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Minecraft: Orion's conquest Chapter 1 Genesis

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Chrisbeta's Avatar Chrisbeta
Level 28 : Expert Warrior
Chapter 1

If you want to remain as a happy online Minecraft player
thinking that the world created by Notch and the rest of his crew is only an online game, then stop reading this story right now. Minecraft as you know it will change in the matter of a chapter. There are some things in this world that are kept away from the public and that are covered up by the media. All of the things that the creators of Minecraft if they are the true creators, aren't as truthful as they appear, all you know is what they told you. Have you ever wondered why they made Minecraft so similar to the real world. Why he just now starting to pre-release his beta's. Why does he not want herobrine in minecraft but wants endermen instead. Is Herobrine real? At this point you probably think I'm a psycotic minecraft conspiracist, but I consider myself a journalist, collect information and spreading the information were ever I can. We've been kept in the dark to long,its time to see the light. My name is Orion J. Johnson, and this is my story.

About when Minecraft was just starting alpha phase, my dad, Ezekiel, decided to apply to be a personal minecraft tester to test the stages before he releases them to the public. I was about twelve turning thirteen when he joined. He had to leave to test the game. He would leave for days, sometimes months before he would come back. When beta 1.8 release date was officially announced, I was excited because of all the new features and such. When my dad came home I told him about how excited and anxious I was for the new update ,but he gave me a blank, cold expression rather then a joyful one. I asked him what was wrong and he told me his services has expired but he still has one more time of testing before 1.8 is released. The next morning I woke up early to see my dad leave for his final days of working for Notch and he gave me a big hug before I left. I'm not sure if I was imagining thing but it seemed as if he was about to tear up or something. Anyways, when 1.8 came out I quickly updated my game and played it for hours. After playing it a lot, I waited two to three weeks for my dad to come home but he never did. I tried getting in contact with the Minecraft developers but they never respond. As time went by, I gave up on the search for my father and moved in with Grandma Beth who lived in North Carolina. After a while, I kinda forgot about Minecraft and focused more on school and my daily life until one day I got an email directly from Notch saying he needed help testing a new device strictly for Minecraft. With my grandma's permission, I left to the address which was in the email he had sent me. When I got there, there was a lady there waiting to escort me to the, apparently, underground testing facility for the special device. Me and four other kids by the names, Phillip, Rachael, Jackson, and Aaron were already there waiting for the final instructions. Before we started, some of the best skin makers in the world were there specifically called on to make us custom skins. When they got to me, I asked them if I could use a skin my dad made for me during beta 1.5. At first hesitant, a shady man with a black suit came in and confirmed the decision. At six pm on the dot, we were told to put on this wire like helmet on our head and to slowly count to ten backwards. When I did I fell asleep and had a dream that seemed to come straight out of my most sorrows of memories that was kept away for a long time. It was a dream of when my dad left me, the pain, chronic emptiness that was never filled. When I woke up, I was in a massive forest that took me ages to get out of. When I found my way out I found this village in the middle of nowhere. I looked to see if there were any villagers and what I found was shocking. It was the new NPC villagers from Minecraft. It took me a while to process this through my mind but before I came to a conclusion I had to look up into the sky to see the sun just to see it was a giant square.
That's when I realized, I'm not in the real world anymore, I am in the giant world of Minecraft.

To be continue.......

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Chrisbeta 02/10/2012 11:43:26 pmFeb 10th, 2012

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