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Journal Of A Griefer-Part 1

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MCGO's Avatar MCGO
Level 29 : Expert Dragonborn
Journal Of A Griefer- Part 1

Day 1- I helped many people build their house. It made them think I was actually a really good person, oh how wrong they are! I built a local reed and melon farm; to top it off I made a shrine to the server Admins.

Day 2- Today I improved the shrine, adding some glass I made and a few bricks. I still dono t have a home but they think Io m good enough to let me stay in some localso for a few more days.

Day 3- Today I started to build a house, and did a bit of o miningo using an X-Ray hack called Invisiblocks. It was so efficient and they suspected nothing! I found some iron and two blocks of gold! Now I have a good pick and axe, but only a wood sword.

Day 4- Today I finished my house, and it is great! It has windows two floors, and five rooms! I also got a hack that makes it so the game doesno t display my name in Multiplayer. I dug to bedrock level and made a hidden base, I can only find the entrance because I have Invisiblocks, and I hid some chests in the crevices of bedrock! So unsuspecting!
Day 4, Night- Last night I killed a few dozen creepers for that TNT Io m gunna use to grief. I mined enough sand and got enough gunpowder to make 40 TNT! I got some XP as well, so when Io m gunna strike, I can have enchanted items.

Day 5- Yawn, Io m tired from being up ALL night, I didno t sleep because of the zombies groaning. I think I might have a spawner nearby, but I haveno t looked with my X-Ray. There is a large cave under my house though, but the spawner I am not aware of, if there is one. I made my TNT and made a few flint & steels; I also made an enchanting table, and got some lava buckets. Io m gunna sleep early today. :*(

Day 6- JACKPOT! I found 34 diamonds today, but I slowly said I was finding them day to day so no suspicion was created. That was really al, I did today, but I did make my house a bit nicer.

Day 7- Today I went to the Nether for some blaze rods and magma cream. IT WAS FRIGGIN SCARY! The moaning of the Ghasts, the cries of the Zombie Pigmen, ugch. I never want to go back, but I will some day. I managed to get a stack and a half of Netherrack and half a stack of glowstone after I crafted it from powder.

Day 8-Today I did the last of my griefing preparedness. I gathered all of my materials and brought them to the Base. I also got a Command hack that doesno t display commands in server chat. I can teleport and hack items with no detection.

Day 9- I installed all my hacks and mods and said I had to quit Minecraft because my mom said I was behind on my grades. I made a new skin so Io m not recognized, and tomorrow it will be done.

Day 10- I am now ready to do my evils upon the server! No not the world quite yet, but soon. Mwahahaha! First I blew up the Adminso Houses, anonymously of course. Then I burned the remains, now there is nothing but nothing, wait did I say nothing twice? Now thato s three times I said nothing, wait for times! Screw it, I had fun! I will grief soon after they think ito s all a onetime deal!

Come back next week for part 2!



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01/18/2012 10:26 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Architect
epicsauce_'s Avatar
They can protect their houses (ress) or they can roll it back into the game and ban u.
Ur not very smart, make sure they only have one copy of the world. Some servers have like 10 backup copies
01/19/2012 4:37 pm
Level 29 : Expert Dragonborn
MCGO's Avatar
Wow, chill man, its a story, its not supposed to be the most realistic thing ever.
01/19/2012 5:03 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Architect
epicsauce_'s Avatar
srry, it should be that realistic though
01/18/2012 10:24 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Architect
epicsauce_'s Avatar
wow, amazing
01/18/2012 9:49 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
qscaxz2's Avatar
Great! Really loved it, and it was a good idea to move it to blogs because THE MODS ARE EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No offence meant to any staff, this is a amazing site
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