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Minecraft Bedwar All Tips & Tricks! 🎯

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Level 11 : Journeyman Miner
Minecraft Bedwar Tips & Tricks!

Teamwork (doesn't apply to Solo)

When you have a team, cooperating is very important.

-Use chat to talk and plan. Even something simple like "i protec bed" or "i attac red" will help a lot.
-Don't hog all the resources. Take whatever metals you need and put the rest in the chest, especially the diamonds.
-Be nice. Give some stuff to your teammates. Don't buy a second diamond sword for backup when your teammate has a stone sword.

I once had a Triples match where my team and I cooperated. All 3 of us used chat and wrote our plans. In the end, there were only 2 teams left: our team, and another team that cooperated. We won because we planned our attack (I gave everyone an ender pearl and we teleported together) while the enemy team had 1 guy shooting arrows and the other 2 guys trying to mine their own bed (NOTE: that's a bad strategy).


For teams, it's a good idea to have one person defending the bed at all times, unless you're attacking the last team alive together.

For solo, I recommend the "It's a trap!" upgrade. If you attack another team and destroy their bed, someone else might read the chat and realize that your own island is unprotected because you're at someone else's island.

Always protect the bed, even if it's just basic wool on top.

A cheap but highly effective bed protection is to buy 1 bit of end stone, 1 bit of wood planks, and maybe some wool. Put the end stone at the center, surround it with planks, and put wool on top. The wool can help hide the blocks inside, so when someone comes along and mines the wool, they won't have the tools for the blocks inside.[20:50]

At the very start, you can try and build a quick wool bridge to a nearby island and mine their bed. If you're bad at PvP (e.g. you have trouble hitting zombies) or the person(s) there bought end stone for their bed, this is a bad idea.

If you wait any longer, chances are they'll be much more prepared.

Then you'll have to buy some tools (at the VERY LEAST, buy a wooden pickaxe) and attack. Try and wait for when a team leaves their island, so you can run onto it, block off their bridge using strong blocks, and mine their bed while humming to a soothing song.[20:51]
Should you go to the center?

Simple answer? Yes.

If you don't, you won't be able to buy emerald items, so you'll have worse equipment when someone else ender pearls onto your island to take you out.

However, don't forget to take care of your bed. This is what I recommend a bed defense + "It's a Trap!" upgrade for.[20:52]

Wool is the cheapest and your go-to bridge-builder. Only use it as defense if the game just started.

Wooden planks and end stone are both good defenders.

Pros of planks - few people will buy an axe.
Cons of planks - doesn't take too long to mine with hands (though still much slower than wool).

Pros of end stone - extremely slow mining using bare hands.
Cons of end stone - in later stages, most people will have a pickaxe.

Do not buy Sandstone! Buy endstone instead. Endstone takes nearly quadruple the time to break using hand, and has over 11 times the blast resistance.

Obsidian - very strong but also kind of useless. "but it's the strongest block!" Yes, and it's also the most expensive. You can buy it if you have a lot of emeralds lying around, but otherwise don't, because even if you protect your bed, it'll still be automatically destroyed once the game enters deathmatch mode.
(Deathmatch mode is when a long time has passed since the game started, so it automatically destroys all beds to prevent a boring stalemate.)[20:53]
Stone sword - useless, just buy an iron sword instead.

Iron sword - not too expensive but still strong.

Diamond sword - strong, only buy if you have lots of emeralds or you're attacking someone's bed.

Help! My bed is destroyed!

Okay. Don't panic! You still have hope. Your main objective right now is to survive, with the secondary objective of revenge.

First, here's what you should do: Run. If you're at your island, whoever destroyed your bed will come back to finish you off. Run to the center and don't let anyone catch you. If a player keeps chasing you, fight them if you think you'll win. Then run to the nearest uninhabited island and hide. Try and get the best equipment you can.

Once you're decently equipped (at least iron sword + iron armor), run to the center and pick up some emeralds. Get some better equipment, then attack the nearest island. Keep this up, and remember to bridge safely. Only take fights that you know you'll win.

Alternatively, just keep hiding until Deathmatch mode, then nobody will have a bed anymore. Fight, and win!

Hope it Helped You! Keep Your PvP Skills Upp!My Youtube Channel --> SS VERIFIED!
CreditMy Youtube Channel --> SS VERIFIED

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• 12/14/2020 11:48 am
• Level 18 : Journeyman Ninja
GenjjaX's Avatar
This is a really helpful guide!

I have a few other suggestions

if you are really bad at PVP, you can lure your opponent to a bridge so that you try and knock them into the void instead of trying to fight them.

If you know you can't win a fight with another person in the endgame, try using strategy over skill. If your opponent is chasing you by a bridge, fireball the bridge to slow them down. If everyone's bed is broken and your opponent is right by the edge of a platform, try knocking them into the void.
Bows are also really effective (and annoying), but effective nonetheless so grab a bow and plenty of arrows.

TNT is also very underrated and can do many things other than breaking beds, they can blow up bridges by a large amount so that the opponent will have to build the bridge again, which slows them down. They also have a very large knockback power, so you can try placing TNT down where your opponent can't see it as a last resort, you never know what could happen with TNT. I won a game by accidentally using TNT.

Last suggestion, if you are playing in a game version higher than 1.10, use axes rather than swords, they are much more effective as they do more damage. However, if you are playing at 1.8, then use swords.
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