This Blog is an entry in the completed Minedeas : Minecraft Idea Contest.

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Minedeas - Birds

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GrandTroll's Avatar GrandTroll
Level 10 : Journeyman Warrior

Have you ever looked up at the sky and noticed how dull it is?
Have you ever noticed how empty it is?
Have you ever noticed how repetitive it is?
Well this article is about my 'minedea' to make the Minecraft skies more lively and diverse.
The Initial 'Minedea':

Now, you may be thinking "Minecraft already has chickens, we don't need birds!" or even "What possibly could birds bring to Minecraft?" Well not much to be honest, but I am a strong believer in the saying 'Its the little things in life that matter most' life meaning Minecraft.
Small changes such as bats and sideways logs are two good examples of small things making a nice addition to Minecraft.

In Deph:

This 'Minedea' has many possibilities, for example different types of birds.
Types of birds that I think should be included:

- Crows
- Parrots
- Vultures

The Crow - Famously known for the term 'As the crow flies' describing their flight pattern to be as quick as possible and usually in a straight line. This bird was caged by sailors and used to find the closest bit of land. In Minecraft I think these birds would nest and roam in the following biomes:
- Plains
- Forest
- Extreme Hills
This bird would be tamable if you catch it with a cage, this leads on to another idea of having cages to be able to trap certain entities. The cage would require 4 iron bars in the shape of a square for its recipe.
Crows will drop feathers and is the only bird out of my list to drop a edible meat, although this meat does not replenish much hunger it is still something to eat. Different types of birds drop different colored feathers, the crow will drop black feathers. Finally this bird will roughly fly at anything between 10-20 blocks above ground level and nests can be found in trees and fly in flocks of up to 15 at a time.

The Parrot - These birds wouldn't serve as much of a purpose as the crows would, however this bird is a nice addition to the lifeless Jungle biome. This bird drops multiple colors of feathers such as green, yellow, red and blue and are much more rarer than the crow as they do not fly in flocks but travel alone instead. Parrots would fly roughly 10-20 blocks high above ground level from tree to tree and nest's will be harder to access as they are found on the top of Jungle trees meaning they are higher up.

The Vulture - A much bigger bird compared to the others, these birds are hostile and will attack near enough anything, however this bird does not do much damage at all (Same as a zombie) so they are more of a nuisance than a threat. These birds would be found in a desert biome and travel in groups of 2-4 circling there target and swooping down to attack. This bird is a great addition to desert biomes as it will give the player something to look out for making it more interactive. Vultures would drop brown feathers and fly much higher, roughly 20-35 blocks high.

Addition Info:

Colored feathers could possibly be used to make arrows perhaps look a bit different and colorful as the fletching of the arrow could be different colors.
Nests can be broken dropping anything from 1-5 sticks and a 2% chance of random loot such as a iron ingot etc.


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12/23/2012 8:23 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Ranger
bEn_derman's Avatar
Amazing! I was thinking of adding birds to!
12/23/2012 1:56 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Warrior
GrandTroll's Avatar
Cheers, really think this would be a nice addition to Minecraft!
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