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Is Bukkit > Minecraft Servers?

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BNKookie's Avatar BNKookie
Level 58 : Grandmaster Technomancer
This is a very hard question to answer. It greatly depends on what you are using the server for, and the use of the server daily. SOOOOOO let's get started with the pros and cons of both types of servers.

Pros and Cons of Each Server

Bukkit Pros:
- Plugins (like mods... For a server!)
- Sounds cooler than "Minecraft Server."

I think that's it. The first one is a pretty big Pro though!

Bukkit Cons:
- Updating everything is a PAIN
- A bit complicated to setup/use for beginners. (ESPECIALLY PERMISSIONS. I AM DONE WITH THAT.)
- When Minecraft updates, Bukkit doesn't (This is inevitable though)


MCserver Pros:
- Easy, simple, quick setup.
- More organized console

MCserver Cons:
That, is a really big downside :(

Which one is for YOU?

It depends. If you are making a public, server, make it bukkit. DEFINITELY. You don't want any Minecrafters destroying spawn now do you? Also, get plugins for the server. Like World Guard or PermissionsEx. You should also use bukkit if you have a lot of players on your server, daily, even if its private. It makes things more organized and fun to play!!!

NOW. If you wanna make a server to play with friends or family, that's PRIVATE, then do this. DO NOT make a public server without bukkit and its plugins. Just don't do it. Also, if you don't use it daily, and just sometimes to play, don't use bukkit. Trust me, from past experiences, it sucks.


My Life Story of Minecraft Servers

Once upon a time, ONE DAY IN THE SUMMER, I was on a server and it sucked. Like, hardcore. It was BAAAAAAAAAAAD as the sheep would say. Anyways, when I got off, I was like, "Hey, I should make my own server and get popular!" Yeah, its not that easy, at all... I used bukkit and it took me 2 hours to get it setup. Not to mention the other 2 hours to figure out what plugins to install and how. But the worst part... Oh my the very worst part.... Was trying to figure out... PERMISSIONS. I DON'T KNOW HOW MANY TIMES I HAVE FAILED TO USE THAT PLUGIN. I LOOKED FOR DAYSSSZSZSZ ON YOUTUBE TRYING TO FIGURE THE FLIPPIN THING OUT. And one day, I got it! I was so happy! Unfortunately, I still had to figure out how to protect my world. PFFT screw that. I started to build things. Awesome things. As if 1,000 people would come on daily. My cousin helped out a bit too. And we finished. The perfect server.

The saddest part is yet to come... I could't post it public because nothing was protected. I tried and tried but world guard wouldn't work with me. So alas, I only kept it up when I was on, and only white-listed people I knew. Even then I had to be on to make sure they didn't grief. (Trust no one.) So it always remained private. Always not used daily. I wasted my time and effort making the best server ever where I could troll some players on it. But it always remained private

Always forgotten.

I worked very hard on this blog! So remember to Diamond, Favorite, and subscribe!!!


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12/08/2013 1:33 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Scribe
Jiloacom's Avatar
Bukkit may take longer to setup, but it's worth it in the end, especially with all of the Anti Cheating plugins that are available to bukkit users.
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