the same as the blue snowball, except it offers much more audio options and configurations!

2. Software

a. Editing

Trust me, no one likes a video that hasn't been edited at all! For editing, I would recommend these programs:

Starter: Movie Maker. Movie Maker is a light, free-to-use program that comes on most Windows installed computers. If it didn't come on yours, you can download it for free! I would recommend Movie Maker for smaller, starting channels. But, as you get better, you should definitely opt for a better editing program.

Experienced channel: Sony Vegas, After Effects and Adobe Premiere are all three really expensive, but their really worth it as you work your way up, and are really helpful. They offer features that starter channels do not offer

So, you have everything set up, now is time to record! Before you actually do, take these tips into consideration:

  • If you are not having fun watching your own video, then don't post it.
  • Try to leave as little blank spaces in your commentary as possible. No one likes listening to awkward silences!
  • If you're going to spend one hour punching wood, do not include it in your video. Or at least make it entertaining.
  • Be yourself! Be sure you aren't copying a certain Youtuber's style!

Last bit of tip: collaboration. Collaborating with a channel means sharing subscribers with them. What I mean is, you put them in your channel sub box in return of them putting you in their sub box. You could also record something together, so you would get more indirect subs from your collaborated channel.

Please PM me if you want to collaborate.

I think that was it for my channel growing blog, I hope you liked it. If you want to show your support, please diamond this blog page!



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09/22/2016 6:07 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Architect
WizAndre1's Avatar
I have 312 subscribers!
If you to subscribe be active
09/02/2014 10:14 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
prettybadgamer's Avatar
check out my channel! I'll be uploading videos pretty soon (once my new gaming laptop arrives as my pc is fairly average and I'm off to uni!) 

08/09/2014 1:25 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
BookishKate's Avatar
Hey everybody! I have a channel too (just starting out, so I have ZERO subs). I will be doing a Minecraft series in the future, so please check it out! I will also subscribe to your channel as well! Thanks!

06/30/2014 4:05 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
SmellySockGaming's Avatar
Guys check out my channel:
Im at 86 subs!
01/30/2014 8:44 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Monster Bridge
Monster Bridge's Avatar
This is a good guide, notwithstanding the author has 4 videos and 30 subscribers.

01/28/2014 4:30 am
Level 32 : Artisan Hunter
NervousZombie's Avatar
If anyone wants to collaborate on a Youtube video with me (your youtube username will be in my title and description), please feel free to PM me! I play parkour, pvp, modded Minecraft, puzzle, and adventure maps!
01/27/2014 7:01 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Explorer
GamingDerka's Avatar
Hey guys check out my channel its awesome! www.youtube.com/user/FuzzyDerka
01/27/2014 12:32 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Grump
SonnyBassPlayer's Avatar
Well, I'd love to put up HD videos... but there can be another problem: the internet connection. I have to stop at the levels before HD to have 15 mins videos go up in less than 4 hours ):
01/28/2014 4:27 am
Level 32 : Artisan Hunter
NervousZombie's Avatar
Hey, if you're upload speed is slow, it means your video file sizes are too large. I would personally recommend using FLV format videos. They're HD, but barely take any time to upload :D
01/28/2014 3:51 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Warrior
mapmakerdude99's Avatar
hehe. I make HD videos too. But I use a screen recorder program that will upload my 15 (or less) minutes to YouTube. Uploading takes up to 30 minutes and up.

Here's the link if you want a new screen recorder:

Enjoy :)
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